
Travelers Ban & New Bonds


Genja- One full year later


Setting foot into the land of Elise, I finally managed to pay a visit to an old arms dealer out of celebration before my return to Hena. After a long night, I crossed over the foggy bridge at the crack of dawn while heading to Hena. In all that I went through in the last year alone, it was enough of an adventure to last a lifetime. 

Yet, as my dark red leather boots touched over Hena's soul, I felt an eerie curse begin to crawl up my feet. Inhaling a gust of breath, I exhaled my rage as the curse easily broke and disappeared from view. 

Each step I took inward after that, was toiled in death and suffering ruins of an old nation. Crossing a small bridge in the thickness of the fog, I soon approached the palace walls as the two blood soaked doors stood before me as clear as day. Looking around, I noticed a small boulder and pouted as I then kicked it and saw as it was smashed to pieces. 

"Hmm… " Walking up to the doors, I tilted my head and wasted no time as the doors went flying into the palace courtyard. "This doesn't feel like a vacation anymore. "

Having a closer looking around, I found no trace of anyone anywhere. Thinking hard, I shook my head and grew irritated with the stupid fog. Unlatching Gana from my waist, I slid the blade into the sky and dropped it down back until it's case. Clicking, the massive fog screamed as the sun shined fiwb once more. 

"Should have just done that from the start. "

Turning, I felt an unsettling presence as I sharply turned my gaze to my right. Clicking Gana twice, the two large dying walls came crashing down as a small little girl stood gazing at me in surprise. 

"Hey, kid… where is everyone? " Shaking, she trembled with fear until I realized she was looking at my hand resting over my sword. "Hmm? "

As I removed my hand and slid my dark coat over my side, the little girl smiled as she walked duplex yi me and held onto my white and red kimono. 

"You lost, kid? "

"Mmm. I found you-you-you! " 

"No-" Being sent flying into the sting wall, I gasped as the air was knocked out from my chest. "Agh…! Uh-huh… what kind… if attack… uses a little kid! "

"That's rich coming from the woman who brought that monster into the world! "

Standing up, I staggered to my knees as I caught my breath. 

"What are you talking… About!? "

"That man! He single handedly ruined everything you and cursed me to suffer this childs restless body while I wither in agony every single thanks to this brats curse! "

W-What… Genji wouldn't… "

"You even know what that name is… how despicable. "

"Coming from a demon using a little girl as a shield, isn't helping your case, bud. "

Standing up straight, I stood my ground as he was ready for his next attack. Raising my arms, I slid back as the full brunt of his attack sent tremors that broke across the ground. Dropping my arms, he smashed into the ground as I then quickly pushed the girls body down and restrained her movements.  Throwing my arm to my left, I grabbed a thin talisman and chanted a prayer to release the demon inside her. 

As he screamed in agony, his voice steadily disappeared as the little girl passed out. 

Collapsing over her, I caught my breath as demons and religious chanting weren't at all my forte. 


Hearing the sounds of the cracking fire, the little girl opened her weary, glistening black eyes as she sat up in terror. 

"Oh… easy. Your safe now. Here, eat. You must be exhausted after taking such a long nap. " Holding a wooden bowl of soup, she raided German gaze and net mine as she hesitantly took it and devoured the food with her hands. "Here… use this. It's called a spoon? "

"Thank… you… " Raising her slender self and meeting my gaze, I then pressed her for information. 


"So… a man who was not a man at all, but a monster killed everyone and put a curse on the town and anyone who was inside the fog… was consumed? Is that right? "

"Hmm… I first thought he was beautiful angel, but, I hid in the template when he started killing people. "Shivering from just the thought, the little girl sat up with a distant, cold gaze. "Where are your parents? Were they… "

"Mmm-mmm… I don't have anyone. I lived on my own. "

"That's not possible unless you… Hey! Kid, you are-"

"Yes. I am a cursed child… There were twelve of us when they found me half dead in an alleyway after being kicked around by the local nobles. Jara and Kiara… they were one of the first that demon targeted and-... I can't cry nor could I avenge them with my curse. "

"Kid… what's your curse? "

"Anyone who I touch, becomes a target of misery and death. "

"Oh… really? " 

"Huh?! Wait! If you… how are you still alive? "

"I guess I'm cursed to live. Hmm! Hey, what's your name, kid? I'm Genja. "

"Lilith… Why are you-"

"Oh… Your lighter than I thought. Come on. "

"W-wait!? What's, where are you taking me? "

"A pretty girl like you… no parents or family looking out for you. Us girls gotta stick together. Besides… I've already stolen your curse from you. The least you can do is smile and be happy with your new life, curse free. "

"Huh?! Wait? You stole my curse?! "

"Hmm… I have my fathers swords which thrive on powerful curses. The moment we fought, I took your curse along with that demon… Pretty cool, huh?! "

Smiling as we walked down the abandoned town, Lilith gasped as tears touched my bare shoulder. Without turning around or uttering a word, I stopped her from speaking any further as I picked up on my back. Looking ahead, I now had a new serious problem as the man Lilith described seems an awful like someone I knew.  

