

As a wolf in the pack, I could feel the power and strength coursing through my body. Together with my brothers, we were a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected in the forest. But when we came face to face with the Ancient One, a European vampire, our confidence was shaken. The predator's dark red eyes held a kind of fearless intensity that made us all pause. We knew that we were facing a creature with centuries of experience and supernatural abilities that we could not match. Even as a pack of wolves, we were no match for this ancient vampire. In that moment, I couldn't help but think about my life and how it had led me to this moment. Being a wolf was a good life, a life of brotherhood and loyalty. It was almost holy in a way. But facing this predator made me realize that there was so much more to the world than I had ever imagined. I knew that if we hadn't come to Forks, we wouldn't be in this situation now. But despite the fear that was coursing through me, I couldn't bring myself to end this life. I felt that there was something bigger at play, that there was a purpose to this encounter that I couldn't yet understand. The Ancient One's friendly, creepy smile only served to make me more uneasy. This vampire was unlike any creature we had ever encountered before. With his supernatural abilities, he could easily take us down. As he decided to run away, I couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lay ahead of us in this new, unknown world.

Xander1987 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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9 Chs


As a newcomer to Forks, I was grateful that I didn't stand out too much. With a population of just over four thousand people, it was important to blend in and not draw too much attention to ourselves. After the birth of twins. I had become a fitness enthusiast, and my dedication to running and gym workouts had helped me build strong muscles and maintain my physical health. But despite my strength, the emotional toll of starting a new life in a new place was not to be underestimated.

It wasn't until we had been living in our new home for two weeks that I began to feel more settled and comfortable. The view of the surrounding forests and mountains had become my source of inspiration and calmness. It made me feel like we had finally found our home.

One day, Harry surprised us buy suggesting shopping, and the kids were over the moon with excitement. They couldn't wait to go out and explore the town in their new ride. We decided to make a family trip to the shops in Forks to get the kids some new school supplies and clothes. As we drove through the winding roads of the forest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for our new life.

"Alright, kids, we need to talk about your admission to school," I said, breaking the silence. "Megan and Sophie will be attending middle school, and Keri and Kame will start their kindergarten year."

Megan immediately expressed her nerves about starting middle school, and Sophie agreed, but they promised to stick together. Keri and Kame were excited to make new friends and learn how to read. Harry was already asking about clubs and sports teams he could join.

"Absolutely," I said, trying to reassure them all. "We can look into that once we get settled in. And we can decorate your lockers, but we'll have to stick to the dress code. We'll see what the school policy is on show-and-tell and recess, but I'll make sure to ask."

At the shops, the kids were excitedly picking out new things for school. Megan and Sophie were nervous about starting middle school, but they promised to support each other. Keri and Kame were thrilled to be starting kindergarten, and they couldn't wait to make new friends and learn new things. As they shopped, Harry and I talked about his interests and hobbies. He was eager to find some new clubs or sports teams to join in town. The kids chimed in with their own requests.

It was heartwarming to see their enthusiasm for their new school and community. We loaded up the car with bags full of new supplies and clothes, and I felt a sense of hope and optimism for our future in Forks. As we drove back home, the kids chattered excitedly about their new school and all the things they were looking forward to. I couldn't help but feel proud of them and grateful for the chance to start a new life in this beautiful place.

The next day, I decided to explore the town on my own, leaving Harry in charge of the children. My first stop was the hospital. I wanted to ensure that in case of any medical emergency,

I walked into the hospital, and a young woman was sitting behind the enquiry counter. She looked up and greeted me with a warm smile. "Hello, how can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm new in town, and I wanted to know about the medical facilities available here," I replied.

"Sure, we have a state-of-the-art hospital here in Forks. We have a pediatric unit, a cardiac unit, and an emergency room that's open 24/7. Is there anything specific you need to know?"

"I just wanted to know if you have all the necessary equipment and expertise to handle any medical emergency," I said.

"Yes, we do. Our hospital has the latest medical equipment, and our doctors are highly skilled and experienced," she replied.

Just then, a man with golden eyes walked up to us. "Hello, I'm Carlisle Cullen, one of the doctors here," he said, introducing himself.

"Hi, I'm Max. I was just inquiring about the medical facilities here," I said, extending my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Max. Is there anything specific you need to know?" he asked.

"I just wanted to make sure that the hospital is well-equipped to handle any medical emergency," I said.

"Yes, we have all the necessary equipment and expertise to handle any emergency," he replied.

