

As a wolf in the pack, I could feel the power and strength coursing through my body. Together with my brothers, we were a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected in the forest. But when we came face to face with the Ancient One, a European vampire, our confidence was shaken. The predator's dark red eyes held a kind of fearless intensity that made us all pause. We knew that we were facing a creature with centuries of experience and supernatural abilities that we could not match. Even as a pack of wolves, we were no match for this ancient vampire. In that moment, I couldn't help but think about my life and how it had led me to this moment. Being a wolf was a good life, a life of brotherhood and loyalty. It was almost holy in a way. But facing this predator made me realize that there was so much more to the world than I had ever imagined. I knew that if we hadn't come to Forks, we wouldn't be in this situation now. But despite the fear that was coursing through me, I couldn't bring myself to end this life. I felt that there was something bigger at play, that there was a purpose to this encounter that I couldn't yet understand. The Ancient One's friendly, creepy smile only served to make me more uneasy. This vampire was unlike any creature we had ever encountered before. With his supernatural abilities, he could easily take us down. As he decided to run away, I couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lay ahead of us in this new, unknown world.

Xander1987 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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9 Chs


Ever since Billy Black found out that he's my father, he's been calling me every day. He even called his daughters to let them know about me, and they promised to come visit soon. It's nice to have some family after all these years, and I'm glad Billy is making an effort to be there for me.

But there's something about Jacob that's been irritating me. He comes over all the time, wearing shorts even in the cold weather. He steals food from the twins and growls at them like it's some kind of game. I don't understand what he's trying to do.

Harry has tried to scare Jacob off, but he doesn't seem to care. The twins are always afraid that someone will steal their food, so I started leaving food out for Jacob. But he still takes from them. It's all starting to make me uncomfortable. The girls in the house practically jump out of their seats when he comes around. After a few days, though, it became a normal thing. The twins always look around when they eat, like they're afraid someone will steal their food. I started leaving food out for Jacob so he wouldn't take from the twins, but he still does it anyway.

After few days, Billy and whole family came to house. And Billy was carrying a paper. At that time I understood that test confirmed our suspicion and I sat down in my sofa and looked at the paper. It is said that Jacob and me are siblings. I looked at confusedly Billy and then Jacob.

Jacob said "My blood was with Doctor so he tested based on that."

Same time Billy scowled angrily. And I nodded and I noticed Billy particularly doesn't like Carlisle.

Rachel and Rebecca came forward and introduced themselves to me. I also introduced them to my children, who came down to meet everyone. Rachel looked at Harry and said, "I can't believe it, you look just like Dad." Rebecca was excited to see the twins and tried to kiss them, but they avoided her and ran to Rachel. They sniffed something and then jumped onto my lap.

We all laughed, and Billy and Jacob were amused by the twin's behavior. Rachel looked at me questioningly and smelled herself.

Then Billy and Jacob started laughing. And I laughed with them.

Both sisters asked "what?"

In the mildest of laugh I explained to them about twin's behavior and their allergy about dogs. And then Rachel also started laugh.

But Rebecca asked "Do us a have a dog in our house"

And Billy again laughed so hard that he almost coughed.

He said that "Sam has a dog and he always comes to Rachel and house."

And then Jacob again started laughing.

Rachel smiled and called Billy" Dad stop it".

After the laughing so much we sat together and I told Harry to bring photo Album. We sat together and told them about children. In midst Harry and girls tried to protest against saying embarrassing stories but we continued. Jacob was smiling smugly and looking at Harry.

And then Rachel brought out a photo album, and we all sat together looking at the pictures. Rachel told us so many stories about Jacob that we all ended up laughing at his expense.

Rachel is a strong, independent woman who has achieved a lot in her career, but she still values her family and tribal traditions. She loves Jacob like a son and talks about him with pride. Rebecca is more outgoing and adventurous, with a rebellious streak. She loves her family and enjoys adrenaline-fueled activities.

Time went by and they said goodbye and left but I told Billy to wait. And so Jacob also waited. And I asked hesitantly, to Billy" Can you come with me to Seattle to visit mom."

Billy said" Ok, we will go together. And I will ask Charlie to find out the location and we will go after that"

Then Jacob and Billy left.

At night, we sat around the campfire, enjoying our dinner as the night sky grew darker. Megan and Sophie giggled as they listened to Harry's spooky stories, but the twins huddled together, their eyes wide with fear.

Just then, Jacob Black appeared out of nowhere, wearing shorts and surprising everyone.

"I think we have to put a bell on your neck so we don't have any surprises," Harry joked.

"I came to think," Jacob explained, rolling his eyes.

"Liar," Harry muttered under his breath.

Ignoring Harry, Jacob turned to the children with a mischievous grin.

"I have a story to share, but be warned - it's a scary one."

Before he began, he sang a song in the Quileute language, reminding them of their connection to their ancestors and each other:

Nakutsk - I am here

Nakutsk - I am here

Məənətíəmən - Our ancestors

Kətíəmən - Our descendants

Nakutsk - I am here

Nakutsk - I am here

Long ago, when our people lived in harmony with the forest and the animals, there were creatures known as the Cold Ones. They were not like us - they were immortal, with skin as hard as diamond and strength beyond measure. They hunted not for survival, but for pleasure.

