
Eternal Nightfall: Secrets of the Goodness of the Night

Elena, a peace-seeking vampire of a unique kind, finds herself entangled in a fierce power struggle among families vying for the power of the Night Goddess. Her unique abilities become the focal point, sparking internal distrust and jealousy. The love between Elena and the human doctor, Andrea, symbolizes peaceful coexistence between vampires and humans in society. However, they face conflicts within the vampire community and heightened vigilance from the human society. Elena strives to resolve conflicts on all fronts, confronting powerful vampires from different families while attempting to convince human society that vampires are not a unified threat. This storyline puts Elena's courage, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to peace to the ultimate test.

Matilda07 · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Ancient Manuscripts

In the grand library of the Lost City, family members gather in front of the weighty ancient manuscripts, seeking precious clues about the Dark Master. Portraits of past family members adorn the library walls, narrating the family's long history.

Casavell opens a beautifully bound ancient book, its cover adorned with shimmering runes. He delicately flips through the weathered pages, each seemingly carrying the weight of ages.

Casavell: "This book records our family's origin and the mysterious legend of the Dark Master."

Together, they focus on the text, unraveling layers of seals as if unveiling an ancient scroll. The depicted scenes gradually unfold before them—the family's origins, the rise and fall of the Lost City, and its connection to the Dark Master.

The book recounts how early family members discovered the existence of the Dark Master in the Lost City. The wise one described in the book left a profound mark on the family's history, a prophet who, through communication with the Dark Master, initiated the family's connection with this ancient power.

This heritage originated from a destined ritual where he called upon the Dark Master at a midnight altar. Family members entered meditation, immersed in the mysterious ritual, attempting to glimpse the truth of the Dark Master. After a prolonged meditation, the consciousness of the wise one traversed the tunnel of time, connecting with the power of the Dark Master.

This encounter changed his life and infused a mysterious power into the family's future. He passed on the knowledge and understanding gained to the descendants, becoming a bridge between the vampire family and the ancient power. Over the years, this tradition gradually integrated into the family's culture and ceremonies.

The library in the Lost City holds this ancient manuscript, adorned with ancient runes and patterns. Each family member searching for answers here feels connected to the historical tapestry. Casavell peruses the document, sensing the wisdom of ancestors flowing through the words.

Casavell: "This heritage is deeply rooted in our history; the power of the Dark Master is a part of our family."

Alex: "We cannot simply wield this power but must, like the wise one, maintain awe and understanding."

Elena: "The purpose of the Dark Master is to maintain balance; we should seek wisdom in power for survival."

The library in the Lost City becomes the wellspring of the family's wisdom, with each generation of vampires drawing experience and lessons. This ancient manuscript, as a treasure of the family, witnesses the inseparable connection between them and the Dark Master.

As the interpretation of the ancient manuscript deepens, the family's reverence for the Dark Master intensifies. They understand that this is a covenant concerning the survival and destiny of the family that needs careful handling. With the awakening of the Dark Master, the vampire family will continue to explore this mysterious power, seeking a path of survival while safeguarding the balance of the Lost City.

This mysterious heritage will continue to be written in the history of the vampire family, becoming a page in the eternal story between the Dark Master and the Lost City. A wise one, through meditation and rituals, gained insights from the Dark Master and passed this knowledge to descendants. This longstanding tradition is recorded in the ancient manuscript in the library.

Alex: "Let's continue searching; perhaps we'll find the essence of the Dark Master's power."

Elena's gaze is deep and focused as she points to the description of the Dark Master's power in the book.

Elena: "Here, it mentions a substance called the 'Nightshade Core,' seemingly the source of the Dark Master's power."

Casavell: "The Nightshade Core, I've heard of this name. It is the tangible manifestation of the Dark Master's power, awakening it may trigger unpredictable effects."

Family members delve into the records about the Nightshade Core, discovering its close connection to the energy nexus of the Lost City. Described as a hub linking the vampire family and the Lost City, the Nightshade Core is the bearer of the power of the Dark Master.

Alex: "This might be the answer we're seeking—the Nightshade Core is the essence of the Dark Master's power."

Elena: "There's mention of a ritual here, seemingly related to the Dark Sovereign."

Mark: "Perhaps we can use this ritual to seal the power of the Dark Sovereign."

In the documents, it describes an ancient war where the vampire clan, in order to protect freedom and their kin, engaged in a fierce battle with the Dark Sovereign. In this war, a predecessor in the clan named Eileen emerged as the leader.

