
Eve of Reincarnation

This book has some influence from ROTSSG, Overgeared, Overlord, Log Horizon, The game Minecraft, RLCraft and Warcraft 3. You might notice them in the future. Our MC was once a guild leader of a prospering guild, but after being betrayed by her friends and subordinates she fell from a rich guild leader to a homeless bum. After dying of unknown means she finds herself back in time, just before the launch of the game she was playing. Faced with the problem of money, she decided to play again but not for fame and glory but for money. She tackles the problems she had with her family and more importantly her sister. Changing and fixing every mistake she made in her previous life. She promised herself to be no longer shackled by any organisations and instead play the game for pleasure and money. Though in her return, she unexpectedly unleashed a beast hidden inside of the game. Enemies who caused her downfall is still lurking behind the shadows. Note: I may mention some wacky real life martial arts and fighting scenes but they're rare since our MC will always be active in game and will not greatly influence the outside world. Note: There will be no supernatural powers that will break the world here, like martial art techniques that can knock out 10 dudes in an instant. And in the event that happens, there would be a sufficient explanation. Note: I am too lazy to add numbers here and there so ima make most PVE and PVP action based and not number based. Example is " the mc dealing 10567 damage using divine punishment having his equipment boost his damage by adding additional 2k damage and having the potion effect that adds 10% damage and his passive skill wolves grace adding an additional damage boost of 6%,but the boss have darkness armour plus the terrain bonus reducing 8% of any damage and the boss having its passive skill ice bulwark further reducing damage by 4.696969% so the damage was reduced to 6345." nooo way im doin that, im too lazy for that. Note: Tiers and ranks are hardly necessary in both game and real life but what the hell, its a video game so... And tiers in real life is necessary to divide social rankings and what not. Note: Im a highschool student who decided to write novels as a hobby, so chapter release may not be consistent. Note: This is the second book that i have written so sorry for my mediocre writings and crappy English, my first book is kinda crappy and im too lazy to polish it, maybe i'll publish it polished in the future? Note: English is not my first or second language, it's actually my third, so you may notice some wrong grammars here and there so i apologize in advance. Note: I don't have any editors and i write on my phone so deal with my crappy English and repetitive words.

GenTap · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 11

Yulis who was wearing the blood red clothes while the wolf head stared at the man, plus the sudden blood lust seeping off of yulis startled the lackeys. The heavy aura slowly creeping towards them made them clutch their weapons tightly.

"Who are you really? a rich entrepreneur? a corrupted politician? some ceo of a large company? do you know why im asking you this questions instead of killing you?" yulis started of while playing with her blades.

The man sensed that the enemy in front of him was sizing him up, if he could scare her away with his name then maybe she'll just go away. The message he received from his men only scared him further.

Jackzun: sir she's too strong for us! she's an incredibly experienced fighter!

Torres: my wooden club that she striked lost more than half of its durability! one more hit and it will break!

Frenks: sir you have to run away while we delay her!

"I- i am the CEO of STAR Corporation! Horton Shalford! even a country bumpkin should know the name of STAR! Shalford Technology and Research corp!"

Oh! he's actually a big boy, STAR should be within top 100 of this country's largest and most powerful companies. Too bad they fell and disappeared due to a certain someone abusing his powers.

Yulis lowered her blade while she was pondering causing Horton to smile. The guards lowered their weapons and unconsciously dropped their guard.

"alright boys! surrounded that girl and you! remove your mask! from what i can see you must be a girl too! if you think you could walk away from me after threatening me the-" before he could continue however yulis charged forward.

"how dare you act so arrogantly in front of death!" Yulis hissed before slashing her blades towards the two lackeys who was unable to put their weapons up.

Blood erupted from their necks as yulis activated slash, both of them fell into critical conditions as they collapsed down. Horton couldn't react before two blades struck his eyes.

"aaaaargh!! my eyes! my eyes! where's the pain limiter! i forgot to increase the pain limiter! aaaaaah!"

"surround her!"

"don't let her escape!"

The remaining lackeys tried their best to hit yulis but every time she was about to be hit, their weapons seems to avoid her. Earlier Yulis invested some of her attribute points on increasing her speed. Spent attribute points can no longer be reset even when changing class unless using a special item found in game.

Still speed is actually needed when players reaches higher levels, physical class needs speed for attack and movement, magical class needs them for faster casting spells that needed to draw runes in order to activate, and so on.

Using almost half of her attributes points on speed she could easily dodge attacks from players 5 levels below her, if they inputted their attributes points on def, atk, and spd combined they naturally couldn't overcome Yulis's speed attributes that she allocated using the points she received when she leveled up to lvl 5.

Combined with her fighting experience in her past life and actual real life fighting skills, the lackeys couldn't do anything as yulis reaped their lives one by one.

When it suddenly became quiet, Horton who was still laying down while cowering in fear finally recovered his eyesight only to gaze upon his mutilated guards.