Regardless, my priority for now is to look for a new home for Lilith before embarking on another journey. 


After crossing a vast and ever changing desert, I arrived at a sandy village where merchants and other rouge faction members had made it their stronghold in the middle of nowhere. Walking into town, my burning red hair trained everyone's eyes on me. As I carried Lilith on my back, I had used my cloak to shield her in comfort while I burned in the sun. 

"Hey… RedHead! "

"Uh?! "

"Eh… Hmm! There's a pub not long down this road. "

"Hm. Thanks, gramps. "

Walking at a steady pace as my boots sunk into the desert sand, I walking inside a wooden floor and felt relieved when I took a seat at the bar. 

"Lilith… Hey, Lilith!? We're here! "

"Mmm… mom… Huh?! Where-oh… Sorry. " Unwrapping her, she touched the floor with a gentle twirl and shined as we washed up before entering the desert for her protection. "Hmm… where are we? "

"Some place… "Hey! Get me a drink! " in the middle of the Rizera desert between Hena and Kolie. "

Picking up the jug if booze and gulping the entire bottle down, I stood strong and firm as a slight push of air twirled my hair as if in water. 

"Gah! That's the stuff! Wants some, Kid? "

"Huh… no. " Sitting next to me and tilting her head as she combed my wild hair, I smiled and continued to drink until they were out of stock. "How much does she owe, Mister? "

"How much-she just chugged my entire shipment… The price went up to twice my rate. 35 silver coin! "

"Ugh… What a cheap bar! Ha-hah-" Slamming my head into the counter, I broke the wood and passed out. 

"Ugh… Apologies… " Reaching into my coat, she found my bag of coin and paid as the man demanded. "Is there an inn we could possibly check into in this town? "

"Hmm.. Since its you little lady, Down the road, a place with a big crow on the front of the door. Tell em', Vex sent you. "

"Thanks, stranger! " I then felt dizzy as Lilith struggled but surely picked me up and dragged me to the inn down the road. 

"Aghm… Ouch… " 

"Sorry, Genja! I didn't mean to drop you?! "

Opening my eyes as I looked behind me, a tall and curvy woman with long silver hair gazed down at me and Lilith. 

"Hey… You two, take your lovey dovey crap out if my inn! "

"Oh! Uh… The stranger at the bar said, 'Vex sent us?'"

"Vex… That sly old dog. Ugh, fine. There's a room for 10 silver… Anything else is already booked. "

"T-Thank you, Miss. "


"What are you made out of… Agh.. " Setting me down over a fuzzy bed in a large room, I pulled Lilith intimate my arms and doze off with her as my pillow. 


"Hmm… huh? Lilith? What? "Turning her soft nose further into my chest, she then opened her eyes and blushed as she met my gaze. "Hey… did we-"

"Lady Genja!? Uh! I-Its not! "

"Agh… Keep it low… My head is pounding and I feel like crap. "

As Lilith sat up, I leaned against the wall as I hung my arm over my knee. 

"Mm. So… What happened? "

"Right… We arrived, you drank… alot for a single human to bare… then we were kicked doubt of the bar and was referred to this inn where you've been asleep for two days… Also, you are 45 silver down since we entered this place. "

"Agh… overpriced cheats. And? "

"And… "

"What happened here? Why was I cradling you? "

Blushing, she easily taint back as her hair flew around. 

"On second thought! Maybe its better we pretend this never happened. "

"Lady Genja… You were mostly drunk and pulled me into your arms. You then started talking in your sleep… what you said made me blush. "

"What did I say? "

"Mm… I think it'll be better if I kept that but to myself for now. "

"Okay… And why are you calling me with a title? "

"Oh… well, you are beautiful. Strong. Elegant… when it counts-"

"Hey. "

"And you rescued me from my curse… I've decided that, for as long as I am able. I wish to serve you as my new Mistress for the rest of my life. "

"Uh… what and who? M-Me? Really, kid. Ugh… Look, what I do and who-... Sorry, that bit is not the point. Listen, I face dangers and monsters almost on a daily basis. For you to come along, would mean an extra mouth to feed. "

"You can protect me! You are my, Shae! "

"'Shae..? '" 

