
Eternal Threads: Embrace of the Celestial Path

In the vast universe, three realms exist in harmony—the Lower Realm, the Middle Realm, and the Upper Realm. Each realm is governed by its own unique set of laws and is inhabited by diverse creatures, spirits, and cultivators seeking power and enlightenment.

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99 Chs

Chapter 7: "Trial of Ascension"

The Trial of Ascension loomed before Liu Chen and Li Qingyun like an ominous specter. Lady Elysia's words echoed in their minds, carrying a sense of gravity that sent shivers down their spines.

They had come so far, facing numerous challenges, but this trial was different—it held the key to their ultimate destiny.

The masked woman led them to the heart of the celestial palace, where an ancient portal stood tall and imposing.

Its surface shimmered with a cosmic energy, and Liu Chen could feel the immense power radiating from it.

"Beyond this portal lies the realm of the Celestial Masters," Lady Elysia explained.

"To ascend, you must overcome the guardians that protect this sacred realm."

Liu Chen and Li Qingyun exchanged a determined glance, their hearts beating as one.

They had faced trials of strength, resolve, and wisdom, and now, the final trial awaited them.

With a deep breath, Liu Chen stepped forward and placed his hand on the portal.

It glowed in response, recognizing him as the bearer of the Heaven's Path System.

The portal's surface rippled like a pond disturbed by a stone, and with a surge of energy, it opened.

Beyond the portal lay an ethereal realm bathed in golden light—a celestial realm untouched by time.

The Celestial Masters' domain was an awe-inspiring sight, with palaces floating amidst clouds and celestial gardens filled with vibrant flora.

But as Liu Chen and Li Qingyun stepped through the portal, they were met with a formidable challenge—a trio of celestial guardians, each embodying an element of cosmic power.

The first guardian, with eyes ablaze like stars, controlled the power of fire.

Fiery trails of energy danced around its body, and with each step, the ground beneath it ignited.

The second guardian, with a countenance as serene as a calm lake, harnessed the power of water.

Waves swirled around its form, and the air crackled with the electricity of the charged waters.

The third guardian, with a form as solid as a mountain, wielded the power of earth. Its footsteps caused tremors in the ground, and boulders seemed to obey its will.

Liu Chen and Li Qingyun faced the celestial guardians with a resolute determination, calling upon the strength, resolve, and wisdom they had acquired through the previous trials.

The battle that followed was like a symphony of elements colliding.

Liu Chen's body moved like a whirlwind, channeling the power of the Heaven's Path System to counter the guardians' cosmic might.

Li Qingyun's sword danced with unparalleled grace, weaving through the elemental forces with precise strikes.

But the guardians were no ordinary opponents.

They were ancient beings, guardians of the Celestial Masters' realm, and their power was unlike anything Liu Chen and Li Qingyun had faced before.

With every clash, they felt the weight of the celestial realm bearing down on them.

It was a battle of endurance and willpower—a test of their very essence as cultivators.

As the fight raged on, Liu Chen could feel his body growing weaker, and Li Qingyun's movements showed signs of fatigue. Yet, they pressed on, refusing to yield.

In a desperate gambit, Liu Chen unleashed the full might of the Heaven's Path System, calling forth celestial energy that surpassed the power of the guardians.

He and Li Qingyun fought as one, their bond transcending the physical realm.

But just as it seemed they might overcome the guardians, a shocking revelation unfolded—the celestial realm itself was exerting its influence on them.

It was as if the realm sought to test not only their physical prowess but also their very souls.

A blinding light enveloped the celestial realm, and Liu Chen and Li Qingyun were cast into darkness.

The world seemed to twist and warp around them, and they felt themselves losing control.

With a final, desperate effort, Liu Chen reached out to Li Qingyun, their hands grasping each other's tightly.

Together, they defied the celestial realm's influence, calling upon the strength of their bond and the power of the Heaven's Path System.

But as the darkness consumed them, a haunting voice echoed in the void, "You have yet to prove your worth, young Celestial Masters. This is not the end."