Our ancestors knew to stay away from the Cold Ones, for they were dangerous and unpredictable. But sometimes, the Cold Ones would venture too close to our territory, and a war would break out.

The first time our people encountered the Cold Ones was when they hunted one of our tribesmen. He fought bravely, but he was no match for their power. When they were finished with him, they left him in the forest as a warning to others.

Our elders knew that the Cold Ones were not to be trifled with, but the young warriors of the tribe could not resist the challenge. They set out to hunt the Cold Ones, to show them that we were not afraid.

But the Cold Ones were too strong, too fast. They outmaneuvered our warriors, striking with lightning speed and disappearing into the forest before we could retaliate. Our people suffered many losses in those early battles.

As time went on, our elders realized that we could not defeat the Cold Ones through brute force. We needed a different strategy. And so, they called upon the help of the Spirit Warriors.

The Spirit Warriors were our ancestors who had passed on, but remained connected to us through the spirits of the forest. They were wise and powerful, and they knew the secrets of the Cold Ones.

Through a ceremony that lasted three days and three nights, the elders summoned the Spirit Warriors to guide us in battle. They taught us to fight with strategy and cunning, to use the forest to our advantage.

And so, with the Spirit Warriors at our side, we engaged the Cold Ones in battle once more. This time, we were ready. We struck from the trees, using the cover of darkness to surprise them. We fought as a unified force, each warrior covering the other's weaknesses.

In the end, we were victorious. We drove the Cold Ones from our territory, and they never returned. But we knew that they still existed, somewhere out there in the world. And so, we remained ever vigilant, ready to defend ourselves should they ever return.

One day, our tribe encountered a group of outsiders who had come to live in the forest. They were different from any outsiders we had seen before. Their skin sparkled in the sunlight, and they had a certain grace and elegance to their movements.

At first, we were wary of these outsiders, as we were of all outsiders who came to our land. But as time went on, we began to observe them from a distance. We saw that they did not hunt as other outsiders did. They only harm the animals in the forest not the people in any way.

Eventually, we made contact with the outsiders, and we discovered that they were a family who had come to live in the area. They had chosen to live in the forest because of its beauty and its peacefulness. They had no intention of harming anyone.

We were still cautious, but we were also curious about these outsiders. We began to talk with them and to learn about their ways. And over time, we came to an understanding.

We made a pact with the outsiders. We agreed that they could live in our territory, as long as they followed our rules. They were not to hunt in our lands, or to harm any of the people we are protecting. They were not to reveal themselves to any outsiders who did not already know of their existence.

In return, we promised not to reveal their existence to the outside world. We would keep their secret, and they would keep ours.

This pact has held strong for many years. Our tribe and the outsiders have learned to coexist peacefully, respecting each other's ways and boundaries. We do not interfere in their affairs, and they do not interfere in ours. And the forest remains a place of beauty and peace, for both our people and the outsiders who have come to call it home.

The story of the Cold Ones is one of caution and respect. We respect their power and their immortality, but we know that they do not have the connection to the forest and the spirits that we do. We know that our strength lies not in our individual power, but in our unity and our connection to the world around us. The children listened with rapt attention as Jacob wove a tale of the Quileute wolf pack and their battles with the Cold Ones (Vampires). He added sound effects and gestures to make the story more terrifying, and the twins trembled with fear.

As the story reached its climax, Jacob sang another Quileute song, emphasizing the unity and strength of their people:

Húyəmən - We are one

Húyəmən - We are one

Qʷəlqʷəlítə - Quileute

Nəxʷsƛ̕áy̕əm - Our people

Húyəmən - We are one

Húyəmən - We are one

When Jacob finished the story, the children begged for another one. Harry grumbled, but Jacob launched into another tale, this one about the first Quileute woman and the gift she received from the Raven.

As he spoke, the flames of the campfire illuminated Jacob's face, making him look even more intimidating. The children leaned in closer, their eyes wide with fear and wonder.

After the story was finished, Jacob bid them all goodnight and disappeared into the darkness. The group sat in silence for a moment, feeling both scared and inspired by the tales they had heard. Finally, Harry cleared his throat and said, "Well, I think that's enough scary stories for one night. Let's head inside and get some sleep."

As they walked back to the house, the children chattered excitedly about the stories they had heard, and even Harry admitted that Jacob's tales had been impressive. They all went to bed with a newfound appreciation for the power of storytelling and the strength of their Quileute heritage.

Next evening, Jacob and Carlisle came to my home. Children were upstairs in the their room

Jacob told me, "Charlie has found the cemetery where your mother is buried. When are you planning to go?"

I asked him, "Did you ask Billy?"

Jacob replied, "He said according to you."

I said "Ok we will go tomorrow.

Jacob then said, "Wait for a minute. I will tell you the story I mentioned on that day. After that, you decide."

I asked, "What story?"

Jacob replied, "Emily and Leah."

I responded with "Oh."

