
Eternity: God Mechanic

Kraynnor, a genius who appears once every thousand years, was subjected to ridicule due to his obsession with attaining immortality, an obsession that seemed to squander his innate talent. Finally, at the age of eighty, he managed to double his lifespan. However, his desire to share this achievement was thwarted by a devastating alien invasion that wiped out humanity. Aware that there was no turning back, Kraynnor decided to take possession of the genetic information of billions of humans, as well as the corpse of a fallen alien in combat... He took refuge in an undetectable underwater laboratory, where he spent five hundred years perfecting a new body that fused human DNA, alien DNA, and advanced technology. Now, with the genetic information of billions of humans, his new body, and his unparalleled intellect, he was determined to extract the life essence from every invading alien to create a new species, which he called 'Superior Humans'. Of course, he was not willing to forget or forgive anyone involved! He was ready to take revenge, even if it meant erasing all forms of life in the universe!

CosmicArchmage · Khoa huyễn
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60 Chs

Universal Points

"Primitive energy? Let me take a look!" she approached her brother's holographic screen, and upon observing what was on it, she exclaimed in surprise, "It's an early-stage nuclear fusion energy source! However, the radiation emissions are not as intense as expected... It seems to be on the brink of optimization!"

What did this mean? If this early-stage nuclear fusion energy source could be stabilized, it implied that it could lead to a breakthrough typical of a Type One civilization.

Understanding the implications, Morynthia exclaimed, "Could it be that the soldier was telling the truth?"

"...It's true that it's unusual to find this kind of energy here; nevertheless, we lack sufficient evidence to support the soldier's claims. The most rational course of action would be to gather more evidence, and, in fact, it would be ideal to locate that local resident," Mykarion responded, acknowledging the limitations of his influence within the Astrylite civilization, primarily in his role on the Council of Lumineos.

With the influence he held, Mykarion couldn't simply exonerate the soldier; he needed additional evidence.

Morynthia crossed her arms, visibly annoyed, her frustration deepening as she realized that her own curiosity had embroiled her in this situation.

It was her own yearning that had led to the visit to this newly integrated lower-ranking planet in the Lumineos sector. Blaming herself for her momentary lapse of judgment, she couldn't help but think that if it weren't for this episode of impulsiveness, she would already be enjoying her vacation at one of the luxurious GalaxiResorts, situated just a mere hundred light-years away from this planet.

"Brother, don't you have any council devices that can swiftly analyze this planet?" she asked hopefully.

However, she only received a negative response from Mykarion. "You are not mistaken; I do possess devices like the NebulaScope V9, capable of analyzing even the smallest details on a planet... But didn't you borrow my Space Bracelet without permission and remove all the Council of Lumineos-related items?"

She turned her head indifferently and commented in a carefree tone, "Since there's nothing more here, let's see if that plump ball has found any useful information to track down that mysterious native!"

Mykarion remained silent in the face of his sister's feigned ignorance, a habit that was a recurring theme.


Kraynnor examined the interface mentioning 'Universal Points' but couldn't find any dropdown options or buttons to select. This left him perplexed, and eventually, he turned to the system with the question, "What is the function of Universal Points?"

[The Universal Points section will only be available starting from level one, but you can unlock it in advance for a hundred experience points.]


"Why do I have to wait until I reach level one? Just unlock it right now. It's clear that I'll reach that level sooner or later. After all, wasn't it you who mentioned that I've killed two creatures even someone at level ten would have trouble defeating?" Kraynnor smiled confidently as he spoke.

[The rules of the Universal System are set. You should be grateful that I'm offering you the option to unlock it for just a hundred experience points. If you're not interested, you can continue killing powerful creatures.]


"Do you need to be so hostile? Are you still bitter about the fact that I disarmed the saber and managed to create something much better? I suggest you get used to the idea, as, after all, you're looking at the future creator of immortality!" he might be rushing it, but since the death of his parents, that had been his dream, and he wasn't going to give up just because he had other responsibilities to attend to.

Furthermore, with his superior intellect and the certainty that the universe held immeasurable knowledge waiting for him, if he couldn't achieve immortality, then he didn't consider his life worth continuing!

[Rules are meant to be followed, and the Universal System makes no exceptions, not even for the "grand future creator of immortality."]

