
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Huyền huyễn
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150 Chs

(Chapter 121)Liu Jiaojiao's Apology

In a grand mansion in Lingyu City, an old man's pupils constricted upon hearing the news. "What, you encountered the murderer of the young master?" he exclaimed. "Why didn't you kill him?"

"Of course, I intend to kill him, especially him." Chen Zilei gritted his teeth with a grim expression. "However, when I approached him, I felt an aura... I hesitated! Damn it, I'm at the tenth level of the Earth Spirit Realm, a realm higher than his!"

"It seems that this kid possesses some unusual abilities," the old man remarked, a glint of coldness in his eyes. "But you made the right decision. If you had failed in Guanyue Tower and alerted the Chu family, things would have been far more complicated. Is he also participating in tomorrow's invitational tournament?"

"Yes," Chen Zilei nodded. "Before I came, I heard that the Chu family had invited a genius from the Lihuo Sect, Lin Chen."

"Very well, tomorrow, you must kill him at all costs," the old man stated firmly. "This matter is crucial for my Chen family's reputation. You must publicly execute him. By doing so, not only will you avenge the young master but also humiliate the Chu family in front of everyone."

"Great Elder, can you provide me with some spiritual patterns?" Chen Zilei requested, his eyes gleaming with malice and determination. "With their combined power, I will undoubtedly succeed in killing him."

"Agreed, I will grant you a 'Golden Armor Pattern' and a 'Hidden Sword Pattern.' Both are fourth-level spiritual patterns," the old man responded. "Additionally, can you bring the 'Han Yun Sword' with you?"

The Han Yun Sword is a fourth-level spiritual weapon. Chen Zilei is a beastmaster, but he is also proficient in swordsmanship. Though his skill in sword cultivation may not be exceptional, it is still formidable. Combining his unparalleled swordsmanship with these enhancements, his power will be overwhelming.

"With all these preparations, I refuse to believe that I cannot eliminate him," Chen Zilei declared with intense murderous intent in his eyes.

Since the demise of Chen Lingfeng and Chu Hao's attempt to protect Lin Chen, the Chen family had been consumed by fury. Chen Zilei's objective in this invitational tournament was to emerge victorious. The Chu family's tournament would serve as a stage for the Chen family to showcase their superiority and reclaim their honor.


Early the next morning, Lin Chen departed from the general's mansion. The city streets were bustling with activity. This invitational tournament had drawn most of the geniuses from the Earth Spirit Realm of the Dongyuan Region. Each participant aspired to excel and establish their reputation. Notably, two members of the renowned Dongyuan Four Young Masters were present: Chen Zilei, the second young master of the Chen family, and Duan Huaze, a disciple of the second-class Tianyi Sect. Along with Chu Yinfei of the Chu family, they were considered the top contenders. The tournament victory seemed destined to fall upon one of them.

As Lin Chen strolled along, the sound of a horse's neigh reached his ears. A luxurious carriage came to a halt, and Liu Jiaojiao, unable to meet his gaze directly, beckoned, "Lin Chen, join me in the carriage for the invitational tournament..."

"Sure," Lin Chen chuckled and stepped into the carriage without hesitation. Having access to a means of transportation, he saw no point in walking.

The carriage was spacious, providing ample room for the two of them to converse.

"This is killing me," Tuntun emerged from the fantasy space and exclaimed upon witnessing the scene. "Lin Chen, how shameless can you be? You force me to toil in the fantasy space while you're out here flirting. How could you?"

"Behave yourself," Lin Chen rebuked Tuntun with a flick.

Undeterred, Tuntun turned to Liu Jiaojiao, "Don't be fooled by his handsome appearance!"

Liu Jiaojiao couldn't help but giggle, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"Why are you so talkative?" Lin Chen asked Tuntun impatiently. "Do you want me to burn you for firewood?"

"You wouldn't dare. If you burn me, who will be your phantom beast?" Tuntun's arrogance diminished instantly.

Lin Chen addressed Liu Jiaojiao, "We often bicker like this, pardon our behavior."

"Not at all, it's rather amusing," Liu Jiaojiao remarked. "Lin Chen, I've intended to apologize to you. From the moment you arrived in Lingyu City, I harbored a prejudice against you. It stemmed entirely from my superficiality..."

'Oh boy, here we go.'

Tuntun buried its face in its paws, realizing that Lin Chen had used some unknown method to charm the general's daughter. By the blush on her face, it was evident that she had become smitten.

"It's inconsequential, a trivial matter," Lin Chen dismissed with a dismissive wave. "Compared to what I've endured, these instances pale in significance."

Intrigued, Liu Jiaojiao inquired, "What have you experienced? Would you care to share it?"

Lin Chen hesitated for a moment. What could he say? That he had destroyed people's families? Tuntun erupted in laughter at his predicament.

Just as Lin Chen struggled for an answer, a voice echoed from outside the carriage, "Jiaojiao, are you in there?"

It was Cheng Yan.

Liu Jiaojiao's expression instantly turned icy. She lifted the curtain and uttered, "Cheng Yan, are you acquainted with me?"

Cheng Yan stood outside with an anxious expression. After fleeing Guanyue Tower yesterday, he dared not return, fearing Chen Zilei's retribution. Nonetheless, he couldn't shake his unease and had someone investigate the matter, only to discover that all details of yesterday's events had been suppressed. Consequently, Cheng Yan became restless and had waited for Liu Jiaojiao on the streets since early morning.

"Jiaojiao, there was a reason for yesterday's events..." Cheng Yan attempted to explain, but his gaze inadvertently caught sight of Lin Chen inside the carriage. He abruptly stopped speaking and exclaimed, "Jiaojiao, why is this trash in your carriage!"

"Mind your own business," Liu Jiaojiao retorted with annoyance. "Uncle Wang, keep moving!"

"Halt!" Cheng Yan demanded angrily. "Jiaojiao, even if something unpleasant occurred yesterday, there's no need to debase yourself by being with this loser, is there? What makes him worthy of you? Why don't you return to me? I don't care about what happened yesterday..."

He assumed that after Liu Jiaojiao had been violated by Chen Zilei, she had lost all hope and settled for Lin Chen out of desperation. Hence, Cheng Yan was furious. How dare anyone lay a hand on the woman he, Cheng Yan, desired!

"You're shameless!" Liu Jiaojiao's fury reached its peak, rendering her speechless.

"If you don't leave within three breaths, you'll lose your arms!" Lin Chen's cold voice emanated from within the carriage. His tone was indifferent, yet it carried an unmistakable murderous intent.