
Eternal Pursuit: Chronicles of the Martial Prodigy

In a realm where martial prowess defines one's destiny, Liang Jiang navigates the intricacies of awakening innate abilities and cultivating his skills, he unravels secrets that set him apart from his peers. Blessed with two unique innate abilities, the Martial Arts Panel and Copy, Liang Jiang embarks on a journey that challenges the conventions of his martial world. Guided by his powerful family and the wisdom of his great-grandfather, the revered Martial Saint Liang Feng, Liang Jiang faces the complexities of power, secrecy, and responsibility. The revelation of his abilities brings both awe and peril, as the Liang Clan safeguards the extraordinary potential within their youngest member. The novel explores Liang Jiang's quest for strength, his interactions with his remarkable family, and the uncharted territories of martial arts that he discovers through his exceptional abilities. Each breakthrough, each copied skill, and every decision he makes shape his destiny in a world where the pursuit of martial excellence is eternal. As Liang Jiang rises through the ranks, he grapples with the limitations of his abilities, the consequences of his choices, and the delicate balance between power and secrecy. "Eternal Pursuit: Chronicles of the Martial Prodigy" unfolds a captivating tale of adventure, growth, and the relentless pursuit of greatness in a martial world teeming with challenges, rivalries, and hidden mysteries.

Migusta · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Innate Abilities Limitations

In the wake of Great Martial Saint Liang Feng's revelation, a hushed anticipation hung over the Liang Clan. Liang Feng, his gaze steady, approached Liang Jiang, producing three pills from the folds of his robe.

"These are Stone Skin pills," Liang Feng explained. "Grade 1, 2, and 3. Eat them, and observe their effects."

Intrigued, Liang Jiang hesitated for a moment before consuming the Grade 1 Stone Skin pill. A game-like notification appeared before his eyes:

+50 Points

The courtyard buzzed with murmurs as Liang Jiang continued, consuming the Grade 2 Stone Skin pill, resulting in another notification:

+100 Points

With a newfound resolve, he swallowed the Grade 3 Stone Skin pill, prompting a notification:

+200 Points

Liang Feng, his eyes sharp, inquired, "What effects do you feel, Liang Jiang?"

Liang Jiang hesitated before responding, "I don't feel any physical changes. Only these points keep appearing in my Martial Arts Panel."

A wave of discussion ensued among the family members, debating the implications of gaining points instead of experiencing the Stone Skin effect. Liang Jiang's sister, Liang Ying, interjected, "Try using those points to enhance your cultivation?"

The suggestion lingered in the air, prompting Liang Jiang to consider the possibility. He glanced at his Martial Arts Panel, which now displayed:

- Cultivation: Rank 1 Mortal: (0/100)

- Points: 350

Liang Feng nodded approvingly. "Try using the points on your cultivation."

Liang Jiang, fueled by curiosity, focused on his cultivation and spent 100 points:

-100 Points

The courtyard fell silent as the Martial Arts Panel displayed:

- Cultivation: Rank 2 Mortal: (0/200)

- Points: 250

A collective gasp swept through the family as they witnessed Liang Jiang's unprecedented breakthrough. Liang Jiang, undeterred, considered enhancing his cultivation further. However, a notification disrupted his plans:

Cooldown: 1 Month

Perplexed, Liang Jiang shared this information with his great-grandfather, Liang Feng, who calmly stated, "It's fine, Liang Jiang. The higher the realm, the longer it takes to break through to the next cultivation stage. Some people take years. One breakthrough a month is already extraordinary."

Liang Ying, with a confident smile, turned to Liang Jiang. "Let's try your copy skill little brother, see if you can copy my Thunder Steps. It's a Sky Grade Martial Art."

She then introduced her cultivation, "little brother the cultivation realms are Mortal, Martial Apprentice, Martial Warrior, Great Martial Warrior, Martial Lord, Great Martial Lord, Martial King, Great Martial King, Martial Emperor, Great Martial Emperor, Martial Monarch, Great Martial Monarch, Martial Saint, Great Martial Saint, and Martial God. Each realm increases our lifespan; a Mortal Realm cultivator lives to 100, while a Martial God lives forever. I am currently a Rank 6 Martial Warrior."

Continuing her explanation, she added, "There are also Martial Arts Grades: Low Grade, Middle Grade, High Grade, Earth Grade, Sky Grade, Heaven Grade, Saint Grade, and Divine Grade." Liang Ying declared her intent to use a Sky Grade Martial Art, Thunder Steps, which enhanced attack, reaction speed by 150%, and speed by 500%.

She proceeded to demonstrate, the air crackling with energy as she seamlessly executed the Thunder Steps, leaving an afterimage of thunderous power. As the thunderous display concluded, a notification popped up in Liang Jiang's Martial Arts Panel:

Would you like to copy the Thunder Steps (Sky Grade)?

- Yes

- No

Liang Jiang chose "Yes," and the newly acquired skill instantly appeared in his panel:

- Martial Arts: Thunder Steps (Sky Grade) (Novice: 0/300)

With newfound excitement, Liang Jiang decided to try out his newly acquired skill. The courtyard echoed with thunder as Liang Jiang executed the Thunder Steps, leaving everyone astounded by his proficiency.

His father, Liang Chen, couldn't hide his amazement. "What does the panel say now, Liang Jiang?"

Liang Jiang glanced at his Martial Arts Panel and explained, "It says Thunder Steps (Sky Grade) (Novice: 0/300)."

His sister, Liang Ying, marveled at his ability to enhance martial arts. "Wow, you can also improve them!"

Intrigued, Liang Jiang asked, "What does 'Novice' mean, Father?"

His father, Liang Chen, patiently explained, "It represents the proficiency of the skill. It starts at Novice, then progresses through Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, Mastered, and Perfect." The courtyard buzzed with anticipation as Liang Jiang's journey into the martial arts world took another fascinating turn.

Liang Chen, couldn't contain his curiosity and asked. "Is there a cooldown for your copying ability, Liang Jiang?"

As the family members began discussing this, Liang Huo intervened, "Let me introduce Liang Chen, the rank 1 disciple of the younger generation. At just 21 years old, he has reached the impressive Rank 7 Martial Lord."

The family exchanged impressed glances, acknowledging Liang Chen's remarkable achievements. Liang Jiang's great-grandfather then suggested, "Liang Chen, why don't you demonstrate one of your skills for Liang Jiang?"

Liang Chen nodded, agreeing, "Okay, Great Grandfather." He gracefully executed Sky Walk, a Sky-grade skill that allowed him to traverse the air effortlessly. Turning to Liang Jiang, he encouraged, "Try copying this, Liang Jiang."

As Liang Jiang attempted to copy Sky Walk, a notification promptly appeared:

Cooldown: 1 Month

Liang Jiang relayed this to his family, sparking a discussion about the limitations of one enhancement and one copy per month. Each family member shared their thoughts, recognizing both the incredible potential and the necessity for caution in Liang Jiang's unique journey through the martial arts world.