
031 Windel Garden

Killo Restaurant Inn was a hot spot for many students because of its proximity to the school and quality of the food. The tables were always filled with students and instructors. However, Busho always reserved a table for Nico and his friends.

Ashe and Anya arrived to the restaurant, noticing that Nico, Jack, and Vincent was already seated.

"So, anything this week?" Asked Ashe.

"8000 APs," Jack proudly announced with eight fingers up.

"So you have 5500?" Ashe quickly did the math as APs were divided up between party members.

"Nope, spent it all on a cultivation technique." Jack glanced at Nico. "Nico got more manaherbs."

"Yep." Nico had 500 APs left.

"That reminds me. A Professor Stance stopped by and asked about your manaherbs," stated Ashe.

"Professor Stance?" Nico remembered the elderly man from the library. "He's coming back then?"

"Around three. I don't know of any Professor Stance in the school though, he's not listed, so you should be careful."

"Maybe an emeritus?"

"It could be."

"Professor Stance is Vice Dean Constantine shortened name," Anya chimed.

"Heh, you mean the Vice Dean Constantine?" Ashe was surprised. He had been in the school for six years, but had never met the man. "He rarely ever leave the Professor Hall."

"How would you know about that?" Jack asked Anya.

"It's simply a guess. The Academy wouldn't just randomly have a professor on campus unless they are listed. There are too many security risk."

"I'm just surprised you already know so much about the school," said Jack.

"My dad have prepared me for this school ever since I was four," Anya saw Lulu approaching. "Ah, Miss Lulu! Beautiful as always!"

"All right dear, what would you like for lunch?" Lulu asked Anya first.

"You glutton, we were here first. Wait your turn!" Jack wanted to order first.

Ashe shook his head, they were all going to get the food at the same time.

The all ordered the special, which arrived within 15 minutes.

While the students were eating, two men sat in the corner eating a simple meal. The men were dressed in plain clothing, but most high level practitioners could tell that they weren't regular people.

Nico wondered why they were watching their table from afar. He could only think of two associations that would take an interest in him, the Fishman Gang or the Fenrir Shop. They could also be interested in his roommates.

They two men left shortly after finishing their meals.

After lunch, everyone dispersed.

Nico headed back to the dorm and meditated while waiting for the professor.

The professor appeared later that day, a little after 3:30pm. As the door opened, the dark hair boy he had meant in the library greeted him.

"Yes, Professor Stance?"

"Ah, you're Nico?"

Nico nodded. "You're interested in my manaherbs?"

"I am a bit. Do you mind if I come in?"

Nico let the professor inside and they walked to the balcony. Junior jumped on top of Nico as Snowy sniffed out the guest.

"Silver Lupines?" Professor Stance guessed.

"Is that what they are called?" Nico asked.

"I am not quite sure either, I'm not a beastologist. They are also still young, so it would take another 6 months before they grow out their distinct features."

Professor Stance refocused his attention to the manaherbs plotted around the balcony ledge.

"You find manaherbs clippings and regrow them?" Professor Stance could tell from the growth pattern.


"Most of these plants are from the Eastern region. You're from Rinlin? Did you have any guidance to help you grow these plants?"

Nico shook his head. "Haha, no." If he had a teacher, maybe things would have been easier. "Just farming on my own. It's mostly from experimentation to see what works best for each plant."

Professor Stance shifted his round glasses as he inspected the other plants. Each pot had a tag. The tag indicated the date it was clipped, the amount of water and the amount sunlight it needed. Some older labels also indicated the type of soil it prefer. A newly written label indicated the names.

"Hm.. interest," Professor Stance nodded with approval. "You have done your own experimentation in the amount of sunlight and water needed?"

Nico nodded.

"How long have you been experimenting?"

"Since I could remember?"

"Are you sensitive to mana around manaplants?"

"Is that common?"

"It is a highly prized talent from students with Wood or plant type spirit roots. From what I've heard, you have a Chaotic Spiritual Root. Chaotic Spiritual Root can be a bit chaotic... It's difficult to predict their nature."

