
Even Chuunis Fall in Love

Shinri Chou is very popular in Number 1 High School. Well, this 'popularity' is ofcourse not a bit positive. He is notorious, the whole school probably knows him. Everyday at 7pm, a howl would be heard throughout the whole campus: "This Grand Mage has yet again graced this pitiful place a special visit!" "It's been 2,077 years! The sky is as beautiful as ever!" At first, the students were weirded out, annoyed even. Some even submitted complaints lol to no avail. Through time, they adjusted and came to know Shinri better. Those who quarreled at first, stopped long ago. Well, who would quarrel with a nutcase? Aren't they just making a fool out of themselves? Just as the students were getting used to Shinri's antics... "M-my Destined! I-I have been waiting for 2 millennia! Finally we have united!" Yeah, he shouted at the Freshmen Student Representative, it was the Opening Ceremony for freshmen students. The Freshmen students are thinking deeply back then, "what kind of school are we entering?!" In a certain student's mind: "who the hell is this nutcase?!"

Crispy_Cookies_24 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Warrior of a Thousand Battles

It's another warm and sunny morning in Number 1 High School. It should have been warm and peaceful but... There's a bit of a problem going on...

Hiroki Callana... He's the Freshmen Representative for this school year, he is believed to be a genius because as a child, he already demonstrated greater knowledge compared to his peers, he is also a son of a reputable family add to his glowing, almost blinding aura of 'handsomeness', he would be considered perfect. Why did we introduce him? Because he's the one facing the problem currently.

"M-my friend" - Shinri

He ignored it at first, who the fuc-k calls a friend, friend? So outdated he thought

It was until he was tugged slightly that he looked backed.

"It's been so long my friend" - says the weird guy

Who the fuc-k is this? Hiroki scanned him from top to toe, first impression, white as tofu, second impression, why is this madman crying?

"Hey who are you? And why are you crying?"

" Hgnhh, it's just I missed you so much and that I'm glad I finally found you" - Shin said and smiled really widely


(This was ignored by Hiroki)

Ehhh? He didn't answer my first question! Is he ignoring it? Or he's just that clueless?

"I said, who are you?"

"Ohhh! I'm Shinri Chou, you can call me Shin that's what my family calls me! And you too can call me that!"

And why would I also call you that?🗿

"Why were you calling for me?"

"Don't you remember me?"

"Ummm, as far as I know, I haven't met you anywhere"

" It's okay, it must be that damned reincarnation setting... We could just get to know each other again! Just like before as The Wise Man and The Warrior of a Thousand Battles"

Ehh? He didn't even asked for my opinion? Is he nuts? And what the heck is reincarnation setting? This guy must be crazy! Better get away from him!

Author's Note:Hiroki's Impression of Shin is really bad lol! I actually modeled Hiroki from a friend I'm very close with so his character would be more 3d and realistic

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