

Plan. Analyse. Design. Code. Test. Debug. Release and Repeat. A Developer's life revolves around this simple lifecycle. Caught in an unknown accident, Noah, a young alpha tester is reincarnated into the game world he was testing. Moreover, in a world that is soon to meet its end. Blessed by the goddess of infinite possibilities, Noah is granted an ability to live the world with his previous developer's privileges. Open Console. Execute Script: script-0.sh ===== Reader Disclaimer: The first few chapters were written in haste to get my idea on paper. Please add comments if anything turns out too confusing (Some are intended lol, will be explained as the story progresses). Hopefully my language will also get better with time as well. Hope you enjoy the story. ===== Credit to KnightOwl for novel cover background. ===== Discord: TBA Patreon: TBA

k_a_m_u_i · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
50 Chs

Chapter 39

As the car finally reached Enid Academy, Emilia gently woke up her brother.

"Noah, wake up. We are almost there."

Since Noah constantly trained, he slept whenever he got the chance. When he was done with the daily quests for the day and slept, the mana breathing script automatically triggered since his eyes were closed. With full meals and constant exercise each day, Noah finally looked healthy. Clear evidence of this was the rise in stamina stat points. Within just a week he was able to get a single stat point.

Stretching his arms, Noah casually looked through the window.

"Where are we by the way?"

"We reached the capital city. We'll be entering the academy grounds in a few minutes."

The academy spread across nearly a quarter of the capital city. Although it was large, the campus only took 200 students each year on average.

As education was a major turning point in one's life and getting enrolled into Enid was nothing but a godsend for people who lived in Equirrion. Known as one of the best in the continent, there were even a few who came from other countries to study here.

Unlike in his previous life, formal education in EtherWorld started at 10 years of age and was completed at 16 when they reached adulthood.

The campus was built after clearing small parts of a forest. The rich fauna and flora on the campus provided a peaceful environment for students to relax their minds while they studied.

To help nurture their students, the academy had built dedicated buildings for showcasing and learning different abilities and careers.

The buildings on the campus could be roughly categorised as management buildings, academic blocks, student dorms, training facilities and stadiums.

Although all students had access to each of these facilities, the level of access varied based on grade and ranking.

All the students that joined the academy were scouted or enrolled based on an estimate. This was calculated by the management body of the school which observed the student's potential based on multiple factors. And with this came the ranking.

By default, the freshers/ grade 1 students would be ranked from the 1000th position onwards. As the ranking included all 6 grades, students were even eligible to gain access to particular facilities early if they met the rank requirement.

Even in the same grade, ranking provided other benefits. The student dorms were the easiest example. Higher the rank, the better the room they got.

While at the lowest rank, they got a narrow single room, the higher ranks were given large rooms with a kitchen, living room space and other amenities.

As the car finally stopped at the grade 1 student dorm, Noah felt doubtful if they had come to the right place.

"Why does it look so empty?" Noah asked Emilia.

"The opening ceremony must've started. Come on, we'll drop your luggage in your room."

Getting out of the car, Noah followed Emilia to a board set near the building.









159. NOAH WYTE. RANK 1159. CLASS B. ROOM 201.

160 .

On seeing the student list, Emilia's face hardened for a split second before it returned to normal.

Setting aside the luggage inside the small room, they continued towards the grade 1-2 academic block.

"Will you be fine on your own? Do you want me to come with you?" Emilia asked worriedly as they reached the building.

"No, I should be fine. If anything happens, I'll call." Noah answered brightly.

Getting out of the car, Noah made his way to the opening ceremony hall. As the loud clapping was audible from the corridor, it didn't take much time for Noah to find it.

Opening the door gently, Noah could see all the students seated comfortably in the air-conditioned hall listening to the ceremony.

"-thank you Dean for that encouraging speech. Now-"

Looking at the stage Noah could see Astrea addressing the crowd with confidence.

As the ceremony finally came to a close, students were asked to go to their respective classrooms.


The 200 students that newly joined were separated into two sections, class A and B. This was done in such a manner that the overall strength of each class was approximately at an equal level.

Although the academy gave a heavy focus on individual development, by doing this, they believed that students of different strengths and weaknesses would be able to meet each other.

Sitting alone in one of the back benches of the classroom, Noah looked around the large lecture hall to find someone he could recognise.

As students entered the classroom, many started introducing themselves to others.

For commoners and lesser nobles, this was a crucial moment to make connections.

Although Noah wanted to introduce himself to others and form ties, he decided to observe first. There was nothing worse than getting stuck with the wrong company on the first day.

In the centre of the largest circle, he could see Atlanna Lynn, one of the successors of the Lynn ducal house.

The Lynn ducal house being one of the three ducal houses in the kingdom represented one of the strongest military forces. Although Noah wasn't able to interact with Atlanna much, he was able to witness her battles during the revolt.

Just like the Wyte house, the Lynn house contracted with powerful serpentine Hydras, a powerful water spirit through generations.

The contracted spirit of the Lynn family was special in that the spirit evolved tremendously when the user grew stronger.

As the number of heads grew the versatility of their powers increased. The previous head of the Lynn family is said to be the strongest, whose Hydra spirit had 9 heads.

Although he heard that Atlanna's hydra spirit only had 3 heads at the time of the revolt, the ability she showed in the war was one of the best.

The noble children that gathered around her seemed like they had already clearly established their own circle of upper nobility within the class.

Although there were other groups of nobles and commoners interacting, Noah wasn't able to recognise any among them.

Looking at the first bench, he was able to spot another main character that supported the revolt, Rihaan. Although he was from a commoner background, with his unique telekinetic ability he was a difficult opponent for anyone to face.

Noah wasn't able to gather much information on him nor his ability as he had very little presence involved in the war but he was someone Noah wanted to get on his side.

Seeing that Rihaan was already given the second-highest initial evaluation rank, it looked like he had already awakened his abilities.

'I wonder if Valerie is in -'

"Hi, excuse me, is this seat occupied?"

Turning around Noah could see a boy with grey hair and round spectacles.

"No. Feel free to sit."

"Thanks. I am Kyle. Nice to meet you."

Hearing his name, Noah finally recognised him.

"Are you perhaps from the Clover merchant group?"

"Oh, you have heard of us?"

Kyle from the Clover merchant group. Although the merchant group wasn't well known in Equirrion at present, it became one of the largest groups in the market in a few years.

The only successor Kyle was said to be the reason for it as well. His smart and innovative ideas combined with his wide connections were said to have led them to fortune.

"Yea, bits and pieces."

"What have you heard?"

"Only good things," Noah answered, holding his hand out for a handshake. "I am Noah by the way."

"... Are you from -"

Cutting him off mid-sentence, the instructor finally entered the class.

"Please get seated."

The tall, buff man stood in the centre of the lecture hall. After a quick glance at the students, he continued to address them.

"Good morning, I am Norman and I will be your class's main instructor. Although I will be only teaching you combat, you are free to discuss anything with me. Now, let's begin your first class."



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Happy Reading,