Looking around he finally found yulis sitting on top his guards dead bodies while spinning a mutilated head on her index finger.

"finally, you can see, i've been waiting for you." Yulis said in a low voice while directing her killing intent towards Horton.

"Ah! y-y-youu you k-killed them all! N-no! Don't kill me! I-i'll pay you! how much do you want, i can give you money! 10 thousand credits! n-no 100,000 thousand credits! just tell me your account number and i'll transfer the money immediately!"

Yulis paid no attention to Horton as the head she was playing with slipped of her finger and rolled towards Horton.

" Hiiiii! no! someone help me! anyone! i-i'll give you money! "

Yulis simply shaked her head, he's too afraid to even log out, turns out he's not some big boy that i shouldn't touch.

"listen her lil ol Horton, i don't care if you give me a million credits, that girl you just tried to touch isn't something a maggot like you should touch, you see, you offended her and most importantly me, if by any chance you did something to her then don't expect that your pretty little company can save your ass. "

Yulis slowly walked while verbally abusing Horton who was shaking madly as he tries his best to crawl backwards, he couldn't break away from Yulis's eyes, he feels like that if Yulis disappears on his sight, then it would be the end of him.

Salvation came to Horton as a system notification popped up on his eyes.

[Warning, the system has detected the user's heart rate increased abnormally fast and reached a dangerously high level, please calm yourself, if the user's heart rate continued to increase and the system deems it unsafe, then the system will forcefully exit you out of the game.]

"Yes! the command! System Command! Log o-"

Blood blocked Horton's throat as a blade strucked his throat.

And before he realised it the screen darkened as words started to materialise in his eyes.

[You've been killed]

[As penalty for dying you will lose one level]

[Current level 3, previous level 4]

[You dropped an equipment, brown wolf leather vest]

[You dropped an item, bottled mana dust]

[You dropped an item, basic lesser red potion]

"Nyooooh! my mana dust! my precious mana dust! that was a rare item used to craft a class change item! It took the whole company 2 days just to find one by luck in a chest! damnit! damnit!"

Horton cursed his luck, how could he have encountered someone strong enough to defeat his guards! He kicked open his VR pod and stormed his way towards another room where his guards were stationed. On his way he passed several large rooms containing hundreds of bed with hundreds of people wearing helmet and laying down. These were the companies money farming teams and other ones that are task to complete quest, search for treasure chests, and find rare or hidden quests.

Before arriving on the room he was met with several people bowing down and theirs heads touching the floor. Horton kicked them and screamed.

"get off the damn floor, i don't want your apologies, i want answers!"

"we- we were out matched, the enemy is several levels above our league!" the leader of the group responded.

"how can you tell?" Horton calmed down, and stopped his screaming.

"her movements are calculated, she could predict our attacks even before we take action, she could easily control her killing intent and her blood lust causing us to drop our guard or stun us in critical moments.

" Her attacks targeted our weak spot like, our heart, kidney, liver, the artery on our neck, and so on, those movements tell us that she is an experienced killer an assassin that have killed atleast a hundred of people already."

The revelation shocked Horton, the reason she didn't accepted his offer of money is because she can easily earn millions by simply assassinating someone. Horton dismissed his men and told them to return to the game but not to cause any trouble and join any task force they wanted.

He could simply blame his bad luck, his perverted self and forget about his losses.

Back in the game Yulis watched the mutilated body slowly disappear, she was rather thankful for those body. Without them she couldn't have pulled of her stunt, scaring that old bastard to submission using the bloody bodies was one of the best feelings she have ever felt. Except of course if she's hugging her sister.

Too bad the next update will completely remove gore from the game and change it into something completely different.

Entitled parents who kept on protesting about how their children were scared, and were traumatised because theirs friends head went rolling around when they kept on annoying the town's guard, and how their kids were scarred to life because they were burned alive when they thought it was a good idea to play the floor is lava in a volcano.

Those protests were obviously ignored and the lawsuits earned the developers a quick buck. Why? because the game is rated 22+, realistic gore scenario like being eaten alive by ghouls, having your guts and innards pulled out of your stomach while you watch first hand or being sliced in half by trolls as you watch your lower half being eaten isn't for your 8 year old Karen.

The only reason the developers removed the mutilate body and bloody gore is when a video of a player playing around with a dead body of a female player went viral. Yes, you read that right, an actual player grabbing the tiddies of a fallen female player.

That's when the developers finally updated the game and removed said feature.

After the update, players who lose a limb on a fight, said limb will fall and shatter like a bright glass and those glass will slowly evaporate out of existence. The same happens to dead bodies, though blood still exists, they only appear on small cuts and wounds, when too much blood appears, the blood will turn into light particles and evaporate as well.

After the update, the players called the earlier days where you could play with mutilated limbs like place the mutilated hands of a female player on your crotch area, The bloody age of broken body spree.

