
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Huyền huyễn
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150 Chs

(Chapter 125)Determining the outcome in one fell swoop!

"It seems that he knew he was going to die and was just being a pompous ass."

Outside the arena, the grand elder's faint smile vanished.

This battle had been nothing but suspense from beginning to end.

Yet, he couldn't help but wonder, where had this kid's confidence come from?

"Fortunately, this farce is about to end, ashes to ashes, dust to dust!"

The grand elder scanned the venue; the outcome meant nothing to him.

"Come forth, Purple Fire Tiger, and devour the boy!"

Chen Zilei let out a savage grin. Immediately, an enormous tiger ablaze with purple flames emerged from his mystic space.

The Purple Fire Tiger's four legs were thick and massive, leaving a deafening sound as they struck the ground.

An oppressive, blatant aura emanated from the beast.

The purple flames raged fiercely.

The seventh-level mystical beast, the Purple Fire Tiger!

"The Purple Fire Tiger is truly formidable."

"Yes, few mystical beasts at its level can rival it."

"This battle is over before it's even begun."

Many gasped in surprise upon seeing the beast.


Chen Zilei unleashed the Hanyun Sword again, and its sharp edge flashed.

The void split open under the force of the sword's light!

A fourth-level spiritual weapon was indeed incredibly sharp.

A single glance sent chills down the observers' spines.

Disappointment spread across the crowd.

They had expected a close fight.

But now it seemed like a complete annihilation!

Chen Zilei didn't intend to give Lin Chen any chance. He had revealed his full strength from the start.

The Purple Fire Tiger was a mystical beast with an extraordinarily powerful offense.

He was also proficient in swordsmanship. With the Hanyun Sword in hand, none could challenge him in close combat.


Lin Chen chuckled and summoned Tuntun.


Tuntun engaged without hesitation.

His frame was tall and robust.

Towering over three meters tall, he exuded a formidable presence.

"What kind of mystical beast is that?"

"A tree?"

"I've never seen anything like it before."

"To be able to cultivate a mystical beast to the sixth level from the Land of Five Kingdoms is quite impressive!"

"Indeed, but it's a shame he's provoked Chen Zilei."

Many cultivators exchanged glances. No one believed that Lin Chen could win this battle.

In terms of realm, mystical beasts, and personal combat proficiency, it was a total beatdown!

What else was there to see?

He might as well give up and spare himself unnecessary suffering.


An unfathomable force erupted from Tuntun.

This force seemed to originate from his very soul and blood. As soon as it appeared, it bore down like a mountain, crushing the very fabric of reality.

The Purple Fire Tiger instinctively retreated, a flash of fear crossing its once-proud eyes.

The pressure emitted by the tree creature filled the Purple Fire Tiger with terror!

The sensation was hard to describe.

It was like a python encountering a true dragon.

The suppression from a higher species and a superior bloodline could instantly render the python powerless!

The situation now was remarkably similar.


Chen Zilei roared and activated a scroll.


A beam of golden light condensed into armor, covering his entire body.

Holding the Hanyun Sword, Chen Zilei let out a battle cry and lunged at Lin Chen with a cunning, unpredictable strike!


The Hanyun Sword was so sharp that it ripped through the void.

"The fourth-level spiritual pattern, 'Golden Armor Pattern'!"

Chu Yinfei couldn't help but exclaim when he saw the golden armor surrounding Chen Zilei.

A profound sense of shock was written across his face!

At that moment, he had but one question.

Was this necessary?

To deal with someone below his cultivation, he was using a fourth-level spiritual pattern and a fourth-level spiritual weapon.

Even without those, he could still crush his opponent!

The smile vanished from Chu Hao's face.

He had immense confidence in Lin Chen, but Chen Zilei seemed... overly prepared!

He had even resorted to a fourth-level spiritual pattern.

He feared this battle would not be an easy victory!


The crowd erupted in an uproar.

"Did he really need to use the 'Golden Armor Pattern'?"

"The Chen family is truly wealthy. To battle an opponent of lower cultivation, they'll use both spiritual patterns and spiritual weapons!"

Some onlookers sneered.

This display was truly unsightly!

After all, Chen Zilei was one of the Four Young Masters of TECU. Surely, he didn't need to be so cautious?

He was clearly trying to use his resources to overwhelm and destroy his opponent!

"'Golden Armor Pattern'? So what?"

Lin Chen laughed out loud as his 'Myriad Trees' Majestic Body surged with power.

His hand turned into translucent white jade.

Dragon Jade Hand!

Terrifying draconic energy burst forth and coiled around his arm.

Lin Chen took a step forward, his fist clenched. With lightning speed, he met the Hanyun Sword!

"If you dare to clash with a fourth-level spiritual weapon with your bare body, you must have a death wish!"

The grand elder couldn't help but smirk.

This boy's arrogance knew no bounds!

Even body refiners hesitated to pit their bodies against spiritual weapons.

Why wouldn't he know better?


The clash of metal upon metal reverberated through the air.

In the full view of the audience, Lin Chen's punch knocked away the Hanyun Sword.

Meanwhile, Tuntun had engaged the Purple Fire Tiger in battle.

Their fighting style was more straightforward and brutal compared to Lin Chen and Chen Zilei.

One of Tuntun's arms transformed into a wooden blade, cleaving with terrifying power at every swing.

The Purple Fire Tiger retaliated with roars and fire blasts.

Initially, it managed to parry, but it never anticipated that Tuntun's other arm would morph into a wooden shield, effortlessly blocking the flames.

He wielded a shield in one hand and a sword in the other.

Attack when advancing, defend when retreating!

Many spectators exchanged glances. This was... beyond shameless!


Lin Chen delivered another thunderous punch, sending the Hanyun Sword flying.

He moved with lightning speed, his jade-like palm swiftly seizing the sword.

Chen Zilei scoffed. With a flick of his wrist, he twisted the hilt of the sword, intending to sever Lin Chen's hand!


Another resounding clash!

Lin Chen's backhand slap disrupted the maneuver.

Immediately afterward, Lin Chen summoned an enormous, angular hammer from his ring. Its cold surface shimmered.

Overwhelmingly heavy!

It was the Tianyuan Hammer!


A draconic roar erupted from Lin Chen's body.

He channeled his energy into his hands, swung the Tianyuan Hammer, and struck with full force!

Chen Zilei's expression twisted in horror.

The attack had come too quickly for him to evade.

He had no choice but to use the Hanyun Sword to intercept it head-on!


The Hanyun Sword shattered into pieces upon making contact with the Tianyuan Hammer!

Chen Zilei stumbled backward.

His eyes widened in terror as he looked up!