
Ever after by Emmelina Clotilde

A mature female lead who knows what she wants and the story of her struggles, success, growth and healing. Its not just about love, its about family, career, society, system and the biggest question of all to be or to not to be? Avril is a half-French and half-Indian girl who is trying to navigate life without her parents' guidance while fending off herself from her petrifying enemies. She is a military-affiliated doctor in India, who has finally connected to her other side of ethnicity after 18 years. Aimé is an orphan who lost his parents in a strange accident when he was just a child. He lives with his only close family- his grandfather on the outskirts of town in Valencia, Spain. He is half-Spanish and half-French and meets Avril in his last summer of high school in France. He is a business major and plans to expand his business globally in pharmaceuticals and insurance. This story has everything the tags promise however it would take some time to really understand and some development in the story to show. You would see it in the upcoming chapters so stay tuned.

Emmelina_Clotilde · Thành thị
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18 Chs

New beggining

I reached home and started packing up my suitcase, I probably wouldn't come back to this house I had only stayed at for a few months, and thus made sure I packed and sealed all unwanted stuff and gave up the unexpired food for donation. It took a few hours to do all of that and settle all other pending accounts and subscriptions. I finally decided to head over to my aunt's place and by then it should've probably been halfway through Aime's journey back home. I hadn't gotten any text from him as of yet and it seemed wrong but then again he must've been tired and fallen asleep so I just decided I would text him once I got back. 


I knocked on my aunt's doorstep and she opened the door, even my uncle was home right now. She welcomed me in but the atmosphere seemed to turn ice cold and gloomier with each step I took. 

Avril: How are you? I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier. 

Aunt: No, no it's alright. It's completely understandable after what happened. Why don't you sit down? I'll bring you some snacks, huh?

Avril: No that's quite alright I need to leave for the flight to my college soon now. I just had come to say my last goodbyes since I don't know when I'll be back here again and also to thank you for being there for me after what happened.

Aunt: You are like a daughter to me Avril there's no way I wouldn't have done whatever I did after all she was my beloved little sister too. And even after this whenever you need us we will always be there so don't hesitate to ask us for anything.

Uncle: Also, which college are you going to? Was it Cambridge?

Avril: Thanks a lot for that but I can't tell you where I am going. We both know that might just put both of us in more danger and I don't want to see anyone getting hurt again for reasons I can't even fathom

Aunt: That's right she'll tell us when the time is right. Don't worry and go ahead. Let us know if you need any help with the documentation or even packing ok?

Avril: Oh all that bit is already done and when I said soon I meant in a few hours not a few days.

Aunt: Oh really then you shouldn't be here. Go pack all your stuff and what about the house?

Avril: I have already taken care of all that. Well then see you one day I guess.

Aunt: yeah… Bye, take care! Stay safe.

Avril: (I don't know if I am capable of that but whatever) You too.

I caught a cab and left the house soon after. I think I probably saw Alaine watch me struggle with my heavy suitcases and then drive away but it was already late into dusk so I couldn't make out who exactly it was. I reached the airport soon and decided to go through the customs and then take some rest until the flight took off. But by the time they were done with me only a few minutes were left and I soon had to board the plane. I kept my carry-ons in the space above my seat and set near the window. It was around 2 am now and was falling asleep and waking up again and again because of the passenger beside me who couldn't carry his headphones or earbuds to watch the news.

The news bulletin that kept buzzing in the background had quickly lit up now and breaking news flashed across the screen. The guy then increased the volume. The news flashed in big bold words while the news reporter was baffled and confused while delivering the headlines as if it was all too sudden for him too.

"TEENAGER STABBED IN THE ABDOMEN 29 TIMES ON AN INDIRECT TRAIN FROM FRANCE TO SPAIN. The assault weapon seemed to be a kitchen knife and the passengers were unable to identify the assailant"


I obviously jolted right awake when I heard the words "France to Spain" and "teenager." I took the phone out of his hands while fidgeting with the small screen trying to figure out who it was. When did it happen? and most importantly if that person was alive? The passenger was angry with me and mumbling something while calling the stewardess, however, I couldn't care less about him or anyone or anything at that moment. Finally, the news showed the victim's face and mentioned that if his relatives saw this, they immediately visit the XYZ hospital as he was in a critical condition. The news then went on about how the police are investigating the case and trying to catch the criminal as soon as possible but all I was thinking was how the fuck do I get out of this plane. 

I had no choice but to go crazy so that maybe, maybe they might turn the plane over and hand me over to the authorities in France, but instead, I was restrained on a seat and banned from flying for 5 years. Yes, I had caused that much of a ruckus that all the airlines didn't want to book me a flight for the next five years straight. Looking back, I should've just stayed put and taken another flight home from Frankfurt. I never once received a call back from Aime again nor were any of my texts ever even read after that. I didn't know if he was alive or not since the news channels never covered anything about him after that. Even after I reached India and asked Lawrence to look for him in the hospital and even at his home in Spain he was never found. No one at his home was informed if he was alive or dead by the hospital nor did it have any of his records of arrival or discharge and somehow he had vanished before the police could even register his case.