Casavell: "Eileen, she is our trailblazer, fighting for the future of our clan."

Elena: "But the documents also mention the heavy price she paid, perhaps the threat of the Dark Sovereign."

The records reveal a ritual that can summon the Dark Sovereign and, at the same time, seal its power. Clan members begin contemplating how to use this ancient knowledge, finding a way to balance the relationship between their kin and the Dark Sovereign.

Casavell: "We must proceed with caution; this ritual is a double-edged sword. We cannot repeat past mistakes."

Alex: "Perhaps through the ritual, we can truly understand the intentions of the Dark Sovereign, finding a path to coexistence."

Casavell takes a deep breath and starts reading the steps of the ancient ritual from the ancient documents.

Casavell: "This ritual requires us to gather the strength of our kin while guiding the energy of the Dark Sovereign. We must find a balance to protect our clan."

Alex: "But did the documents mention specific risks? We cannot take this lightly."

Casavell: "Indeed, this ritual carries significant risks. If we cannot balance the energy of the Dark Sovereign, it might lead to greater calamities."

Elena: "This part here talks about a ceremony where the clan, led by Eileen, sought communion with the Dark Sovereign. It seems to have been a pivotal moment in our history."

Mark: "So, the key lies in understanding the intricacies of that communion. If we can replicate it, we might gain insights into the Dark Sovereign's motives."

Casavell: "Eileen's sacrifice should not be in vain. We'll strive to comprehend this ceremony and attempt to establish a connection with the Dark Sovereign."

Andrea: "I'll continue researching ways to mitigate the potential risks. We must be prepared for any unexpected turns during the ritual."

The days leading up to the ritual are filled with intense preparations. Clan members gather necessary items, and Andrea conducts detailed medical research to safeguard the vampires from potential dangers.

Andrea's laboratory was filled with a mysterious atmosphere as he focused on researching ancient manuscripts, searching for medical clues about the Night Sovereign. He developed a special potion believed to provide additional protection during the ritual, mitigating potential risks.

Andrea: "This potion should strengthen our resistance, protecting us from the excessive influence of the Night Sovereign's power."

Under the leadership of Cassavell, the members of the family gladly accepted Andrea's assistance, knowing that this was an unprecedented and crucial ritual, with each member willing to contribute their strength for the family's future.

In the days of preparation, the atmosphere in the Lost City became tense yet filled with anticipation. Through intensive training, family members deepened their understanding and unity. Every item required for the ritual was carefully prepared, and each family member strived for this moment.

Finally, the night of the ritual arrived. The night in the Lost City was soft as black silk, with moonlight gently streaming through the windows onto the floor of the hall. Family members dressed in ancient attire, immersed in the atmosphere of the ancient ritual.

Cassavell stood at the center of the ritual, holding ancient artifacts, and began guiding the family's power. The hall was filled with the faint scent of incense, creating a mysterious and solemn atmosphere. Andrea stood nearby, ready with the potion to provide support at any moment.

Cassavell: "We have reached this crucial moment. Let us join hands and face the unknown challenge together."

Family members stood closely together, forming a solid chain of power, exchanging energy with each other. Cassavell's gaze was resolute as he began reciting ancient incantations, invoking the presence of the Night Sovereign.

As the incantations echoed, the night in the Lost City seemed to respond. A gentle breeze carried a mysterious energy. Cassavell felt the presence of the Night Sovereign, and his body gradually filled with a powerful and ancient force.

In this moment, the Lost City seemed to rejuvenate, and the power of the Night Sovereign began to surge. Andrea quickly distributed the prepared potion to family members, enhancing their physical defenses.

The ritual proceeded like an ancient dance, each step filled with solemnity and mystery. The eyes of family members shimmered with curiosity for the unknown and expectations for the family's future.

Cassavell: "Under the gaze of the Night Sovereign, let us step together into the future. May this ancient power guide us and protect the future of the vampire family."

As the ritual progressed, the atmosphere in the Lost City became tense yet filled with anticipation. The power of the Night Sovereign began to emerge, forming a delicate balance with the energy of the family. It seemed as if everything transcended the boundaries of time, becoming a unique moment in the history of the Lost City.

However, at the climax of the ritual, a powerful energy fluctuation suddenly struck. The foundation of the Lost City shook, and family members felt a strong counterforce.

Cassavell: "There's a backlash in the ritual; we must steady ourselves!"