

Plan. Analyse. Design. Code. Test. Debug. Release and Repeat. A Developer's life revolves around this simple lifecycle. Caught in an unknown accident, Noah, a young alpha tester is reincarnated into the game world he was testing. Moreover, in a world that is soon to meet its end. Blessed by the goddess of infinite possibilities, Noah is granted an ability to live the world with his previous developer's privileges. Open Console. Execute Script: script-0.sh ===== Reader Disclaimer: The first few chapters were written in haste to get my idea on paper. Please add comments if anything turns out too confusing (Some are intended lol, will be explained as the story progresses). Hopefully my language will also get better with time as well. Hope you enjoy the story. ===== Credit to KnightOwl for novel cover background. ===== Discord: TBA Patreon: TBA

k_a_m_u_i · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

46. { Factions : 2 }

Behind the headmaster, stood the captains of the current factions that were present in Enid alongside a white orb much like the one that was used for identifying potential.

As Astrea and Atlanna left for the podium, the students started to discuss amongst themselves.

'Atlanna, what would you choose?...'

As Noah thought seriously, Kyle explained,

"There are currently three factions in the academy.

"The Blood Orchard faction, the oldest running faction in the academy, led by Bernard Ingram. While they haven't been the leading champions in recent years, they have continued to steadily grow and avoid dissolution for the past forty years.

"Next is the White Eclipse faction, led by Lyssa Carlisle. While it was a faction that was established just an year back, they have been attracting a lot of attention as the runner-up in the last faction war.

"And finally, the Orcarath faction, led by Oscar. The winners of the last two faction wars."

"Who do you think Atlanna will choose?" others chimed in.

"Why does she have to join a new faction? We can just start a new one right? I am sure everyone agrees that our class is quite strong."

"It's not just about that. Apart from it being a lot of work to manage, joining an existing or larger faction will likely bring more benefits."

"In that case, what do you think?" they asked, waiting for Kyle to respond.

"... Atlanna might choose to join a faction, but not one of those three."

"You mean, join Astrea's faction? But even they haven't decided yet."

"Noah, what do you think?"

'While Atlanna did fight together with Astrea in the war. I don't think who she was then reflects who she is now. The Atlanna I saw in the war seemed stern and serious, quite opposite to who he saw during the duel. It was the same with Astrea… They were different from who they were in the future.'

"... I don't know. I think she might not choose that either.."

"--Each faction will internally organize and function based on its own rules. If you choose to join one of the existing factions, I will grant you until tomorrow to make your decision. So, what will it be?" Walter's speech brought their focus back to the podium.

Nodding lightly, Astrea came forward placing her hand on the orb. "We have already decided. I, Astrea Equirrion, pledge to start a new faction! Class A from today onwards will be the Valorant faction!"

The orb changed colour reflecting the symbol Astrea envisioned and soon, the uniform they wore glowed briefly before adding scarlet red accents to the black uniform.

Cheers erupted from class A at her declaration.

Before long, Atlanna too stood in front, placing her hand on the orb.

"I, Atlanna Lynn, declare class B as a new faction. From this day forward, we will be known as the Entelume faction!"

This time, the class B uniform took on the golden accent of the newly formed Entelume faction.

As this year's students finished choosing their factions, Norman and the remaining staff watched the cheerful start of their academic life.

Many times, they have witnessed each class making their own faction. But what was also commonplace was the dissolution of the same faction and the number of students who either got expelled or kicked out. They couldn't help but think how long the cheerful atmosphere will last.

"You may now leave. Classes will officially start from tomorrow onwards," Walter ended the ceremony.


As the class dispersed, Noah and others left towards their dorm.

Looking at the size of the dorm room brought back memories of his previous life. There was not a single thing in the academy that was not related to merit and ranking.

'The Entelume faction… The faction of light. Wonder where she got the inspiration from…'

'While it was better to be in a faction independent of the Equirron house for political reasons, I wonder when I would get a chance to talk to Astrea again…'

'Goddess Aditi gave me a second chance to fight and defend the future. But so far, I don't see how the future I know would come to pass..'


|—— Investigate Poisoning


|—— Survive


|—— Win the hearts of the ducal territory


|—— Daily Quest: Eat Healthily I


|—— Daily Quest: Grow Stronger I


'hmm nothing new got added. I need to figure out how the quests work too.

'Is staying in this faction the right thing to do? Should I leave and join Orcarath? As long as Emilia is there, I don't think I would face any problems… The duels have already taken a lot of toll on me. I hope it doesn't affect my vitality stat growth.'

knock. knock.


"Noah, do you want to join us for dinner?" Atlanna called out from the other side of the door.

Grabbing a jacket, Noah went out. While it was not so cold during the day, the temperature dropped quite a bit in the night. The forest covered academy grounds had pleasant weather during the night, cold and cozy enough for one to laze around.

"Congrats on forming the faction, Atlanna"

"Why are you speaking as if you are an outsider? You are part of this faction as much as I am." Atlanna replied with a pout before laughing.

'Maybe, I'll stay and see…'
