
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter 24 -Tenka's turn -

A few meters from the vortex, my power condenses in an ice crystal in front to me. Gary is real smooth I don't feel a thing while a small piece of my Mindscape gets ablated. He is more proficient in control than me.

He comes out of my mind, touch the crystal and phase to the center of the vortex with it. He then comes back in my mind. The water starts to freeze but two chains from the outer edge of the vortex. The process accelerates. Steam whirls around faster and create static charges. All the element's are present. Surprisingly, the roots endure all these conditions and keep upgrading the supply.

My soul burns bad. It's like holding the chains in my hand for real, from between reality, dream and the underworld. I realize I'm connected to the underworld from my last life. There is so much stories on it. The purgatory, the pure land, the after life, Tartarus and many more. I guess I will keep calling it the underworld. That is why I didn't reincarnate. The cycle in this world is different.

(I guess if I die I will be stuck again, not that will let that happen. But, this is a good clue about the creature that attacked me...)

By now, the entire waterfall becomes vaporized and enter her body in tiny snowflakes form. Static discharge keeps appearing with her at the center. The root's that get burned stubbornly cling back to her hair and back.

Once the ice melts, I release the chain's. My hand's are scalded and have a hard time healing. Lucky mother just brushed her hand on mines and only a little numbness remains.

"Thank you."

The smell of ozone gets pretty intense, so I back up fast a 100m. The water doesn't need my input to vaporize anymore. It rotates so fast the friction alone is enough to do it, but on top of this, the water and minerals in the air are the perfect conductor. A blue glowing doughnut shape mass of energy rotates around her.

"The phenomenon is only in small part created by her influence the rest was accelerated or catalyzed by me. The law's of the universe are doing the rest."

Elnora-"So this is how you did thing's and got evolved so fast. I was in the millions year old for mine."-

"No, I was different. I'm lucky to be alive considering the powers I touched."

Elnora sink in her thoughts.

Unlike me Tenka, now naked body is visible while she changes. Where the root's were connected, you can see the pathways going to her heart with red colored vitality. All around are the energy path of different four elements, of the heart and brain. The soul should be in the pin size black hole there. Where the Mindscape creation is happening.

I kept it simple fore her. In her mind, she creates a four element realm like mine, plus a green field, excepted for the wall dome and door's. Her became cloud's filled with thunder and an afternoon red sun. On that side, the ground is filled with flower's as far as the eye can see. An exact replica of the cabin we live in this part.

After a few hour's the storm calm down. Once the rotation finishes, the waterfall resumes its course. The roots crumble into dust, washed by the current. She calmly lands on the ground. It was way more efficient than me, and no monsters appeared. Unlike me she doesn't feel bad at all. She is awake and well. She only has one strong network instead of seven weaved in a strange manner. I envy her a bit, but shake my head at the thought.

We start to cross the distance and she blink in front of me faster with a smirk. I try to catch her for a hug but she disappear.

Elnora think-(I have a good reason, should I take away her for training now. giggle. Nha.. I will let them play a bit first. I can't be jealous of my son's girlfriends.)

Elnora-"I will come back later, just plant the pit I gave you fast. Tenka could use my help and here."

She gives both of us a bottle with pills. point at me and say.

Elnora-"You can't make any child yet. The woman takes this pill before sex. Remember if you don't want them to end up like a dry corpse before the development of the fetus is complete."

She take Tenka and drag her a bit. I don't follow or listen.

(A real mom right?)

Elnora whispers to Tenka-" Next time we meet You can't be a virgin anymore. But you can't have a baby either. Sam won't go to you first so you have to do the first step and help the other ones too. He is kind and won't force you girls ever, that is his way. So help him. He chose you after all. You are his first woman and as his mother I want lot's of grand children later. As recompense you will come with me to my domain where we will help you body bare the burden his child will put on it."

She licks her lips at the last part, which make Tenka think.

Tenka-(What kind of family is this) -shivers-

Elnora giggles and bring her back to me. Then disappear, leaving a red faced Tenka.

I turn my back to her and crouch.

"Climb on and hold thigh."

With a warm heart, she hugs my back hard and my claws come out. I climb the ravine on four like a beast. In a less than a minute we are jumping on top. I almost roar at the coolness. She giggles.

I don't put her down since she is naked. She stays only because she feels close to me. Beside it's already dark out... We quickly get to the house unnoticed.

We enter to find Salaba and Ammit sleeping together on a pile of fur, food scattered all around this side of the cabin.

We carefully go behind the curtain and get ready to sleep.