
Euphonious Ride

Lysha has always dreamt of a life like her favorite character in her favorite novel who has the same name as her. To be able to sing to her heart's content! Reincarnated as her favorite character but also the villain of the story will she be able to avoid the ending? And what's gonna happen when her bookish crush Arken Sager starts seeing her differently unlike the novel?!? The Story and Title Belong to me. The cover Doesn't Belong to me.

Deepshikha978 · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 - The First Day

I had reached Aurora High and the structure made me gasp. It was definitely not a school it was a palace!

I felt like I had entered a fairytale or something. I stepped inside the huge gates . All the students were in a rush. I went straight towards the main door to see what all the commotion was about.

Ohhh! I get it, I realized. It was the first day of eleventh grade. I remembered Elliana describing the hustle of students in the main hall. Which means she must be around somewhere near right?

I looked around if I could spot her but no luck. I sighed. Elliana and Lysha Evor were in the same division so I didn't need to look for directions to my class.

I climbed up the stairs to the third floor and walked through the corridor towards my class. And I should mention the fact that every single person in the corridor was gaping at me! Riiiiiight, Lysha Evor was popular. How could I have forgotten that?

I stopped just in front of the door to my class and I made a quick to do list. First, don't fall for Arken Sager again. That wasn't gonna end well, I just knew it! I didn't want my heart to be broken when he fell for Elliana, did I?

Second, stay away from bullying and bullys. Be nice. If someone asked why I had changed, tell them I was trying to apologize for what all things I had done.

Third, befriend Elliana. No actually let's say become the nicest person she had ever met in her life. And avoid being in Arken's most hated people's list. 

Fourth and the most important, get into the music club. Lysha had gotten in because of well, sources but I would get in because of my talent. Though people would be dumbfounded but I didn't care.

I slid the door open as everyone looked at me.

Lysha was confident. Confident. I cleared my throat, "Hey everyone! Good Morning!"

Everyone smiled, "Hey, Lysha! Good Morning!"

That was easy.

"Lysha!" someone called. It was Chase. He rushed towards me with Kylie and the biggest smiles on their faces.

"How were your vacations?" Chase asked. He was always so cheerful spreading smiles all around the school.

"Superb! I feel so relaxed. I needed this break," I grinned.

"Me too, though Chase wouldn't let me sleep with all the memes he sent me in the middle of the night. And that happened the entire vacation!" Kylie grumbled. She was the friend you really need in your life. Savage, grumpy but with the kindest heart.

"Too bad, Chase you're still obsessed with memes alright," I chuckled. Wait...how did I know that? The story was in Elliana's perspective so there wasn't much information about Chase and Kylie. Then how?

Chase grinned and scratched the back of his neck. "We saved you a seat!"

They guided me towards the seat they had saved.

I hung bag on the desk's hook and sat down.

I felt someone staring at me and turned around to see Arken Sager at the far corner of the room. I was seeing Arken Sager in real life! I couldn't believe my eyes seeing how handsome he was. His jet black hair with red streaks. His green eyes! 

No! I mentally slapped myself as my cheeks burned. Don't look at him! This feels hard already!

I sighed as I tried to concentrate somewhere else when Kylie came to me.

"So, um when are you going to tell him that you like him?" she asked.

I was about to refuse but again, Lysha was head over heels in love with Arken. Refusing wouldn't be a good idea. Even if I did like him I wouldn't have a chance.

"Soon. I am just waiting for the right time, I guess," I laughed awkwardly.

"You should tell him. I just know he likes you back!"

Okay I swear I could explain the entire plot to her. "I... don't know."

Kylie just sighed and smiled before returning to her seat.

The teacher entered. According to the novel, he must have been Mr. Jones, the math teacher and also the homeroom teacher. He made his way towards the teacher's desk as we all stood up to greet him.

"Good Morning Sir!" we all said.

"Good Morning, children." he said. Really? Children? Almost everyone in the class was seventeen! "You all must be very happy to be together again after first year of high school. But we have a new student joining us."

It's obvious who the new student was. The person I have read like a book. Elliana Parks.

She entered with her beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked like a movie star! Why was she described as an average looking girl in the novel? Well, she is the female lead.

"Please introduce yourself," Mr. Jones said.

"Hello everyone, I am Elliana Parks, I hope we can get along," she smiled.

"You can sit on the empty seat next to Lysha."

Elliana nodded and took her seat beside me. Here goes nothing! I waved her a hi and gave her the kindest smile. She smiled and waved back. Okay, that was the first step of being in her good books. And it was successful.

Next step was to save her from the girl who was Lysha's right hand in bullying, Diana Rossen.