Nico could tell the particularity of manaherbs and even regular plants because of Minko's vision. If the symbols increased more the following day, it was likely due to a of a change in regiment. In other words, he was sensitive to mana, but only at night.

"I am in need of another assistant, are you interested in helping out?" Professor Stance was interested in the manaherbs, but he was more interested in talented people.

"Hm... What does an assistant do?"

"Take care of the garden once every two days."

"Are there any benefits?"

"Every time you come in, you can take one clipping."

It was a good deal.

"How about, every time I improve the growth of the plant, I get an additional clipping in exchange?" Nico bartered.

"Ahahaha!" Professor let out a low throaty laughter for the first time. "This is the first time someone barter with me. It is fine. Would you like to see the garden first?"


"All right, take the cubs with you."

Nico carried both Snowy and Junior.

"Hang on tight." Professor Stance grabbed Nico's right shoulder and leapt up into the sky from the balcony.

"Whooaa!" This was Nico first time seeing someone fly. Nico wondered how powerful the professor was to fly.

Nico stared down at the campus from up above. It felt like being on a glider, free-falling from the sky.

Nico noticed they were heading away from campus. "Uh, professor, where are we going?"

"Professor Hall."

"Professor Hall is the other way."

Professor casually turned around toward Professor Hall.

The garden came into view. It was located in the center of the Professor Hall's courtyard.

Professor Stance landed softly on the ground and released Nico from his grasp.

Nico surveyed the rows of plants, laid out similarly to a commercial greenhouse. "Whoa, there must be at least a hundred different species."

"These are all the herbs collected by the professors and students of this Academy. It's protected by an array and each plants have its own setting to fit their needs."

Each plant specimen was separated by either a white or black glass box. An irrigated system measured each amount of water necessary.

Nico eyes followed up the tree in the middle of the garden. It wasn't a large tree, but one of medium height.

"Professor Stance, welcome back." A young woman in red robe tending the plants noticed the professor and bowed deeply. She eyed the youth the Professor had bought along. "Professor, this is?"

"Elmara, meet Nico," Professor Stance introduced. "Elmara is one of my full-time assistants."

"Hello miss Elmara," Nico gave her a slight bow.

"Hello." Elmara stated curtly, it was neither rude nor friendly.

"We are going to check the progress of the manaherbs growth." Professor Stance led the way.

Nico inspected each manaherbs. They were all growing well and the instructions on each box detailed when the box should be blackened to emulate night and when it should be whitened to provide full sunlight.

"The feeding schedule is based on where it was acquired, books and years of research." Professor walked around with Nico trailing behind. "Do you think these could be improved?"

"Maybe, it takes some time to experiment whether the amount is right or not."

Professor Stance nodded. "So, are you interested?"


"All right, you can start anytime, but once you start, you must come in once every two days. I have three other full-time assistance. I will let them know to expect your presence in the garden. You may only enter from the front." Professor Stance pointed his finger at Nico's badge and it glowed. "Your credentials have been registered. If you have any questions, just ask my assistance."

"Professor, I have a few questions."


"What is that tree in the middle?"

"Hm... That is a mana-apple tree," Professor Stance stated. "It's still young and won't bare fruit for another fifty years."

"Fifty years!?" Nico didn't know much about trees, but he was sure that was a crazy number for a tree to bare fruit. "Are the fruit rare?"

"Extremely," said Professor Stance. "Unlike other manaplants, manatree can't be grown from cuttings. It must start with a seed. Even more frustrating is that it will only bare at most three fruits. Afterward, the lumber could be used for staffs and wand making."

"I see."

"Do you have more questions?"

"I train after class, so is it possible for me to come at night?"

Professor Stance nodded.

"Great!" Nico was ecstatic. He had exchanged APs for the missing ingredients required for the Plus-One Pill. If he could use the resources from the garden, he could easily create five sets of ingredients and complete the next task.

Chapter 26 is edited to include an additional task. Hopefully this will flow better for the new readers. As for the older readers, you can continue being guinea pigs for this incompetent writer.

Isn't it a joy to read my drafts?!

Anyway, I'll start a special thank you note to credit everyone who have helped and commented.

Eatcelerycreators' thoughts