They explained it as bloody days where players would eagerly try to slice and dice all the enemy players they could see, mutilation also work on monsters and any entity that they could slash with a sword.

Yulis approached Eara and gestured for her to follow, though her motives were questionable on outsiders point of view, Eara surprisingly followed.

When they reached a secluded space Yulis spoke first.

She spoke with a muffled voice and tried to lower her tone aswell as adopt a different speach pattern.

"Ahem, let me introduce myself, i am a friend of your sister she sent me here to-"

"Yulis! that's you right!" Eara interrupted, with a sparkling eye as she observed Yulis's armor and equipments.

"ah-... err n-no! of course not, i am her friend from work and she asked me to-" Again yulis was interrupted by her sister.

"you look so cool with that wolf head! and your crimson red armor mixed with your pale white skin is really mesmerising! big sis you gotta tell me where you got those awesome blades!"

"..... i am a frie- ah what the hell, how did you know?!" Yulis finally gave up and crossed her arms while pouting.

" ehehehehe, im your sister dummy, of course i would know. " Eara giggled while caressing the crimson wolf head.

" Fine, just don't call me sister in the game, call me errr... Lister." Yulis sighed.

"okay then! you can call me Raella!" Eara chirped in.

"but doesn't our in game name sound the same as our real name?" Eara continued.

Yulis as Lister using the last part of her name Lis and adding ster or older sister the last part of sister, while Eara reversed the first three letter in her name Rae and added lla, although yulis. didn't know what the last part means.

"Hey let's add each other as friends!" Eara excitedly said with high pitched voice as she tapped in the direction of the green diamond on top of yulis and tapped the friend request option that appeared.

"uhmm...." Yulis hesitated a little bit before accepting.

[You accepted a friend request from Raella]

Yulis's screen popped and received Raella's basic information.



Level: 4

Race: Human

Main class: Villager

When Eara received her notification she was stunned.

[Black Lotus accepted your friend request]

Black Lotus


Level: 13

Race: Human

Main class: Novice swordsman.

"Y-yulis! you're Black Lotus!!" Eara practically screamed!

No! I shouldn't have named myself that! it was my inner chuunibyo that named myself that! i wasn't myself back then, i wasn't really thinking straight it's just that i thought that name would be cool and just went with it! Such thoughts played in Yulis's head as she turned red, good thing her face was hidden in the wolf head.

"E-Eara i-"

"Cool! aren't you the first player to discover a town in this kingdom! and your also past lvl 10! even your class is already in second stage!" Eara jumped up and down while triple checking whether she saw the status right.

The human race can only reach tier 5 as the max tier limit, when a player reaches level 100, they are eligible to move into the next tier, by doing tier up quest. When a human breaks his limits they becom a high human, which gives them an extra two tier, meaning they could reach tier 7 as their max tier. A high human can no longer break through tier 7, in order to break through they either change their race. Another is find an existing legacy to inherit or create their own legacy, the latter is incredibly rare since in her previous life only 1 player managed to create his own legacy, the god of the sword.

Main classes have multiple stages. Normal class like swordsman have 8 stages, beginner, novice, apprentice, journeyman, senior, virtuoso, master, grand master. Grand master is the highest a human can possibly achieve with a normal class.

Rare class have, beginner, novice, apprentice, journeyman, senior, virtuoso, master, grandmaster, lesser diety.

Legendary class have beginner, novice, apprentice, journeyman, senior, virtuoso, master, grand master, lesser diety, diety, demigod.

Mythical class have beginner, novice, apprentice, journeyman, senior, virtuoso, master, grand master, lesser diety, diety, demigod, God.

Higher class like legendary and mythical classes provides more stages to unlock and strengthen yourself. It also provides more attributes and skills when you enter higher tiers.

Legendary and Mythical Inheritance class resets your level and tier to 0, all attributes and skill points are also removed except for bonus points or special points that you received via quest, special items and others.

The reason it resets yourself to level and tier to 0 is because of the attributes and skill points provided every level up and tier up is different from normal classes to mythical classes, the rarer the class you have the better the points you receive.

However when you make your own legacy, you receive an incredible amount of rewards for your hardwork in creating your own legacy. To permanently binded items to incredibly generous amounts of attributes and skill points, to creating your own special skills and special items the could potentially elevate yourself to godhood.

Making your own legacy class also has it's own stages, thought yulis have no knowledge of them because said player who created his own legacy refused to disclose of any information. Only bits and pieces of information was given by both the player and the developers.

Players with legendary and mythical classes are a force to be reckon with, for example an inherited legendary swordsman that has reached tier 7 grand master can defeat a rare swordsman tier 7 grandmaster. While said legendary swordsman can be defeated by a mythical swordsman.

Do note that only legendary and mythical class can be inherited or created, lesser ones like normal and rare can be found by issuing quests from npc's or finding or crafting items than can be used to issue quest from npc. Other myriads of ways are discovered to access several types of classes both to subclass and main class.