
CH 3: Student meeting

Most of the students had gathered in the seating area of the main hall. I was still going to wait a bit before starting since it's still early.

They look like their about to have fun. I should shake them up a bit at first. I want to see their responses to authority.

There are so many different kind of beings here. I dont need to know all their names today. I see that Uriel has taken a seat up front.

He sure has a heart for knowledge. I like him, and I think I will keep my eye on him.

It's a few more minutes now. I think it's time for a shake.

"Everyone take a seat, and be quiet. This isn't a place to have fun in."

They quickly moved to seats.

"Good, I see that you can listen. You in the front here!"

I pointed at Uriel.

"Stand up, and tell us all your name."

He stood up.

"My name is Uriel sir!"

I started to walk away from him.

"Uriel, you will be my lead in the student body. You will be the negotiating party for the the students."

"You will also be the one to relay any messages between myself, and the students."

When I looked back at him, he looked surprised.

"Uriel was the first one at school today. So he gets the first duties with in the student body."

"There will be more duties appointed to other students. Most of these duties will go threw Uriel's ears first."

I stopped in the middle of the crowd, and faced them.

"Does everyone understand?!"


"Good, Uriel you can sit down now."

He did as instructed, and didn't ask any questions.

"Now that I have taken care of that matter. I'm Vice Principal Lucifer, and I am also a teacher here."

"I hope any of you whom have signed up for my diversity class. Has made yourselves ready for serious lessons."

"For now, fuck all the formalities, and seriousness!"

I smiled at them, and they were definitely caught off gaurd.

"Hey class hasn't started, and we all have to live outside of class right?!"

They all laughed.

"So for now let's all relax a bit. I apologize for the harshness at first."

"I had to make sure you all are good at taking authority. This is my first time teaching so I'm kind of a rookie at teaching."

I threw my hands up, and lifted my shoulders.

"So don't be too hard on me as a teacher. I'm not used to teaching in a classroom."

Right after saying that, Mikhail, and Lil walked in.

"I hope everyone is treating the Vice Principal with respect." Mikhail said as he walked up to me.

"Good day brother, how is it going?"

He stopped to shake my hand.

"Things are going well, and they are responding exceptionally."

Lil walked up to hug me after that.

"Principal Lilith, if you want to take over now. I would be delighted to have you do so."

Lil then began to speak with the students. She explained the plans of the school. I had to give some input on that, as well as the other teachers.

The students asked many questions, and we each took turns answering them. All the students were asked to choose which classes they wanted to attend.

Some of the teachers had more students on their list. I had a few on mine, it was not the least, but it was short of the top numbers.

I guess that was because of me not really having much of a history here. I had to explain the reason for wearing my mask in better detail.

A lot of the female students thought it was cool to not be seen. Some of the male students thought it was cool looking to walk around that way.

Most of those that like my mask chose to take my class. I only had to teach four classes a day. The other teachers mostly had more classes then that.

After all the students picked their classes, and met with their teachers. There was a banquet prepared for everyone to enjoy.

At the banquet I was having a hard time not talking to Lil like I wanted to. We couldn't let off just yet that we have been dating.

It would be weird that she was dating someone who almost didn't exist. No one knew whom I was. So it may have come off a bit strange.

When we was done eating, and everyone was getting to know one another. Uriel walked over to me.

He wanted to speak with me about my choosing him as the liaison to the students. I had to explain to him that someone had to do the job.

He was the first one there, and I already knew his name. I did pick him because I believe in his potential also.

However, I did not pick him based on his actions. Those will tell me if he needs to remain my liaison. He understood all of it fairly well.

The university grew it's own energy signature feeding from the students. The teachers grew in their ability to maintain the flow of energy. This place was on it's first steps to becoming a home, and the ones doing it didn't even notice.

I think that this must be how a tribe is formed with in Heaven. A group of like minded people come together in agreement with each other. They then build philosophies from their talks, and become something greater.

If this is to be the tribe for Lil, and I. Then I have to make sure it is one that grows with the understanding of truth. I can't have my tribe believing in too many dilutions of reality.

That means I have to teach them lessons in chaos. One should know chaos as much as any other merits in existence. Chaos has always been around, and it was the way of the universe before my Father's teachings.

I'm going to have a hard time with convincing Lil to go along with that. The other teachers may, or may not agree with it as well. This is something to think about, and I can't just think it over lightly.

The first few weeks went by in good fashion. We are on a small break from classes at this time, and the students are all exploring their new ideas. That's the real essence of learning, and teaching.

Accepting the information you're taking in, applying it to your real life, and expanding that which you was taught. We have some good students studying under guidance. I like the small teaching core that we have. I'm certain that it too will grow in the coming times.

This is just a gathering event, and the MC is still making the most of it.

Ian_Pleasantcreators' thoughts