

"Those damned noble cowards!" Evelon cursed and hit the floor with his fist.

"Our numbers are diminishing and are less than half of what we had before." A soldier nearby told him, before continuing to tell the other reserve captains. Even though there was only a few captains left at this point. The only way to tell a captain from a normal soldier, was that the captains had an insignia on the left breast of their leather chestplate.

"We need to do something! We can't just sit here and die!" Evelon shouted and stood up.

"You should rest. You won't be able to do much out there as it is now." A man who was bandaging one of his soldiers said.

"You're right. I need to get some of my strength back." Evelon sighed, and sat down to put less strain on his wounds.

"You're a medic right? Do you have any healing magic?" Evelon asked him.

"Yes, but its only enough to stop bleeding, and I'm running out mana." He replied.

"Whats your name? I'll need it to differentiate you from the rest." Evelon asked.

"Kayla Sir. Although I 'm a medic, I don't have much mana."She spoke.

"So you're a woman. I couldn't see with all that blood and dirt on your face." Evelon spoke, as he saw that she was actually somewhat thinner than the others.

"Are you against having women in the army?" She asked him with a low tone.

"No. I only think that if someone doesn't have the strength and stamina to fight then they shouldn't be here. Other than that, if you have that then you can do whatever you want." Evelon told her as he picked up a new cheap looking wooden shield from the supplies bin.

"I see." She said, before continuing, "I don't need strength or stamina as a medic. The only requirement is healing magic, or herbs."

"Ah, my apologies then." Evelon said before looking at his sword that was jagged and close to snapping.

"Sir! The left side is about to fall! After the nobles fled the others are starting to flee as well!" One of Evelon's soldiers said. It was Harrison Reeves. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He would probably be a plaything of a noble if he didn't join the army to hide his face.

"I guess its time for me to go then." Evelon stood up and replaced his sword.

"Wait. Let me heal your wound first." Kayla called to him, as she finished bandaging and stood up.

"Save it for the others. They need it more." Evelon said and continued to walk to the left side of the battlefield.

"Your wound might open again." She said, and grabbed his arm forcefully.

"Alright, alright." Evelon sighed, and sat down to let her heal his stomach.

Her hand glowed green and was placed on his stomach, and he could feel the warmth of her soft hand in this cold and icy field. Although there was bloodstains of red and purple snow everywhere, and the fresh white snow was constantly falling down upon him, he felt warm from this touch as the pain in his abdomen was soothed.

"Thank you." Evelon said as he stood up and began to walk away.

"No problem." She said while staring at his back.

"Captain! We're coming too!" Seven of his men stood up and ran after him.

"Stay here and protect the medical camp. Retreat if you need to." Evelon ordered them, as they stopped walking and nodded.

"Sir, please take this." A soldier beside him stepped in front of him and held his arms out, which held the sword and shield of a fallen noble.

"His armor was too damaged to use, but I thought this would still benefit you." The man said.

"Thank you. Can you tell me the direction of the orcan captain?" Evelon asked, as he took the shield and sword and the man stepped back.

"Yes, he should be that way. There are only a few people brave enough to keep fending it off as we speak." The soldier replied and pointed Evelon in the direction of the orcan captain.

Evelon nodded and moved in the direction he was pointed to.

Suddenly, Evelon felt something drawing his attention, and he began to unconsciously walk towards it.

"Captain...?" One of his men called, but he was ignored.

Evelon began walking as if in a trance, and stopped before a rock which had the height of a dog and the width of a barrel. The rock was old and ordinary. With snow on its sides and dirt on it. Evelon brushed his palm on the rock, and a layer of thick snow and dirt was moved aside.

Underneath the snow were multiple incomprehensible symbols which Evelon thought probably even a historian wouldn't understand.

As if a whisper were directly spoken into his brain, Evelon felt as if someone were speaking to him when his palm was on the rock.

"Thou art the last of the ascenders." The voice spoke in his head, and Evelon moved back in surprise.

"What the-" Evelon tried, but couldn't remove his hand anymore. It was as if an ancient force was gluing his hand to the stone surface.