Jacob showed me photos of a girl and said, "This is Emily Young, the wife of Sam Uley."

As I looked at the pictures, I noticed that she had three thick, white scars on the right side of her face, running from her temple to her chin, which pulled the skin slightly out of shape. It looked like happened due to animal attack. Despite her scars, she was still beautiful. Her eyes were bright and kind, with long lashes and a warm expression. She had a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones, and her features were delicate and feminine.

I looked at Jacob, questioning what this was about.

He explained, "These scars are the result of an accident involving Sam, who lost control of his anger and attacked her with broken bottle. He has the same genetic property as us."

I then realized that Jacob had also gone through something similar.

I asked "You also went through this"

Jacob confirmed, "Yes, I had help from others, but Sam had no one at the time. He was the first one. Nobody remembered the effects. It was written in our history. It skipped two generations and resurfaced in our generation."

I looked at Carlisle, who added, "I didn't know the details until he told me. But it is better to take precautions."

Jacob further explained, "Rage is the final stage of this growth spurt. After that, with the help of others, emotions can be controlled."

I asked about Leah, and Jacob told me that she was the sister of Seth and the cousin of Emily. She was the first girl to get this condition, and it wasn't mentioned in their history. Her emotions were complicated because she couldn't have babies after this growth spurt, and due to this the emotional effects lasted longer.

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. It was clear that this genetic property was something that needed to be taken seriously, and I couldn't imagine what it must have been like for Sam, Emily, and Leah to go through such a traumatic experience.

I asked Jacob, "What can we do to prevent this from happening to us or anyone else in the future?"

Jacob replied, "The key is to be aware of the symptoms and take action early. We need to be vigilant about monitoring our emotions and seek help if we feel like we're losing control. With the right support, we can learn to manage our emotions and avoid any potential harm."

I nodded, grateful for the information. It was clear that Jacob and Carlisle were taking this seriously, and I knew that I needed to do the same. Then I realized, "Jacob, you are worried about children, right? If something like this happens, they will bear the full effect and may be emotionally scarred for life. Oh, what to do? What to do?"

Jacob then held my shoulder, looked into my eyes, and said, "Calm down." Unknown to me, my body responded to his command.

Jacob said, "Call your husbands and tell them about your current situation, but don't tell them about this problem. It is the tribe's secret."

Then we heard a sound coming from the steps.

"Why the hell not?" Harry asked. "There may be a better way to control this. Our fathers have better connections."

Jacob growled at him and said, "Little pup, shut up and don't jump the gun. You need to learn from history. If not, the whole tribe will become someone else's lab rat, and we will not allow that."

Harry replied, "What can you do, Dog?"

I then shouted at both of them, "Enough of this macho bullshit, and sit down both of you."

Both of them suddenly sat down. Carlisle was amused and looked at Jacob questioningly. Jacob looked at himself and was bewildered.

I looked at Carlisle and Jacob with doubts, then I looked at Harry. Harry just nodded.

Then I said, "Okay, let me think."

I walked up and down for some time. Nobody said anything. Then I stopped and looked at Carlisle and asked, "Has there been any death due to this?"

He replied, "No."

Then I looked at Harry and said, "Okay, we will do it like this. I will call them tomorrow and tell them to come to Stephen's house day after tomorrow. There after seeing mother's grave we will go to Stephen's house. You will be with us Jacob. There, I will introduce Billy and you to them. After that you, Billy and me will tell about the tribe's situation. We will tell them that I need to do some initiation to join the tribe or something, so the children will be with them for an interim period." I looked at Jacob, and he nodded.

"How many days it will take?" I asked Jacob

He said " It vary Person to person " But in your case It can happen within two to three weeks after that one week to take the control. If you didn't control by then we need to extend that period"

Harry tried to say something, but I stopped him. "Harry, I want a chance to know them. You heard Billy. He will do anything for family. I need to do something for him. At this age, I don't want him to choose between his friends and me."

Harry looked at me, saw my determination, and then sighed. But he looked up and said, "I will be with you here."

Then we heard other voices too.

"We will be here too." Sophie and Megan said

I was surprised, but the others were not. "You all knew they were listening."

They just shrugged.

"You brats were listening. What about twins?"

"Twins are sleeping. Yes we were listening."

"I'm sorry, but you can't be here. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to you because of me. There's no compromise on this. Harry will stay with me to observe what's happening and manage things during his time here." I took a deep breath and continued, "The rest of you need to go back and don't mention anything to anyone, even to your fathers or close friends. We need to keep this a secret to protect ourselves and our families."

Everyone nodded in agreement reluctantly. I walked over to Jacob and thanked him for telling me about Emily and Leah. He nodded I smiled and hugged him, feeling grateful for his support.

As they turned to leave, Carlisle stopped and said, "Max, if you need any medical help or advice, please don't hesitate to call me. I'll do whatever I can to help."

I thanked him and they left. Children sat beside me on the Sofa.

Harry said to me "They are not telling everything and that doctor feels weird".

I said "I know. We will give them a chance and if it turned out to be something else, we will decide then"

Harry and others nodded and we all hugged together apprehending about the future.