
Itchy Ears Part 1

Prince Kalab's ears must have been itching because suddenly there was a knock at the door, before Andi or her brother could say anything the door slammed open and a court official came in.

"Andrea, the Prince has invited you to the Royal Palace." He announced.

Invite my but, I have to go whether I want to or not!

Andi sighed and got out of bed, she still felt weak and her body ached all over but at least it was functional. Though her brothers face looked quite worried.

'It's not bad to have a sibling that cares about you.'

Elliot hurried and got a walking stick for his sister to help her walk and then followed behind her to help her as she followed the guard to the Royal Palace.

When the guard noticed the young boy following behind he suddenly stopping causing Andi to bump into him and lose balance falling down.

"Sister!" Elliot rushed to her side to make sure she was okay but before he could reach her the guard pushed him hard enough to make him go flying a short distance.

Andi heard a loud crashing noise and looked up in horror to see what happened.

"What, why would you do that! He's just a young boy he didn't do anything wrong, whats wrong with you!" Andi yelled at the guard as she hurried to get up and limp over to her brother.

"Ha" the crude guard laughed sarcastically "Who cares if he's a small boy or not, he wasn't the one invited to the palace but he tried to follow anyways, a dumb kid like that needs to be taught the ways of the world."

Andi was absolutely livid, what type of royal guard picks on a little kid. In fact this whole world seemed insane to her. She was supposed to be the best friend and personal maid of a princess but she lived poverty stricken and her brother and her looked like they hadn't had a decent meal in years. She was just about fed up and was gonna give this guard a piece of her mind when her brother got up.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have followed. Sister you must hurry and not let the prince wait or you'll get in trouble, I'll be waiting for you at home."

She so badly wanted to yell at the guard but seeing this little boy be so mature broke her heart and she couldn't ruin all the effort he took to stand up and apologize, so she held her tongue.

"I'll be back soon, wait for me inside." she said and patted the young boys head.

She then picked up the fallen walking stick and followed the guard.

The guard scoffed and continued on not slowing down for her.

Soon enough they reached the gates of the royal palace. Andi's entire body was sore and her muscles screamed out in pain at her, but with the help of the walking stick she carried on through the gates until a palace guard stopped her. He grabbed the walking stick out of her hand almost making her fall in the process.

"W-what did you do that for!"

The guard smirked at her "it could be used as a weapon so you can't have it in the palace."

"It's just a walking stick, and I need it to walk!"

"I don't care about your injuries, oh and you better get walking it looks like Gerald is leaving you behind."

"Gerald? Oh shi-" Andi quickly turned around and saw the guard that was leading her was already far ahead and wasn't slowing for her at all.

She rushed ahead leaving the walking stick. Every step was painful and she wanted to cry but she could only imagine what would happen if she got lost in the palace. Based on how rude the guards had been so far, it wouldn't be good.

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted this. I've thought a lot about this story and I liked it but just wasn't sure about it. I decided that I really want to continue it and fully flesh out the world that I created for it in my head, so I'm going to start writing it again and hopefully stay consistent with the updates. Thank you for anyone that reads this!

Hollowluvcreators' thoughts