
Evanescent [Houseki no Kuni]

A long, long time ago, sentient and highly intelligent creatures lived on this once greener planet. They built, they conquered and they advanced. They were called "humans". Their technology had reached a point that it could predict large and small astrological events with pinpoint accuracy, however, the machines... withheld the truth. And, quite soon, six meteorites hit the planet Earth, creating six distinct moons and erasing 99% of the planet's landmass. Only one island was left in the destruction's wake. Now, 41,455 years later, strange, lustrous beings inhabit the island. Their bodies have simple yet fascinating anatomy. They... are made up of gemstones. Immortal. Unchanging and irreplaceable. But, they are not safe. Mysterious creatures called "Lunarians" often attack them. They come from the moon, a place where should one of these Lustrous find themselves in... there is no salvation. Such is the fate of those who exist forevermore... —————————————————————— [In this book, the other Gems excluding the MC are female.]

Braggski · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

[Here we stand]

The bodies of the Lustrous are a strange construct indeed. They are inorganic in nature, however, they themselves house billions of small, microscopic organisms called "inclusions". These tiny organisms are what give the Lustrous the ability to move and think, however, they also store their memory, and as such if a limb or a shard is lost, some parts of their memory will vanish too. Fortunately, Goshenite and Morganite hadn't lost a shard, therefore, retained all of their memory.

"Can you not?" came the voice of Moissanite as he tried to help the resident doctor, Rutile, help put together the two wounded.

Rutile is just as beautiful as every other Lustrous on the island, however, she is perhaps one of the most essential people around. She handles the repair of the cracked or broken Gems and also handles the management of herbs, pastes, powders, and other medical remedies. For clothes, she wears her signature white doctor's coat, a pair of black gloves and the usual outfit you'd see every female Lustrous wear with the added exception of dark tights that cover her legs. She... has very, VERY nice legs... Her hair is unique, as it has two colours, one is dark yellow and the other is reddish-brown.

Rutile was meticulously repairing Goshenite's body, while Nite was having trouble trying to put the smaller shards of Morganite back on because she kept on squirming and moving. Phosphophyllite was also there, now wearing two long black gloves, just watching in amusement while holding a basket of Morganite's body parts, being "helpful".

"Stop tickling me!" yelled Morganite as she stifled a small laugh while unintentionally moving her leg away from Nite's hands.

"I'm not tickling you! Stop moving already," grumbled back the male as he both had to hold her leg still, apply the adhesive concoction and place the small, more brittle shards in their place.

The last part was much harder, especially so since Nite's hardness was second highest to the Diamonds, Bort included. Her constant movement wasn't helping his case, and he was already bad enough at placing his peers back together as it is.

"Move and I'll let Phos repair you," that instantly made Morganite shut up and just bite the bullet.

"Ooooi, what's that supposed to mean~?" whined the peppermint-haired gal, only making Nite chuckle as he was finally able to start putting pieces of Morganite's body back to where they belonged.

"Yada, yada~" the girl only pouted as Nite brushed her off, she was very tempted to just throw the wooden bowl at him but then she'd have to pick it up, and she was far too lazy for that.

It Rutile all of five minutes to repair Goshenite, and Moissanite an embarrassing thirty just to get one portion of Morganite's leg done. In the end, he just left the doctor's duties to the actual doctor and was already ready to leave to attend to his garden.

"Well, should you need anything you know where to find me," and with those final words, Moissanite bid them farewell.

"See you later you old quack!"



Let's just say that Rutile had to put back together Phosphophyllite's head after Nite roughly poked her in between the eyes, essentially drilling his index finger into her scalp, her cleavage, not the boobs, the gemstone kind of cleavage, did the rest of the work. Phosphophyllite's head ended in a few rough but pretty identical pieces.


"Sigh, I can't hate that clutz..." idly muttered the male Lustrous under his breath as he tended to his precious flowers, however, his mind was, as usual, not really there.

He was already far too used to taking care of the flowers that it was pure muscle memory now. After all, Moissanite did spend centuries building this garden. And while it may seem unimpressive at first, it's important to remember that he is but one man. Taking care of a very large garden is a chore, not to mention hard if you're the only one doing it.

Nevertheless, the man appreciated his work regardless of his troubles. It was... therapeutic for some of the Gems to come here, lie down on the soft grass in between the flowers and let all their worries fade away. Nite welcomes them with open arms and is always willing to depart his wisdom to them, should they want it. Some come here to talk to the ones long gone, and he... cannot blame them... he does it too, after all...




"Sigh... Miss you, Red..."