"I have four children - Harry, Megan, Sophie, and Keri and Kame are twins. Keri and Kame are allergic to dog fur, and Harry is still growing. Sophie is going through puberty, and I just wanted to know if there are any specialists in the town for her," I explained.

"I understand. Well, we do have a pediatrician who can attend to your children's medical needs. And for Sophie, we have a gynecologist who can help her through the changes she's experiencing. As for Keri and Kame, we can take extra precautions to ensure that they don't come into contact with any dog fur," he replied.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Cullen. I really appreciate your help," I said, feeling relieved that my children's medical needs would be taken care of.

"You're welcome, Max. And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out," he said, before heading back into the hospital.

As Carlisle and I walked down the hospital corridor, I couldn't help but notice a strange scent. It was faint but it lingered in the air. I wrinkled my nose, trying to identify the source of the smell. "Is everything alright?" Carlisle asked, noticing my expression. "Yes, everything is fine," I replied, still trying to place the scent. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" he asked politely. "No, thank you. I think I have all the information I need," I said, dismissing the scent as unimportant.

Next, I went to the school administration office to complete the enrollment process. The secretary greeted me warmly and handed me a stack of forms to fill out. While I was filling out the forms, I struck up a conversation with her.

Me: Can you tell me a little bit about the school building and its facilities?

Secretary: Of course! Our school is a two-story building with classrooms, a library, a cafeteria, and a gymnasium. We have a large playground outside for recess, and a computer lab for students to use.

Me: That sounds great. My children are very active, so I think they'll enjoy having access to a gym and playground.

Secretary: Oh, they'll love it here. We have a very diverse student body, and we pride ourselves on our sense of community.

Me: That's wonderful to hear. Speaking of my children, can I tell you a bit about them? I want to make sure they're placed in the right grades.

Secretary: Of course, please do.

Me: That's fantastic. Speaking of my children, I wanted to mention a bit about them. My eldest, Harry, turned 16 this summer and is very interested in science and technology. He's also very outgoing and loves to make friends.

Secretary: Based on his interests, I think he would do well in our 11th-grade science program. We also have a technology club that meets after school, which he might enjoy.

Me: That sounds perfect. What about my 14-year-old daughter, Megan?

Secretary: Megan is very musical, and we have a great choir program that she could join. We also have a drama club that puts on a play every year.

Me: That's great to hear. What about my 12-year-old daughter, Sophie?

Secretary: Sophie would be in 7th grade, and she might be interested in our soccer team or our art club.

Me: Okay, thanks. And what about my five-year-old twin sons, Keri and Kame?

Secretary: Keri would start kindergarten, and we have a great teacher who loves working with young children. Kame would also start kindergarten and could benefit from our reading program that helps kids learn to read at a young age.

Me: That all sounds perfect. Thank you so much for your help.

Secretary: Of course, anytime. Do you have any questions about the enrollment process?

Me: Actually, yes. Is there anything else I need to provide besides these forms?

Secretary: Yes, we'll need copies of your children's birth certificates, proof of residency, and their previous school records if they have any.

Me: Okay, I'll make sure to get those for you. Is there anything else I should know about the school?

Secretary: Well, we have a very active parent-teacher association, and we encourage parents to get involved in their children's education. We also have a school counselor who is available to help students with any personal or academic issues they may be facing.

Me: That's good to know. Thank you for all of the information.

Secretary: You're welcome. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me or the principal.

Me: Will do. Thanks again.

After finishing up the paperwork, I was feeling more confident about children's enrollment in the school. I left the office and walked around the school grounds, taking in the sights of the two-story brick building and the expansive playground. I couldn't wait for my children to start their new school in Forks.

After finishing up with the school, I did some personal shopping before heading to a diner for lunch. While at the diner, I noticed the local sheriff looking at me intently, as if he recognized me from somewhere. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking and why he seemed to be remembering something. Feeling curious, I decided to strike up a conversation with him.

Me: Hi, Sheriff. Mind if I join you for a chat?

Sheriff: Not at all. Please, have a seat.

Me: Thanks. So, how's the day treating you so far?

Sheriff: It's been a quiet day so far, which is always a good thing in my line of work. How about you?

Me: Not too bad. Just trying to get my bearings in this new town.

Sheriff: I know how that feels. I'm Charlie, by the way. Charlie Swan.

Me: Nice to meet you, Charlie. I'm Max.

Charlie: So, what brings you to Forks?

Me: I just moved here with my family. Trying to get settled in and figure out the lay of the land, so to speak.

Charlie: Ah, I see. Well, if you need any help or advice, don't hesitate to ask.