"Stay calm young one. My time is past, and I am slowly fading. I require you to accept my inheritance..." The voice whispered like a whistle in the wind into his mind.

"Inheritance...?" Evelon asked as his guard went up and he felt like this was probably a trap.

"This is not a trap young one. Ascenders are beings of the human race who have been given the divine power to ascend to godhood if they are fortunate. You and I are connected by blood and family." The voice whispered once more, this time very strongly and calm. It made Evelon feel reassured, and he let his guard down.

If he wanted to kill me, or control me, he probably has the power to do so now by how hes holding me down and controlling my mind. Evelon thought.

"You were adopted into your family are you not? Found as a child in a basket at their doorstep correct?" The voice asked.

"Yes..." Evelon replied.

"I cannot give you my inheritance yet as your body is still too weak. However, I shall impart you a skill which you may use to enhance your body, and I shall harbour my soul in your mind until you grow stronger." The voice whispered, and Evelon felt a warmth flow from the rock into his hand, and a bright glow entered his mind until a man who looked to be in his 80s wearing a grey robe was standing in his mind.

"This skill is called Alkavos. It is created by my grandfather, who is your ancestor as well." The man spoke and lifted his hand with which shone a bright light that blinded Evelon and made him panic.

"Aaaaarrrggghhh!!!" Evelon screamed as his mind turned blank, and several pieces of emotion and senses flowed into his mind at once. It felt as if his brain was exploding from the inside and reforming. Evelon rolled around on the floor while holding his head and screaming.

"C-Captain!!!" His men called and rushed over to help him.

"I-I'm Fine! Go back to what you were doing!" Evelon's head instantly snapped back to normal and he held up his hand to stop them from approaching.

"Alkavos..." Evelon spoke as he felt something inside the core of his heart light up and become warm like there was a painless fire within his chest. The warmth spread throughout his body and enveloped his arms and legs.

"This..." Evelon stood there with widened eyes as his his body felt energized all of a sudden.

"Argh!" Evelon's rib which stuck out tore open the healed skin and ripped the flesh apart to restore its rightful position while it healed over it. It felt like He was getting eaten by a rabid beast again, and he almost fell over.

"YOU IDIOT!!!" A man's voice was heard in his head, as Evelon reacted and nearly fell over from the thundering voice.

"Don't waste your Xin Energy!" The man then controlled Evelon's body and brought the warmth from around his arms and legs back to his heart, before spreading out a minimal amount of warmth to his other body parts.

"Only use what you need or you will go over your limit and permanently lose some of your capacity." The man spoke as he sealed off the fire in Evelon's heart and only left around 20% left for him to control freely.

"Y-Yes master." Evelon coughed and saluted respectfully in his mind.

"Call me Grandpa. I'm your ancestor after all. Not to mention you look like my son. That is the reason I noticed you and checked your bloodline." The man said and then walked away in Evelon's head.

"I'm going to sleep. Ask for me if you need anything." The man said and disappeared from the black area of Evelon's mind. But he knew Grandpa was probably somewhere else in his head resting.

"Yes Grandpa." Evelon spoke respectfully and looked towards the rock which no longer had mystical words on it anymore.

Evelon shook his head clear of thoughts and then continued walking in the direction of the orcan captain. He saw many injured soldiers being dragged past him as he walked, and began to pick up his pace.

Up ahead, he heard screaming, and spotted a giant dark purple skinned creature with glowing red eyes and pitch black pieces of armor all over it. They looked rundown and tattered, yet also sturdy and strong. The creature swing around a giant warhammer the length of two men, and a top the size of a wheelbarrow.

Evelon began to pick up a run when he saw this, and a man was about to be crushed under the hammer.

He felt the wind flowing along his sides, and his body beginning to flow faster as he ran.

"Hah!" Evelon shouted as he moved his shield to bash the hammer head on.

"Aaaahhh!!!" screamed the man.


Evelon shoved the hammer to the side with his new metal shield, and the man on the floor got up and ran away.

"Your opponent." Evelon spoke as he leaned over with his shield in front of him and his sword to the side of it.

"Is me."

Well that explains why he was so godly compared to normal humans.

Juexincreators' thoughts