
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

"May good luck be with those who read this novel" and when your death come trck kun will lead you to another world "by author" ****************************************** "Eternal Rebirth: The World Within," The tragic person named Ethan, who is black sheep of his family die due to car acciedent on the family trip, But, death is not end of his journey. As, He find that he is, Reincarnated as a powerful being "World Will" itself, He must navigate the challenges of existence from this unprecedented perspective. As he come to terms with his newfound powers, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration, shaping the landscape and inhabitants of their world. However, lurking threats and ancient mysteries emerge, challenging the very essence of his existence. With magic, adventure, and the fate of an entire realm at stake, our protagonist must uncover the truth behind his reincarnation and forst the swirling currents of destiny *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Umesh_Kalantri_5979 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

"The Struggle"

As, ethan was in despare for being targeted by universe will,


He suddenly remember the worst day he had lived in his previous life,

In previous life,

It was the day of exam result,

Ethan had been nervous for weeks, unable to shake the anxiety that gnawed at him. He had studied as hard as he could, but the subjects were difficult. The night before the results were to be announced, Ethan barely slept, his mind racing with fear and hope.

Morning came, and the school buzzed with excitement as students gathered to receive their results .When his turn came, he took the slip of paper with trembling hands and glanced at it. His worst fear had come true: he had failed.

Tears welled up in Ethan's eyes as he made his way back home.

He knew his father would be waiting in home for result. Etahn father sat on the couch, while checking the result of the other children in house, they all have score the good mark.

But as soon as he saw the paper in ethan hand, the softness in his eye vanished.

"Well?" his father demanded, his voice edged with impatience.

Ethan handed over the result slip without a word. As his father eyes scanned the paper, his face turned red with anger.

"How could you fail, Ethan? After all the time and money I've invested in your education, this is how you repay me?" his voice thundered, echoing through the quiet home.

Before Etahn could respond, his father grabbed him by the arm and dragged him inside. The house was filled with the sound of his father's harsh words and the sharp sting of his hand.

Etahn tried to explain, to apologize, but his words were drowned out by the storm of his father's rage.

"You're a disgrace! A failure!" his father shouted, his hand striking again and again. "You will never amount to anything if you continue like this!"

Ethan's tears flowed freely now, his body aching from the beating, but more than the physical pain, it was the hurt of his father's words that cut deepest. He felt small, worthless, and utterly alone.

That night, as Ethan lay in his bed, bruised and sobbing quietly, his sister came to his room. In the entire if family someone took care of him was his sister 

As his sister entered the room, she sat on the bed and said with a soft face, "Hey, little brother," she greeted,

her voice warm and comforting. She sat beside him, nudging him playfully. "You seem deep in thought. What's on your mind?"

Ethan looked at her, his eyes reflecting the emotional storm he had been through. "It's been a tough day, Ananya. I got my exam results."

Her face softened with concern. "How did it go?"

Ethan didn't say anything. He only showed the bruises he got from his father's beating.

Looking at the bruises, she said, "It seems Father has not been kind to you." She continued, staring into his eyes, her voice growing stern and serious,

"Listen, Ethan, and listen well. If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. If you can't crawl, then struggle. But no matter what, never stop moving."

Her voice lacked any empathy. "This is how the world works, and from tomorrow onward, don't talk to me."

That was the day Ethan's world broke completely. The only person he cared about also left his life.

As Ethan thought about this incident from his past, the worst day of his life in both lifetimes, his resolve soon came back. In his mind, he remembered the words of his sister:

"Listen, Ethan, and listen well. If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. If you can't crawl, then struggle. But no matter what, never stop moving."

Ethan thought, alright. I will struggle. I will struggle until my body breaks apart, my soul tears up. Even in the face of death, I will struggle.

As Ethan thought this, he soon decided what he would do next.

He would continue to evolve, no matter what. Even if the universe's will targeted him, he would still continue to evolve.

At most, the universe's will could take his life.

But ,what is his real identity?

He is the world's will.

He can be reborn.

If this lifetime is not enough, then the next. If that is not enough, then ten lifetimes. If that is also not enough, then a hundred lifetimes. But no matter what, he will evolve into a perfect being.

He will not let any regret enter his life