Me: Thanks, I appreciate it. Say, I hope you don't mind me asking, but I couldn't help but notice that you seemed to recognize me earlier.

Charlie: Oh, that? Yeah, sorry about that. It's just that you bear a striking resemblance to someone I used to know long ago. But I couldn't place the name to that face or any other details.

Me: Really?

Charlie: Yes. So, what brings your family to Forks?

Me: Well, my husband and I got divorced and I thought it would be a nice change of scenery for all of us.

Charlie: I hear you. Forks isn't the most exciting place, but it's got its charms. Like this diner, for example. The food here is always great.

Me: Yes, I have to agree with you there. I already made lunch for my children before leaving the house, but I couldn't resist stopping by for a quick bite myself.

Charlie: What do you have?

Me: I had the BLT sandwich, and it was delicious.

Charlie: Ah, classic choice. I'm more of a burger guy myself.

Me: Well, maybe next time I'll have to try one of those.

After finishing our meals, we chatted a bit more before parting ways. Charlie seemed like a friendly and helpful guy, and I was grateful for the conversation.

I walked into the house, and the twins came running to meet me. "Mommy, mommy!" they shouted. I bent down to pick them up, hugging them tightly. "Hey, my little ones," I said, kissing their foreheads.

As I walked into the living room, Harry, Megan, and Sophie were all sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"Hey, guys," I said, smiling at them. "I have some news."

"What is it, Mom?" Harry asked.

"I went to the school in Forks today to enroll all of you,"

"How was it? Were the teachers and staff friendly?" Harry asked.

"Yes, everyone was very nice. They asked me a lot of questions about you all to make sure they could place you in the right grade,"

Megan looked curious. "What grade will I be in?" she asked.

"You will be in 9th grade with the other kids your age,"

Sophie piped up. "And what about me?"

"You will be in 7th grade, Sophie,"

Keri looked up at me. "What about us, Mommy?" she asked.

"You boys will start kindergarten, just like you would have if we were still living in our old house,"

Kame grinned excitedly. "Yay! I can't wait to make new friends!" he said.

Harry had a question. "How is the school compared to our old school?"

"Well, it's a smaller school than our old one, but it has a good reputation. And I heard they have a great music program, Megan,"

Megan's face lit up. "That's awesome! I can't wait to join the choir," she said.

Sophie looked thoughtful. "I heard they have a good soccer team too," she said.

I nodded and said. "Yes, they do. And Harry, I talked to the principal about your interest in science, and he said they have a great science program," she said.

Harry's face lit up with excitement. "That's great, Mom. Thanks for doing that," he said.

Keri had a question. "Mommy, do we have to go to school?"

I smiled gently and said. "Yes, Keri, it's important to go to school to learn new things and make new friends,"

Kame was enthusiastic. "And we can play with toys and color!" he said.

I chuckled and said. "Yes, and you boys will have a lot of fun in kindergarten,"

Sophie was eager. "When do we start?" she asked.

"The first day of school is in seven weeks. We have plenty of time to get ready," I replied.

Harry and Megan both spoke up at once. "Thanks for taking care of everything, Mom," they said.

I smiled warmly and said. "Of course, I want to make sure you all have the best experience possible in your new school."

Me: By the way, I met some interesting people today. When I went to the hospital, I bumped into a doctor named Carlisle Cullen. He was very kind and helped me with some paperwork.

Sophie: A doctor? Is he famous?

Me: Actually, he is quite well known in the medical community for his work.

Megan: That's so cool! Did you get to talk to him more?

Me: Yes, we had a brief conversation. He's very knowledgeable and humble.

Harry: That's amazing, Mom. I'd love to meet him someday.

Me: You might just get the chance.

Kame: Can we go now, Mommy?

Me: Not today, Kame. We need to settle down first. But we'll visit him soon.

Sophie: That sounds like fun. Do you think we could make new friends here?

Me: Definitely. We just have to put ourselves out there and be open to meeting new people.

Me: And Next, I met a police officer named Charlie at the diner where I had lunch.

Harry: Is he nice, Mom?

Me: Yes, he's a very kind man. He offered to show us around town and gave me some tips on where to go for groceries and other necessities.

Keri: Can we go to his house?

Me: We'll see, Keri. We don't want to impose on him too much. But he's definitely a good resource for us to have in this new town.

Overall, my experience in Forks was turning out to be quite intriguing. I had met some interesting people and learned a little about their lives. I couldn't wait to see what other surprises the town had in store for me.