I reached India in tears and the whole sky there was crying all over the place too, the air was cold and the people spoke a foreign language that I knew but could process only with difficulty. I was charged a hefty fine by the airlines and kicked out. I just started walking aimlessly in the rain until a few goons started catcalling me. I realized I had reached a shady part of the city and that there was no one around. I had a gun in one of my suitcases stacked and hidden away in parts so that it wasn't discovered and I obviously didn't have enough time for getting that out before these people started harassing me. I did have a knife in my checked luggage but I still needed time to open the seal and then further unlock the suitcase. 

Guy: (whistles)oi gori raat mei akele akele kaha bhatak rahi hoo?

Guy: hum company de? Kya hua boyfriend se break up ha?

Guy: are! Are! aise kaise jane de tumhe akele? yaha toh dekho. 

Avril: Saale chup chap nikal yahase, tere jaise l***e ke saath baat karne ke liye waakt nhi hai mere paas!

He then proceeded to grab my hand and then tried to touch me when I slammed my head against him and knocked him unconscious while his friends were too stunned to speak I threw some soil in their eyes and then body-slammed the other dude while grabbing his knife. I knew how to use a knife so I managed to open up their stomach before making a run for it but the other guy had regained consciousness and had grabbed me by my hair and pulled me until I fell to the ground. I still somehow managed to hold his hand before he held mine and then proceeded to kick him in the guts but my knife had fallen over to the other side and I didn't even know which part of the city I was in, in order to scream for help or pray that more help doesn't arrive. While I was struggling I heard a crowd of people in the background and shouted for help thinking fuck it. Then I spitted in his eyes and the third time he had to finally let go and rub his eyes, that's when grabbed the knife and accidentally stabbed him in the neck. He seemed like he would die and I panicked so I took one of their phones and called the emergency services stating that there was a major ruffle, some people escaped while the rest were severely injured. I too seemed to have a broken ankle and a concussion from falling over and of course many minor and major bruises and cuts but I was too numb to it all. At first, I thought it was the adrenaline but maybe it was just depression.

After about 15-20 minutes of running blindly in the dead of night, I reached an intersection where there was finally some traffic, I tried hitchhiking but failed each time until I saw an army officer's car stop by which took me in. I no longer had any of my belongings or money only some cash I had stashed sometimes in my mobile case but they were in Euros.


Officer: Have you calmed down a bit now?

Avril: yeah, yeah thanks a lot for the ride but where are we going?

Officer: I can drop you off anywhere you want but I'm heading towards Talwad.

Avril: Oh really? I'm heading there too, I have no cash on me right now but once I reach there I can manage to pay you after I connect to my bank account.

Officer: No that's alright, I'll just think of it as car-pooling. Do you need some water?

Avril: Oh no I'm fine.

Officer: ok.


He didn't say a word after that and I was grateful for that. I was still half-drenched when I had sat in his car so the seat was almost damp now. I was shivering and he was considerate enough to turn on the heater even though it was probably boiling hot for him then. I should've been wary of him but seeing him maintain his distance and working on his phone I ended up drifting to sleep somehow. When he woke me up it was already nearing dawn and we had reached on the outskirts of Talwad.

Officer: So where exactly are you heading to since I don't think there are many tourist destinations here.

Avril: Oh no I'm half-Indian and I have enrolled myself in a medical college here, it's called KPM. Do you know where it is?

Officer: I suppose everyone living in Sairon knows where it is and as a matter of fact I am heading there.

Avril: Oh, do you study there? You look too young to be a professor so…

Officer: haha, I am in my second last year of medical school, I was just coming back from vacation.

Avril: Oh really? Well then you will be my senior, let me introduce myself well- I am Avril my full name will be Avril Vaidehi Verma Duhamel. My mom was French you see. Well, you can call me Vaidehi only if you want.

Officer: That's interesting, I am Arun, Arun Sharma.

Avril: Also, I am grateful to you for giving me the ride, if in the future you ever need my help I will always be glad to help. Of course, I'm still going to pay you back since you gave me a whole 5 hours of lift with no questions asked.

Arun: As I said earlier it is quite alright, it wasn't that big of a deal. So, see you around then, take care.

Avril: You're too kind, well bye then! 

Everything I did after that was blurry, the staff there identified me first then told me all the due procedures and instructed me to sign some papers and fill in the rest. I did everything blindly without reading anything with a conscious effort, my admission would still be delayed since I had to prepare some physical copies of Indian documents and other registrations that I had only done online.

A few days went by I got settled in my dorm room and the orientation which was compulsory but I didn't feel like wearing a dress to, had gone by and the first day of my long-awaited med school had come. The college where my dad wanted to see me go and from where I could become a capable doctor for my mom. There frankly wasn't any more reason to go to, I could go fall off a cliff at any moment and no one would notice or look for me now. Now, I realized that I was in a different country far away from what was home, where languages changed from one place to another like people changed their clothes each day. Where there was always so much rush and chaos that you didn't get time to even think where you wanted to go or what you were supposed to do next. Every day here felt like a struggle from learning to drive the streets again, local idioms and sign languages along with the bargaining, etc.