
Eternal Threads: Embrace of the Celestial Path

In the vast universe, three realms exist in harmony—the Lower Realm, the Middle Realm, and the Upper Realm. Each realm is governed by its own unique set of laws and is inhabited by diverse creatures, spirits, and cultivators seeking power and enlightenment.

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99 Chs

Chapter 13: "Unveiling the Shadows"

Liu Chen and Li Qingyun stood in stunned silence, their minds grappling with the revelation of betrayal.

The celestial master before them, once an esteemed figure, now wore a mask of deceit.

"You were always blind to the truth," the traitorous celestial master sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

"I've been playing my part in this grand scheme since the beginning, and you fools were none the wiser."

Li Qingyun's eyes blazed with righteous anger, "How could you betray the celestial realm? What do you seek to gain from this treachery?"

The traitor laughed darkly, "Power, of course. The power that comes with the celestial convergence—the union of realms that will grant unimaginable abilities to those who control it."

Liu Chen's heart sank as he realized the malevolent forces' true plan.

They sought to exploit the celestial convergence for their own dark ambitions, endangering the delicate balance of the realms.

Before they could confront the traitor further, a sudden commotion echoed through the celestial realm.

The celestial masters and disciples rushed to the scene, drawn by the disturbance.

Among the crowd was Lady Elysia, her masked expression turning grave as she witnessed the confrontation.

"So, it was you all along," she stated with a mix of disappointment and resolve.

The traitor grinned maliciously, "Ah, the ever-observant Lady Elysia. It's a pity you won't live to see the celestial convergence unfold."

With a swift motion, he unleashed a devastating attack aimed at Lady Elysia.

But before the malevolent energy could reach her, Liu Chen and Li Qingyun leaped into action, shielding her from harm.

Their celestial energy clashed with the traitor's malevolence, creating a shockwave that reverberated through the celestial realm.

The ground beneath them cracked, and the skies churned with celestial power.

Liu Chen's eyes locked with Lady Elysia's, and he knew that they had to work together to defeat the traitor.

With a nod of mutual understanding, they unleashed a combined assault, their celestial energy merging into a force of cosmic magnitude.

The traitor's confidence wavered as he struggled to withstand their united power. He had not anticipated this level of resistance, and fear flickered in his eyes.

But before they could deliver the final blow, the traitor's malevolent allies arrived, surrounding Liu Chen, Li Qingyun, and Lady Elysia.

Their faces were shrouded in darkness, and their power seemed to surpass any opponent the celestial realm had faced before.

It was evident that they were beings of immense malevolence—entities beyond the comprehension of ordinary cultivators.

As the traitor's allies closed in, Liu Chen, Li Qingyun, and Lady Elysia found themselves facing an insurmountable threat.

The balance of the realms hung in the balance, and their combined power might not be enough to overcome this new challenge.