
Everlight, Everbright

BakuDeku Fanfic- Wrote years ago, there might be some errors in places.

thomquack · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
4 Chs

Forgive and Forget - Chapter Three


Katsuki rolls out of bed at 4:30 a.m. "Aagh-" He yelps as he lands face first in a pile of clothes. Katsuki slowly sits up and rubs his eyes. "Today's the day!" He jumps up and runs downstairs, and out to the mailbox. Opening it, Katsuki's jaw drops. 3 letters from different schools. "Yes!" Katsuki shouts. Across the road a young male opens his bedroom window. "What's going on Kacchan?" The boy yells out the window. Katsuki looks up at the boy. "I'll come show you Deku!" Katsuki walks toward the other boy's house. "Wait! Put some pants on first!" Deku laughs. "That can wait, I'm coming over!" Katsuki runs to Deku's house. "Alright, I'm coming." Deku lets Katsuki inside. "Here, I got a pair of sweatpants for you. They're stained, but that's fine." Katsuki slides the sweatpants on. "Thanks."

"So, what's going on Kacchan?" Deku leads Katsuki to his room. "I got my acceptance letters! Want to open them with me?" Deku grabs his envelopes off his desk and sits down with Katsuki. "Ready?" Katsuki looks into Deku's eyes. Deku nods. "3..2..1!" They both rip into their letters.


Deku and Katsuki lay on Deku's bed under the covers, fast asleep. Katsuki shifts his way on top of Deku. "mm…" Katsuki opens his eyes to see a blur of skin under the covers. "Uhh.." Katsuki gets flustered while slowly sitting up. "Kacchan?" Katsuki looks up from the boy's body and their eyes meet. "H-Hey!" Katsuki covers himself in a blanket and starts to get up. "Wait, don't move." Deku sits up, exposing his bare body. He takes the blanket off Katsuki. "Kacchan, did we.." Deku's voice trails off. "I think so.." Katsuki turns red. Deku smiles and also turns red. Trying to avoid eye contact, Katsuki looks to his left and sees Deku's alarm clock. " Deku, it's 7:15!" Katsuki jumps out of bed and slides on boxers. "Ahh, fine." Deku gets up and puts on a pair of boxers. Katsuki looks out Deku's window at his driveway across the street. "My mother already left, so she probably locked the doors." Katsuki stops and turns towards Deku. "Have any spare clothes?" Katsuki smiles. Deku opens his closet door and rustles through his clothes. "I don't think I have anything you'd like.." Deku pulls out a plain pink t-shirt and khaki shorts. "Geez Deku, we are so going shopping someday after school." Katsuki grabs the clothes and puts them on. Deku gets dressed in a green sweater and black jeans. "How do I look?" Katsuki spins around. "Wait! I know what it needs." Deku runs to his dresser and pulls out a pair of black circle-framed glasses. "Deku, why do you still have these?" Katsuki takes and examines the glasses. "I thought you would lose your contacts..I know it's stupid." Deku reaches for the glasses. "Guess what?" Katsuki slides the glasses onto his face."I forgot my contacts at my house." Katsuki smiles and pushes the glasses up onto the bridge of his nose. "Let's go then." Deku grabs his letters and runs downstairs. "Wait for me!" Katsuki shouts as Deku opens the front door. Deku stops, causing Katsuki to walk into him. "Hey, why'd we stop moving?" Katsuki looks out in front of Deku. "A package?" Katsuki maneuvers his way around Deku and picks up the wide, flat box. "To: Mr. Izuku Midoriya." Katsuki continues to read. "Everlight Academy." Katsuki hands the box to Deku. "Open it." Deku carefully opens the box. "It's a uniform.." Katsuki picks up a small white card. "Look," He shows Deku. "It says 'wear this.'" Katsuki hands the note to Deku. "Weird, did you get one?" Deku and Katsuki look across the street at Katsuki's doorstep. "Looks like it, I'll go get it. You go put yours on." Katsuki runs across the street and up onto his doorstep to grab the box, while Deku goes inside and puts his on.


"Not gonna lie, this suits me way better than what you had." Katsuki straightens his red tie as he and Deku walk through the halls. "I thought you looked rather cute in my outfit." Deku stumbles from foot to foot. "Something wrong?" Katsuki looks down at Deku's feet. "Nothing, I'm just having a hard time walking in these shoes with a uh..sore back." Deku stops walking as Katsuki laughs. "You seem to be just fine with all of this," Deku motions to the uniforms. "You walk perfectly fine, like a model in heels." Katsuki takes Deku's arm and leads him into the class. "Let's just say I've been to my fair share of weddings. It's surprising how many weddings my mother's small planning business actually reels in." Katsuki sits in the middle of the class and Deku sits in the back. Both Katsuki and Deku know that their classmates are looking at them. "Hey Deku?" A round-faced girl pokes Deku's arm. "Why are you and Bakugo wearing the same fancy suits?" Deku shrugs. "We both found packages outside our houses from somewhere called Everlight Academy." Deku pulls out his notebook. "Everlight Academy!" The girl squeals. "That's the school of my dreams! Very prestigious."

