
Chapter 4

Johan woke up a bit earlier than usual, he was such in a good mood that he felt like something good was about to happen. He started his day doing his morning routine. He went for his regular jog, had his breakfast then drove his car to his best friend's dorm. He called Jace's phone to inform him of his arrival.

"WTF dude its freaking 6 in the morning why are you so damn early." Jace said his morning voice was hoarse and dry as a result of his late night club hopping.

"You're the one who asked for a favor right? Are you gonna ignore me here and go back to sleep? I'd like to see you try." Johan snickered. He knows how important this favor from Jace is, so he's sure his best friend got no choice but to comply.

Sure enough Jace opened the door, his eyes got dark circle and he also got a messy bedhead. If his party friends can see him now they wont recognize him at all as he always looked prim and clean whenever he go out late at night.. Johan casually walked in and handed him a sandwich.

Jace can't helped but feel touched by his friends gesture. "he always acts cold and cocky but he also has a sweet side." he though then wolfed down the sandwich given by Johan.

Johan just sat down on the lounge sofa checking updates in his newsfeed as Jace went to take a shower, He then change into his usual graphic tshirt and skinny pants then headed to the study room. He carefully carried his thesis scaled model out to Johan's car. Jace was so cautious he even put a seatbelt on his precious model. Johan just looked at him and shook his head then drove towards the school. It only takes 5 mins for them to reached the Falafaux University gates.

Their school is renowned for being one of the top universities in A city. Most of the school's alumni are now famous and world known. Upon arriving, they were greeted by the Lady guard who was about to eat her breakfast sandwich standing by the guard house.

"Hey, why you're so early? school's not open before 7 o'clock." she asked, there's a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"good morning." Jace greeted her with a smile which seemed to have no effect on the guard who was eyeing him as if she has a built in scanner in her eyes.

"You see, I have a thesis project to submit today so we decided to come in early I can set it up and ahead of time and I don't want to ruin it just because I was rushing to get here today. You can look at the back and check. My model, its in the backseat. And its only 5 minutes before 7 can yoi let us pass please" he continued on he was really trying his best to sound convincing enough so the strict lady guard can let them in.

His class starts by 8am and he have no idea why Johan insisted on taking him to school this early. The guard still doubtful on Jace's reason then looked at Johan who just stare right back at her. His gaze makes her blush unconsciously. She cleared her throat then said.

"Alright, I'll let you two pass. But no monkey business got it.?" she had a funny looked on her face as if she was about to drool and flood the school gates. Johan smoothly drove past the gates towards the school's parking lot .

"Damn you and your face." Jace sneered he can't accept the fact that his charms didn't have any effect on the guard whereas his expressionless friend got to have his way by just staring.

"What the hell are you talking about?"



Since the university is still close, the parking lot is visibly empty. Only the sound of the janitor sweeping the fallen leaves at the school ground can be heard. Johan easily parked his car, they alighted then carefully carried the scaled model at the architecture bldg which is on the opposite side of the interior design department. As soon as they've reached Jace's classroom he sat down on the empty chair by the window.

"Im gonna catch some shut eyes, you can just take a seat here let's wait for my professor so he can check it, then grab some snack later alright?, thanks for helping me by the way man, I owe you one." Jace sleepily said, while slowly closing his eyes to sleep.

"It's fine, I'll be going then. " Johan replied heading towards the door.

"Going? Where are you off to?" Jace sleepily asked Johan.

"I'm just going to check things out. "

"I knew it, there's a reason why you insisted on going out so early today. Pssh. Fine, go!"


Author's note:

Thanks to maidabacarat, vie06, samrawit, 70550937, and lijjun for voting...Also a big shout out to rheipan for noticing my humble novel and to rumi <3 and to all who are reading it. Thanks ya'll for supporting. Your comments,views and voting means a lot to me. I will try my best to come up with a great story. And sorry if I don't have a regular updating schedule. I'm lazy LOL and busy (sometimes) anyway have a great time reading my novel guys. TYSM