
Ether Moon

The story of a runaway girl who is forced to face the reality of humanity and with the power to fight against the chaos that is her Fate. [All characters and events are all purely fictitious] ~~~ Note: Updates may vary.

Valkyuria · Kỳ huyễn
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"… today, the order welcomes you to be our next kin. 

For as long as 1200 years have passed, the Order has never wavered in her quest to vanquish all evils of this world. From the shadows, we were bred and raised in a hell unlike any other to combat the worst humanity has to offer.

I say to you, youngling: Do you dare forsake your place in the afterlife in heaven to forever be cursed with a lifetime of servitude to combat the darkness… 

What, say you, Sarah?" 

Laid on a stone bed, a girl no older than 10 held her eyes to the blood red moon at the height of the once starry sky.

"I do." Her voice came out as a croak and with it, a swirl of shadows were expelled from her area at lightning fast speeds. 

"Very well, youngling! You have accepted your new role as one of many and all but one; to serve and die by either your own hands or your enemies… 

Rejoice and repent: youngling, your transition will begin soon and with it, you shall forfeit your eternal redemption. 


The blood red full moon soon abruptly darkened as the alter underneath the girls body flashed an ominous crimson red and orange as if hell was being welcomed on earth.

After the flashing colors radiated to show themselves shedding the altar from the pitch black flames of purgatory being illuminated from the outside. 

The little girl grit her teeth and the bright glowing lights began to swirl and gather at her core. Her plain naked body soon began to fill with light and from her veins, shone a luminous golden light as her blood was slowly being transformed into something else…

Something sacred. 

The sound of her bones breaking echoed but the little girl only clenched her fists and grit her teeth until a trail of changing crimson blood flowed from her mouth as it then turned golden as it fell.

The little girl then began to scream as golden light began to fill both her originally light brown irises until they enveloped them fully while the light began to change her dark facial brown hair to a bright silver white.

After the whole ordeal, a sort of brand of tribal tattoos began to mark and burn over her shoulder and back as her face and chest soon began to show old ancient and unreadable runes to appear. 

Slowly covering her little petite frame, the girl cried tears of gold and with a final push of holy radiant light, the done she idling the altar from the darkness erupted as the girls light repulsed the darkness, cutting through for miles on end until all that was left was a column of bright light. 

Soon after, the world's natural colors returned and the once silent forest wa sprout  her back to life. 

The blood red moon also returned to its light azure shine as the little girl laid at the altar now sat up with a fully developed body of that of a 15 year old teenager. 

She now stood at a 6'2ft tall and had developed muscles tightly packed into her lithe and slender frame. Her tattoos also began to fade away leaving only a dark swirl with a black lion's mane on her upper right calf.

"Congratulations: You bear the Lion mark. Sarah." The alluring voice of the young woman then began as she out of everyone present was staring at the young girl before her with an astonished and proud set of dark green eyes. "Go and meet your new kin."

She said and with that, the little girl now turned teenager was then escorted away by other young looking women in modern clothes.

Unbeknownst to all present aside from the head organizer and her aid, the woman's radiant green eyes sparkled as she turned to a particular part of the dark forest and with a sudden shuffle, four little girls soon ran off in fear as if they had seen the incarnation of a demon ready to devour them while.

"Shall I give them punishment for disobeying curfew, Madam Roaal?" A young girl with light hazel colored eyes spoke in a calm tone as she stood beside the woman called Roaal. 

Roaal had long, raven-green black colored hair and a matching set of eyes. On her upper breast was a black tattoo of a snake eating itself. 

"That won't be necessary, my dear Violet." Violet nodded as she stepped back and walked whenever Roaal began to walk. "The clan has gained a new sister. For that, we shall rejoice for the coming days in honor of such a feat as it has been 100 year since we have had a new initiate that showed much promise.

Violet onidientoy and calmly listened as she was a couple inches shorter than Roaal but equally if not on par as beautiful as Roaal. 

"Madam Roaal!" Stopped at their tracks, a messenger woman similar to that of Roaal and Violet's age soon rushed to her knee as she hastily relayed terrible news. "There was a break in near the Eastern mountains. All imitates have been accounted for except for one… Madam Roaal… that one was Alaijah!"

The ground beneath Roaal's feet quaked as her veins on her forehead became prominent and in a blink of an eye, green smoke rose from her skin and enveloped her body as she then disappeared while opposite of where she went was destroyed by a quarter mile however, at the place she had initially taken off from, there was a single untouched footprint while a few inches from it, was the start of a shallow ravine that stretched and widened in depth and width further into the forest. 



Showing a little 9 year old girl in rags running through the lively forest under moonlight, her breathing wa shag hard and her body was starting to collapse due to fatigue. 

Sure enough, the little girl lost steam and leaned toward a tree as she caught her breath. Her small and petite body frame trembled under the stress and soreness of her muscles. 

She was all but bare bones yet within her deep dark green eyes, there raged an inferno as deep and dark like the unknown of the abyss under the oceans floor. 

Her sheer willpower alone removed her body's limiter and she pushed on regardless of her pain and blisters she accumulated on her bare feet.

After a while on the run, she soon crossed over a carved tree line carved with countless white runes at the center and connected by flowing ancient vines. 

As she crossed, she let out a cry of victory as tears swelled in her eyes and her vision soon faded as her body collapsed to the floor. 

Yet, under the fall, a thick black mist soon began to form around the girls limbs and after another moment, the girl's body had disappeared into the unknown. 

Not a minute later, did hundreds of shadows appear at the edge of the tree line as the one leading them emerged as her dark green eyes and hair burned with a hellish green flame that promised hell toward whoever had taken what was hers.

"Send everyone. I want her brought back alive if possible… however, if it is compromised… kill it on sight. " Her tone: usually so warm and calming, now turned cold and ruthless as hundreds of shadows bowed and disappeared into the night as Roaal abruptly exploded in a massive pillar of thick green flame that razed a quarter of the entire forest on the other side of the tree line.

Her eyes showed her state of mind as it was anything if not clear and vengeful. 

Flickering into the breeze, she too disappeared into the night. 
