
Eternal Magic: Arcane Ascension

Before the creation of the Sect, there was Kiranara. Before reaching fame, survival was difficult in a world where the weak are the first to fall or, to be more precise, the first to be controlled and forced to serve as if they were slaves of war. Unlike many, the young Kiranara didn’t stick to big events or attracted attention to herself, initially. She wasn’t interested in services rendered to the Great Kingdoms, nor did she pay attention to the events concerning the great disputes over territories. Her only interest was the study of forbidden spells. During years of tests, mistakes, and successes, she developed the ritualistic arts. As she studied these powers, she discovered magnificent powers and as she developed the most diverse rituals, it was time to test them. It soon became clear that to acquire power and maintain it, it would be necessary to have more people to work with her. However, initially, it was very difficult to acquire a guard of disciples without having a place to offer them shelter or money to pay for their loyalty. Years passed and young Kiranara had become a woman at the height of her age. Beautiful and insightful and sometimes mentioned in many letters from Kings who had developed a secret passion for her. Her mystery fascinated them. Her contempt for such letters made her ignore them completely. Contrary to what she expected, it didn’t make them give up. In the end, no one received a visit from such a woman or a written response. Nothing. She completely ignored them, making them fall in love only with their appearance, which is often described in words and pictures. Later, inevitably, Kiranara acquired followers and many disciples. Some followers had become her generals, precisely because they performed the Rite of Passage efficiently. She didn’t want a government or a kingdom, but the whole world. Then, she created the organization called the Sect and told them that no one should know about them until the time was right. Before and after her death many sought her secrets and many treated her only as a myth. Sometimes, some tried to discover her writings and legacy but failed. When Kiranara noticed that there was no way to overcome death, she decided to make her legacy and left it in the hands of people descended from her disciples and faithful followers. In the end, the arcane mage earned her title as Kiranara of the Initial Rituals and although her story was long ago, she wasn’t forgotten. A few years later Akhenahi would study her most important texts and learn not only about her but also what she had done and created. Akhenahi closed herself off to the world and even to her only brother Galm to acquire what such an arcane mage hadn’t achieved: the world under her feet unconditionally and irreversibly. Her fascination with the search for power was inspired by Kiranara. She respected her, but she had a desire to be better, to prove that she was someone worthy of obedience and adoration. With that inspiration, such a woman followed many steps of the mage, as well as her secret commandments. Akhenahi started her search for the Arcane Scrolls. These scrolls must be distributed among other kingdoms due to a threat that if the Sect didn’t do so, they would have to face the whole world. In them, there was the greatest legacy of Kiranara and through them, Akhenahi would have more power. Now, however, the search has begun and this woman will have the three Arcane Scrolls, regardless of the price to be paid.

Gix · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


Rallevec walked down the black stone corridor to the sanctuary from which Galm's body had been left in a trance so that it wouldn't rot. He was extremely happy to have acquired one from the Sect. It wasn't just anyone, but one, which Qlarf had said was quite powerful.

He didn't find Kiranara, but he knew that many of her secrets, who knows, all were in the Genesis of that man. Knowing Kiranara as she proved to be cautious and effective, it wouldn't be easy to acquire such secrets. He was in no hurry. Galm would be his disciple. The Necromancer would make it your most powerful weapon.

He gathered what was necessary to use in his ritual and for hours he made the conjuration. When he was finished, he saw that Galm's eyes were open and glazed on the ceiling. He rose slowly from the Altar of Return. He looked around in confusion and then looked at the Necromancer:

- Who are you?

- My name is Rallevec the Necromancer.

- Where am I?

- At Nexus, Erdhamek Fortress.

That name reminded him of what Qlarf, his master, said about the owners of that name. He spoke again, now that he was aware of what was going on:

- Is my master here?

- Qlarf is meeting with his master. Soon, he'll come to see you. – At the time. He motioned for Levvic to bring him a chest, opened it and placed it on the Altar, and continued. - You must dress appropriately so that we can go on a mission given by Erdhamek, master of your master. There, you'll learn under my tutelage, the magic of necromancy.

When Galm finished dressing, he liked the green and black armor.

Rallavec told him:

- You will be known, starting today, as Rithzral, Arcane Necromancer.

Galm looked at him and asked again:

- Where is my sister, Akhenahi, and what happened to the Sect?

- The Sect has undergone inevitable changes. Akhenahi, your sister, got so much power that she put the world under her feet. However, she did nothing to get you back. According to Qlarf, she didn't even show up at his funeral. She doesn't care about anyone other than herself.

In fact, in that part, he was right. Galm took the ax that Levvic had left under the Altar of Return near the chest and spoke as sharply as his blade:

- I'll find out what happened and I'll have a conversation with Akhenahi. She was responsible for my death. Therefore, she owes me many things.

Rallevec smiled gloriously and thought:

- Yes. We will meet with her soon.

Things were about to change and this will not be the last time they'll hear about the ritualist mage.

Erdhamek noted that things were proceeding as planned. However, as he read the report that Rallevec delivered, he turned his attention to Akhenahi and knew that she would, in time, become a threat.

When the time came, he would get in touch and finally be able to find Kiranara. Once with such information in his hands, Akhenahi would be nothing more than a worthless piece, the purpose of which was to give him the secrets of the Growing Power:

- How was such a fascinating power taught to such a weak being? Knowing about this is an insult to you, Dear Kiranara, of the Initial Rituals, a person I admire very much. Perhaps there is an even bigger plan behind it, which, in fact, would be one of your biggest moves, isn't it? Perhaps you did this to beat the other Masters with hidden schemes. Oh, my sweet and beautiful mage, how can you think of such schemes? One day I'll find her. One day you'll reveal yourself to me.

Erdhamek entered the Hall of the Worlds and noted that there was a need for his attention in many other places, that he should move some pieces to continue his goals. It was time to prepare some schemes, albeit somewhat bleak.

On the other hand, Rallevec should take the newly revived to train at the Academy and then evaluate the results.

Now it was Rithzral Ascender's turn.

Eternal Magic Series will continue in Eternal Magic: The Dark