
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter19 -Dryad Mother?-

After a day of eating a bloody carnage of berry juice and hedgehog blood, My body is back on his feet's and I got ourselves loin cloths. I Don't feel much better though. I start to walk to the north, but Red changes form and become just big enough so I feel comfortable on his back.

We don't even make a km before Leaves and insect's start swirling around us. Even animals gather and rotate like they were obediently waiting for this moment.

A lot of them I never even saw or thought could exist. Mix of element's and animal's some humanoid's, Tiger/centaur, humanoid/plant, animals/plant, animal/humanoid, Feather's of all kind's, lizard's, etc...

(This is just a small part of this world!)

I feel no threat from them, except for a few challenging gazes. Then a green Great M.I.I.L.F. Appear.

(I mean did she want to seduce me, or is just slut. I see everythinggggg!)

She frown.

???- "why do I feel like you are thinking something rude about me?"

"Nonono it's just Cough.. emm I can see your body. And I mean everything, you know. Why put anything? very beautiful by the way."

I put on a natural smile and try to look her in the eye.

???-"hahahaha Your funny. Is that how you greet your mother?"

My smile vanish a lewd thought are put on hold.

"Haaaa! A mother! I don't see any mother figure around, where? What kind of mother dump her child in the middle of the woods, naked! You might like to show off that body but not me."

??? -"Hahaha, I will forgive you because you are cute, but you don't know the price I have to pay for you, so be grateful. As for why you were alone, have you ever felt any danger except the one you put yourself into? These around me... did you ever cross path with them?"

"Fine sorry... in my old life, mothers cuddles their baby's and such."

We both look at each other awkwardly.

??? -"Sigh... Truth is, I'm usually sleeping unless a major event happens. Living a long life can be boring and sleep is the best comfort. After I used a lot of energy to fuse your soul with this body I went to sleep. you were not supposed to evolve for a few more year's actually a hundred would not even be too much."

"Fine I forgive you. I was just shocked... Am I human or something else?"

??? - "Human Yes! But a special human. Look there is a lot I want to explain but you need to go see someone. It's a promise I made to them a while back. She is a good girl and won't hurt you but you need to be nice to her."

"Promised what! not a wedding or something right!?"

???-"hahahaha No far from that... Those thing's don't exist here. Only rituals in certain other races."

While we start walking among the animals, she seem to resolve herself and tell me.

??? -"But the thing's are not like in your memories. Mostly stuff due to physical limitations like blood partners... Here There is one law, The strongest is right. Long time ago when the god still existed, concept like justice and politics existed. now..."

I stay silent for a while until there is only the three of us remaining. The tension is high. I sigh and ask.

"What's your name?"

???-"My name is Elnora, But You can call me mother!"

"Mmm.. Elnora I'm just not ready... yet... maybe you will win me over time, but this is our first meeting and I'm lost. I'm Dumped in the wood's, lonely, almost killed, realize I'm in a new world, build a small bit of life, Almost die again but this time was super crazy, Not one bit of my home is left. Yeah, it's hard just to say hi mother. Beside you did not tell me my race?"

Elnora-"It's complex. I use to be a dryad long time ago and evolve. Thank to the bug's invading my body forming a network to keep me alive. I was the first and am still alive after eon's... We use a human child to to put your soul in. Don't get mad."

Elnora-"You saw how thing's work here. Beside you... You were just a soul wandering in my forest for thousand's of year's. I thought one day you would reincarnate like the rest of the soul here, but you never did. Then on a closer inspection, I heard you sing. I could not understand, but you had a beautiful voice. Not many play music in this world and never like this. You were like in a sleepwalking state. So I went to my friend, that you are going to meet, and ask if she could lend me a treasure so I could read your past."

I shiver (Dam she saw everything I want to cry)

Elnora-"hahaha don't worry even the worst you did is nothing in this world, you are very pure. Beside you were good there too. I spent a hundred years watching, and I could still learn stuff. So consider I spent a hundred year's with you and decided to bring you to life. We sent the boy to reincarnate with good karma. And I placed your new body in one of my main tree body. You spent fourteen year's fusing with this body."

"Ok mom.. but it's 30 year's in my time there and it just feel's creepy now. Still."

I bow to her

"Thank you."

Elnora-"you're welcome, but sorry you will have to do something for us."

She seem genuinely bothered.

"Well I'm not a slave, but I don't mind helping you mom."

Elnora-"Giggle That's why I chose you. You will fit right in this world once you get use to it, I promise."

We get to a giant tree with a cave in between the root's.

Elnora-" Red stay with me while Sam go in. We'll wait for you here."

She put a small pot wit a little sprout in it.

Elnora-" Give this to her. And remember to forgive her is a good girl ok!"

"Urg, fine see ya!"

I start walking in this tunnel. After five minutes I pick up the pace, as I don't see the end yet..

Fifteen minutes later I see the finally light. But once I get there it's not the end of the tunnel yet. It's glowing crystal's. These crystal would worth a fortune on earth, here probably nothing.

The gravity is a bit lighter.

I run ahead with the light gravity it's very fun. I can go super fast and a little leap keep going longer. after 10 min there is the end!