"Fine, no need to be so sarcastic. I'll use those hundred points. In the end, no matter how long it takes me, all the millions of alien creatures that occupy Earth will be massacred by my hands," he muttered with a cold and sinister tone.


[You've spent a hundred experience points to unlock the Universal Points section.]

Kraynnor was stunned as an immense panel with countless options appeared before him. The overwhelming number of choices made him realize that it would take him at least a day just to read 1% of what was shown on the panel.

"What if you give me a quick summary of what I can do with Universal Points?" he asked the system.

[Universal Points are highly rare rewards only granted for achievements the system deems exceptional. Since you have the Novice Mechanic class, the rewards you'll obtain with these points will be related to your class.]

Kraynnor nodded in agreement and continued listening to the system's instructions.

[For now, these are the functions you have for using Universal Points:

Knowledge Unlock: You have the option to access new knowledge collected throughout the existence of this universal cycle, spanning from Type Zero civilizations to Type Four.

Technological Enhancement: You can invest your Universal Points in acquiring guidelines to optimize existing technologies, increasing their efficiency and performance.]

"Oh? There are only two options? But why is there so much text on this panel?" Kraynnor asked, pointing to the seemingly endless text on the panel.

[You underestimate the accumulated knowledge in this universal cycle; what you see is just a grain of sand in this vast universe.]

Kraynnor rubbed his chin and said, "What's this universal cycle you're talking about?"

[That information is not available until level thirty.]

"Ha! In any case, I can guess what it's about. Even though it sounds incredible and unreal, are you talking about the idea that the universe resets? After all, the universe seems to be in constant expansion and will eventually face one of two possible fates: either eternal solitary death or a grand rebirth, returning to its beginnings," even though it was a mere theory without solid evidence, it was a concept that any scientist in Caelum could explore.

Kraynnor waited for the system to confirm his guess, but when he heard nothing, he simply smiled and looked at something on the list that interested him: advanced genetic engineering knowledge.

[Advanced Genetic Engineering (Competency Level: One Star) - 2%: Delve into high-level genetic manipulation with fundamental skills and knowledge in this field of study. This knowledge represents the outstanding achievements of countless Type One civilizations throughout time.]

[To master 100% of this knowledge, fifty Universal Points are needed, while three Points are required to reach 10%.]

Kraynnor evaluated his points, totaling twenty in all. He made a quick calculation and realized that they would only be enough to reach 40% of the knowledge in Advanced Genetic Engineering. Although he hesitated, he ultimately chose not to spend them, as he didn't need it at the moment.

"You say it can also improve technology? I'll take out the Biomass Energy Saber to see how much it could do in comparison to what I could do."

[Biomass Energy Saber: You can improve this blade with ten Universal Points. Enhancements will include an increase in biomass capacity and an increase in the weapon's temperature.]

"That's it? A disappointing 30% increase in its capacity! On the other hand, I not only improved it but created something much more advanced. This enhancement option simply isn't good enough," he expressed, not caring about the sensation of anger coming from somewhere.

[Master, I have completed the separation and storage of the intact parts of the alien creature. Do you want me to do the same with the other surrounding creatures?]

"It sounds tempting, but I highly doubt it's safe to stay longer at the crime scene. Anyway, we already have the most valuable items. Let's go to Caelum!" Kraynnor only hoped that this time they wouldn't encounter any trouble on the way, as to expedite his plans to kill the Astrylites, he needed to ensure that everything in the Caelum warehouse was in good condition.

In the city's glory days, Kraynnor had visited the warehouse briefly. He still vividly remembered the vast piles of materials it housed; with that arsenal, he could carry out countless projects.

[Extended, activating advanced sonar to calculate the current location.]

The submarine soon sent out sound pulses that extended for thousands of meters in an instant.

[We are at Latitude: 5.7417 degrees South, Longitude: 142.6642 degrees West.]

Leaving behind the gruesome scene of blood and scattered flesh, the submarine sped away at full throttle. What remained was an eerie silence, a place that had remained unchanged and peaceful for five hundred years, now transformed into an ocean of death, where only chaos and destruction prevailed.

In a short time, approximately within half an hour, a group of ships arrived at the scene.

"What the hell happened here!?" exclaimed one of the pilots with disbelief. Neither he nor any of those who had come to investigate the unexpected high radiation expected to encounter such a gruesome scene!