
Chapter 3: Family Disapproval

Adrian spent the next few days in a state of restless anticipation. He had revealed his greatest secret to Claire, and now he anxiously awaited her response. He couldn't stop thinking about her and what she might be going through, processing the extraordinary truth about his existence. The wait was agonizing.To distract himself, Adrian immersed himself in his various ventures. He visited some of his properties, attended meetings, and tried to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Yet, his mind constantly wandered back to Claire. Her reactions, her expressions, and the way she had said she needed time all replayed in his mind.One evening, while Adrian was reviewing documents in his study, his phone buzzed. It was a message from Claire: "Can we meet tonight? Same place."Adrian's heart leapt. He replied immediately, confirming the time. As the hour approached, he found himself feeling both hopeful and apprehensive. He made his way to the café, arriving early and securing a quiet corner table where they could talk privately.Claire walked in a few minutes later. Her expression was calm, but there was a seriousness in her eyes. She spotted Adrian and made her way over, sitting down across from him. For a moment, they sat in silence, the noise of the café filling the space between them."I've thought a lot about what you told me," Claire began, breaking the silence. "It's not something I ever imagined hearing, and it's still hard to wrap my head around."Adrian nodded, understanding her hesitation. "I know it's a lot to take in. I wouldn't have told you if I didn't think it was important for you to know the truth."Claire reached out, taking his hand in hers. "Adrian, despite everything, I can't deny how I feel about you. You've become so important to me, and I want to see where this can go. But I need you to be honest with me about what this means for us."Adrian felt a wave of relief wash over him. "I promise to be honest with you, Claire. My life is complicated, and there are challenges that come with being who I am. But I believe we can face them together."They spent the next few hours talking, delving deeper into Adrian's past and the realities of his immortal existence. Claire listened intently, asking questions and trying to understand the complexities of his world. By the end of the night, they felt closer than ever, their bond strengthened by the honesty and trust they had built.As they walked out of the café, Claire paused and looked up at Adrian. "Thank you for sharing your world with me. I know it wasn't easy.""It means everything to me that you're willing to be a part of it," Adrian replied, pulling her into a gentle embrace.But their newfound understanding was soon put to the test. A few days later, Adrian received a summons from his family. It was rare for them to call a meeting, and when they did, it was never a good sign. He knew they must have found out about Claire.The meeting was held at his parents' estate, a grand mansion that had stood for centuries. Adrian arrived to find his family already gathered in the ornate drawing room. His parents, Lucius and Selene, sat at the head of the room, their expressions stern. His siblings, Marcus and Livia, stood off to the side, their faces a mix of curiosity and concern."Adrian," Lucius began, his voice cold and authoritative. "We need to talk about your recent behavior."Adrian took a deep breath, preparing himself for the confrontation. "I assume this is about Claire."Selene's eyes narrowed. "You've been seen with a mortal woman, and not just seen. You've formed an attachment. This is unacceptable."Adrian met his mother's gaze, refusing to back down. "Claire is important to me. I love her."The room fell silent, the weight of Adrian's words hanging in the air. His family exchanged shocked glances, unable to comprehend his defiance."Have you forgotten our rules?" Lucius demanded. "Our very survival depends on maintaining distance from mortals. They are fleeting, fragile, and cannot be part of our world.""I know the risks," Adrian replied, his voice steady. "But I also know my heart. I won't let you dictate my life anymore."Livia stepped forward, her expression sympathetic. "Adrian, we understand that you're lonely, but this is dangerous. For you and for her.""I appreciate your concern, but I've made my choice," Adrian said firmly. "I will be with Claire, no matter the consequences."Lucius stood, his presence imposing. "If you continue down this path, you will face exile from the family. You know what that means."Adrian felt a pang of fear, but he refused to be swayed. "I'm prepared for that. I will not abandon Claire."The tension in the room was palpable. Lucius and Selene exchanged a look, a silent communication that spoke volumes. Finally, Lucius nodded."Very well," he said, his voice colder than ever. "You have made your choice. From this moment on, you are no longer part of this family. You are exiled."Adrian felt a mix of relief and sadness. He had known this was a possibility, but hearing the words still hurt. He turned and left the room, feeling the weight of his family's disapproval but also a newfound sense of freedom.As he walked out of the estate, he knew his life would never be the same. He had chosen love over tradition, and now he had to live with the consequences. But for Claire, he would face any challenge. Their love was worth it.Returning to his penthouse, Adrian sent a message to Claire, asking to meet. They needed to discuss what had happened and what it meant for their future. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to protect their love at all costs.As he waited for her reply, Adrian felt a mix of hope and uncertainty. He had taken a stand for his heart, and now he had to trust that it would lead him to the happiness he so desperately sought.