
Eternal Isles

In the world of Evenost, the eternal isles are islands enshrouded in mystery but within holds vast riches and fortune. A young man named Carlos Dalus dreams of exploring the isles of the continent he lives in and achieving the rank of mythril class adventurer. Where will his path lead to?

Frostoon · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Magic unlocked

I did a quick survey of the surroundings, ensuring that the area i was in was void of monsters and that i was safe. Once i made sure that i was safe i refocused my gaze back on the cards floating in front of me. My heart was rapidly thumping and excitement was written all over my face. These cards signified one thing and it was that i had finally unlocked my magic. This also means my level can finally peogress. One is unable to level up without unlocking their magic first which is why i have been stuck at level 1 for 5 years and why unlocking magic is so important to become an adventurer.

An individual gains power with each level up, increasing their physical abilities along with these cards called skill cards which gifts an individual with a choice from 4 cards. These cards could grant individuals with spells of their corresponding element or various talents that benefit them one way or the other. People who had already fulfilled their second condition by the time they become an adult will receive their cards immediately upon turning 15. This is also how people indicate whether they had already unlocked their magic .

In short, unlocking magic is a must if one wants to become an individual and in spite of not having any magic, i continued to pursue my career as an adventurer.

After gathering my thoughts, the second condition to unlocking my magic became clear to me. Essentially, one levels up after slaying a monster and that red goblin should have been enough if i could level up but i didn't. This means the condition was escaping the abyss. It couldn't be dying because if that were the case i would have gotten the cards when i gained awareness in the abyss. I would have also leveled up after slaying the goblin. Otherwise, the abyss somehow prevents individual from getting skill cards

I'm trying to find out what the second condition was because the harder it is to fulfill the condition, the more powerful the magic. It affects things like the elemental intensity of my magic where the higher the intensity, the more destructive and effective my spells are. It also affects the rate of growth of my magic, influencing how quickly i can learn higher tier spells. Physical talent skill cards are unlocked depending on what cards i choose in lower levels or what type of weapons i use.

There are even skill cards which are a mix of magic and physical talents, for example, igniting a sword on fire with flame magic. Of course a person can do things like that by learning on their own but without the skill card, it'll take years before they can master the move. Whereas with the skill card, the individual will automatically master the move.

I just wanted to have a gauge on how powerful my magic would be but to be honest i didn't really care anymore. I'm just happy i've finally unlocked my magic.

Looking at the levitating cards in front of me filled me with an indescribable amount of joy. After years of taking low-paid collection requests and slaying weak monsters, barely being able to get by, i will soon get out of this stump.

I went on to read the descriptions of the skill cards, impatient to find out what kind of magic i possess.

(Ice magic-frost spike-summon a big ice spike at a designated area)

(Ice magic-frost touch-emit frost from the body, effects vary depending on duration of touch and surface area)

(Ice magic-ice dagger-manifest a dagger made of ice)

(ice magic-mystery magic-a random tier 1 ice magic skill)

Oooh ice magic. It's no shadow or light magic but i guess i can't ask for too much. I've looked into alot about magic these past few years thanks to a certain friend of mine so i know a decent amount of info on it. Even spells and physical talents have a designated rarity to them. Unfortunately, the current cards are all common. Only the mystery card may give me higher rarity cards but chances are very low since my luck is basically non existent. A topic for discussion for another time.

Ice dagger is definitely out since i don't have much experience with daggers. Maybe i could throw the dagger as a projectile but ice spikes is a better skill to be used from a distance. I also don't want to risk getting a useless magic skill for my first so that's a no go on the mystery magic. Frost touch could be useful depending on the situation but i have to get up close and personal and made body contact to use it and i'm not very sure how powerful the effects are. As i said the power of the magic depends on how hard it was to fulfill the second condition. If the condition was super hard, then frost touch could end up freezing a monster in a matter of seconds. I still wasn't very sure on whether on whether escaping the abyss was considered difficult or not since it only took killing that one goblin. If it wasn't considered difficult then all frost touch would do is make my touch slightly colder.

Frost spike was my safest bet and so that was what i chose. All my belongings were still on my person even though i basically threw them all away, to my surprise. Not that i was complaining. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. I quickly finished up with the request i initially set out for and left. I'd rather not deal with anymore goblins.

How long was i even out? I was feeling pretty hungry and my throat was pretty parched by the time i woke up. I hope i won't lose out on request rewards for being a bit late but it was very likely. Ugh.

With a sense of foreboding, i dragged myself back to the adventurer's guild, back in the city of Geldion.