"Hmm… Others with the curse spoke if tales of wandering deity who possess a great power to fight against evil… the people of the land gave them the name, Shae. From an ancient text derived from the great birth of the first blessed and the first curse. Shae embody no good nor evil as they simply roam the lands to settle any deputies and restore order. "

"Jeez, kid! Laying it all little thick. I'm no saint and I'm definitely attracted to devilish misfits. But, I don't think I'm what you have made me out to be in your head. "

"Mmm… I believe you are. I have sworn myself and my life for you, My Lady. "

"Gah… that sounded way too cute for me to enjoy when your making that… adorable… Fine! Okay! Just stop… Your making me want to give you everything I own. "

"Hmm! My Lady. "

"Ugh… get it all out. "

Standing up, I adjusted my equipment and was impressed Lilith didn't spring any of my blades when she reached for my bag. Chuckling, I picked up my cloak and wrapped it around Lilith as we checked doubt and continued traveling after eating our fill. 


"Lady Genja… "

"H-huh? "Sliding over the sand dunes as the honey out subset began to fade over the horizon. 

"Where exactly are we headed? "

"Rizera… I have a guy who works as an information broker… He'll know something about our missing mister beautiful and what not… "

"Y-You musn't chase after that demon, My Lady! "

"Demon? Human? If it's who I think it is… I'm gonna pound that gorgeous face if his three layers into the ground. "

"Lady Genja… "

"Huh? "

"How long have we been walking? "

"A-About… Half a day… why do you ask?! "

"Isn't that the town we just left from over there? "

"Huh. "Turning my head, I walked back into the same town we just left and nodded. "Huh… It's the-the freaking… oh… Same town. "

"Hah! Hey, Red hair! You seek a little confused?! "

Walking over to the old man sitting on his porch at the entrance of the town, I peeked my head from under the cloak to meet his gaze. 

"What happened, how did we manage to come back here when I was heading straight. "

"That's this town's curse… those who wander on in here… never leave again. "

"What about that bar owner. How does he get his new supply of booze? "Lilith spoke with a brilliant counterpoint. 

"Traveling merchants have a guide, a tool if you will that let's them break through the curse to make trade at a slightly higher price than most. "

"Tool? What tool? Where can I get one. "

"Hmm… You ain't getting it here… The merchants convoy left about three days ago. It'll be another week before the next one comes through. "

"Ugh… Right. "

"My Lady, you need to rest. "

"Um okay, I'm fine. Let's keep going and figure out a way to break through this stupid curse. "

"Hmm… no! Listen, you must rest. "

"Huh… Hmm. Are you going to pout like that the whole time… Then I guess I have no choice. "

As Lilith dropped down, she grabbed my hand and walked me to the inn where I paid for ab overpriced stay yet again. 


"Tsk! I'm down to 19 silver… this place is freaking dumb… " Laying down in the bed, Lilith began removing my boots. "Kid! No-Wait! "

A quick and hidden pistol shot a thin silver blade from my heel as it slid in between Lilith's hair as it was inches from her neck. 

"Crap! Lilith… Lilith? "Holding her in place, she turned to look at me as tears began falling down her face. "Damn it, Lilith… "

"Lady… Genja… " Snapping her into my shoulder, I held her as she caught her breath. "That… "

"Shh… don't say anything, kid… Its my fault for not stopping you sooner. "

Wrapping her small slender hands around my back, she clenched her fingers as we stayed still for several moments. 


Having calmed down and dozed off to sleep from the frightening experience, I stood up from the chair as I let Lilith take the bed. Walking over to the wall, I dug out my blade as it shined under the moonlight. My cold fire gaze shone in the reflection as I leaned against the wall and began to wonder about Liliths old fairytale. 

"... Shae… huh? "

Dropping the blade straight up on the floor, I retracted my boot and stuck the blade back into place. Tilting my neck, I walked over to the open window and felt the cold breeze as I made sure to keep my body temperature high enough so Lilith doesn't catch a cold. Looking down at the bustling nightlife scoundrels, I rested my arms over the window. 

Weary, I then raised my brows as a suspicious person wandered into town. Covering her face, I could tell she was a woman from her posture and composure to the sounds of hearty laughter. 

"This looks interesting… what are you little fox… friend or… "

She then stopped and turned to me. Giving a brimming smile and a gentle wave, she flinched and rushed to my door. 


"Who are you? " Talking in a low voice as I stepped out into the hallway. "Well? "

Pulling her cloak down from her neck, she then spike in a loving manner. 

"It's been a long time… But I finally found you, devil bearer! " 

Stepping back as she revealed her face as it instantly sent a shock throughout my entire body. 

"How have you been… daughter. "