"Strange, I don't remember applying for Everlight Academy." Deku rubs his chin in thought. "That's because you can't, they find you!" The girl sighs. "I'd give anything to go there." Deku looks up from his doodle and at the girl. "Don't worry Uraraka, I'm sure they'll find you." Deku pats Uraraka's head as a faint blush crosses her face. "Thanks Deku." Across the room, Katsuki pulls out his phone and looks up 'Everlight Academy.' He finds multiple fan websites but no official webpage. "Strange.." He turns his phone off and shoves it in his pocket. "Hey.." Katsuki looks up and sees Eijiro turned around to him. "Yeah?" Katsuki rolls his eyes. "I didn't know you wore glasses." Eijiro points to Katsuki's face. "Well, there's a lot of things you don't know about me." Eijiro shrugs and turns around.


Buzzz… Katsuki sneaks a peak at his phone. '1 New Message From: Eijiro.' Katsuki clicks on the message. 'Eijiro: hey, i miss u' A minute passes. 'Eijiro: want 2 have lunch together?' 2 minutes later Katsuki receives a kick from Eijiro's foot. Katsuki winces at the pain. "Excuse me, Mr.Tzou?" Mr.Tzou stops writing on the board. "Yes Mr.Bakugou?" He turns around. "May I please use the restroom?"

"Yes, you may." He turns back to the board. "Take the pass." Katsuki walks up and grabs the bathroom pass. "Thank you, Sir." With that Katsuki walks out into the hallway. Pulling out his phone he responds to Eijiro. 'Katsuki: what if i have plans?' Katsuki walks into the bathroom and scrolls through his contacts. 'Deku' "Great!" Katsuki texts Deku. 'Katsuki: hey, do you have plans for lunch?' Katsuki sends as he receives another text from Eijiro. 'Eijiro: who would you have plans with?' Katsuki waits for Deku to respond.


"Sir, can I go to the nurse? I think I have a migraine." Deku gathers his stuff. "Sure Mr.Midoriya. Be sure to take the pass." Deku grabs his phone and the hall passes and walks to the bathroom.

"Hey Kacchan, something up?" Deku walks in and places his stuff on the floor. "Deku! Eijiro wants to have lunch with me." Deku waits for Katsuki to finish. "Aand?" Deku walks up to Katsuki. "I told him I have plans." Katsuki pauses. "Do you want to have lunch with me, Kacchan?" Deku puts his hands on his hips. "Yes please." Katsuki blushes. "Like a date? Or does your back hurt too much?" Deku raises his hand to slap Katsuki but Katsuki catches it in the air and pulls Deku closer. Katsuki leans in to kiss him. "It's a date then." Deku whispers before Katsuki places his lips on Deku's. Melting into the kiss, Deku kisses Katsuki back. Finally pulling apart, Katsuki texts Eijiro back. 'Katsuki: I have plans with Deku.' Deku picks up his stuff. "I'll head to the nurse and get painkillers for my back pain. Katsuki snickers. "Good luck, I'll head back to class." With that the boys split ways.


"Hey, Bakugo! Wait up!" Eijiro runs after Katsuki as he leaves the room. "What do you want?" Katsuki stops and turns around. "Why do you have plans with Midoriya? You don't even like him!" Deku walks into Eijiro's view as he finishes his sentence. 'I'll get Midoriya upset and he'll leave suki!' "Cmon, you can say it right here. You love me and hate him." Katsuki sighs and looks off to the wall while Eijiro looks back at Deku and smiles. "You aren't wrong," Katsuki pauses. Deku gasps, and goes to step forward as Katsuki finishes his thought. "But you're not exactly correct either. You see, I loved you and I hated him. Before I figured out that you're a jerk and he isn't as annoying as I told you he was." Katsuki runs his hair through his hands. "Whatever," Eijiro scoffs and brushes past Katsuki. "He loves me" Eijiro mouths as he walks past Deku. Deku smiles and walks up behind Katsuki. "How annoying did you say I was?" Deku whispers as he wraps his arms around Katsuki's waist. "You heard that?" Katsuki mumbles. "Mhm. I heard everything. I never thought of Kirishima as the jerk type." Deku nuzzles his face into Katsuki's neck. "It doesn't matter now."