
Reunion, A Warm goodbye


"Master… We have word that a rogue faction is planning an attack on a pair of civilians near the border town of Hirena. "

"Is it my cousins kidnapper? "

"That, I do not know of certain, My Lord. " He said with a low gaze.

"Hmm… This can't be too much of a coincidence. "

"Yes. My Lord… My Lord. I am still amazed at how quickly you managed to build our new HQ on the outskirts of Elise. Please, if you'll allow me, I will look into this matter personally with a few of my men. "

Setting down the cup of tea onto the table, I furrowed my brow and gulped. 

"This is indeed such an amazing and dangerous mission I can only entrust my TOP OFFICIAL! " 


"I give you my permission to investigate the matter. "

"Master! What is this talk about entrusting a mission to who? "

"Hmm… My second is going into Elise to confirm a report. It may just be the most dangerous and perilous mission yet. "

"Oh! Can I go?! Can I, Can I!? " 

"H-Hmm… I don't think-"

"Its settled! Let's go, buddy! " As the new addition of having her on my side, I could still feel the ghost pain of that time she struck me weeks before. 

"Ugh… she's finally gone. " Standing up, I stretched out my arms and continued to lead a small reconnaissance force into the city of Elise while searching for anyone who might resemble my cousin whom I've never met. "Still… those women I crossed the other day… The red haired one held such a demonic aura. I couldn't let my men face that knowing they will die. "

"My Lord! A report from the slums of Dame. "

"What? " Walking as my cape swiped around and caught on the chair, I tilted my head and picked up the report. "Hmm… seems the rouge faction in Elise is going to overthrow their ruler as well. Interesting. "


Female Ninja-Root of Bentons agony 


"Hey… can't we just, you know. Eat? "

"Enough, Woman. I have enough on my plate as Lord Benton has entrusted me his hopes and dreams in this mission. "

"Hmm… you have the hots for him or something? "

"You may think whatever you wish, I love only to serve my Lord in life as his loyal soldier. "

"Oh… so, more pile a loyal pet then. "

"Ugh… Why did you insist on coming along if you knew it would be boring? "

"That meanie, Benton… He tricked me when he said it was a dangerous mission. "

"I take it that only children and idiots fall for such tactics. "

"What! I'm a grown woman? "

"My Lady… you look no older than fourteen years of age. "

"Awe… I'm actually seventeen. But, thank you! "

"I can see why the Master finds your submissive attention a bother. "

"Oh… you and him are like stubborn bulls! I only teased him a little. "

"Huh… you can what you did to the Masters Jewels, "teasing", I'd hate to find out what you would do when your in love. " Running ahead of him, I smiled and teased him. 

"Want to find out? "As several seconds passed and his face turned beet seconds, I didn't realize what I said until after he pushed past me. 

"Let's just focus on confirming the source and head right bacon to report to Master. "

"But-... " Pouting, I turned to the small group of soldiers in disguise and blushed as I ran up beside him again. "Hey… its been awhile, what's your name again? "

"Fray… Fray Izuma. "

"Well, Fray Izuma… You and Master have both shrugged off my advances which makes you worthy of taking my hand in marriage-" Abruptly pulling into a tight alleyway, he held his hand over myputh as I had instinctively pulled out a knife in response. 

"Its the Imperial Patrol… They've caught on to our presence. We'll have to find another way to move about unnoticed. "

Looking up at his strong and firm gaze, he brushed up against me as I felt his toned muscles from under the blue kimono. Exhaling a short breath, he released me and walked out as the patrol had forced our forces to split apart for the meantime. 

"They are trained and capable men… I'm sure they know to proceed with caution from this point on… There's no time to waste. "Grabbing my hand, he then pulled me forward as I began to see him in a new light. 


Leaning behind a dark alleyway, I had become more self conscious as I found myself glancing at his face every other minute. 

"Its those two women again… Tsk! The Red haired one is off limits as Master said she seemed like a monster of an opponent. If the woman beside her could only lift her cloak-agh… this is so frustrating. "

"Hmm… Hmm! " As hosting attention was firmly on the red haired woman, I became angry and openingly approached her. "Hey! Redhead! I want to challenge you to a duel! "

"Oh, look, Genji! This one is coated with a blue encrusted gem?! " Ignoring me, I stomped my foot and rushed into the air as I released my swords and struck down at her head. 

A powerful explosion of air rushed past me as the red headed woman turned to meet my gaze. 

"Hey, hey, HEY!? What's with all this yelling? "Falling backwards as my left hand was shaking from the recoil, it felt like hitting a steel wall. 

"I am here to c-challenge you… d-demon… " As my voice shook and fell apart, I took a step back as the red haired woman turned to face me. 

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, I didn't have time to gasp as she had closed the gap in less than a second and was directly drawing her sword as her blood piercing gaze burned from behind her almost burning hair. 

In that very moment, the sound of an even more powerful explosion of air surged through the city road as I fell backwards completely overwhelmed. Raising my gaze, Fray stood as he had shielded me from death herself. Snapping, his sword broke as the red haired woman raised her head as he fell into my arms. 

"Hey… you two clowns… Whatever this is-Knock it off! Can't you see your causing a problem for the store and shop owners by bringing the Imperial guards this way? Huh?! " Closing my eyes, I then watched as the other woman tugged at the red haired lady and calmed her down. "I get it… Ugh, be thankful he's with me. Otherwise, I would have just killed you instantly. "

Turning, she waved as she didn't even need to draw her two sword as she looked to have held many blades inside her bright purple Kimono. Turning my focus to Fray, he was injured on his shoulder as I looked at his broken sword. Picking him up and escaping quickly, the Imperial guards swarmed the area as I took him back to the camp outside the city. 

"Just… agh… hold on, Fray… we're almost there. "

Whoever that woman was, I knew two things were a solid fact… One, the red haired demon was severely more powerful than Master… And the second, she called her companion, "he". This was reliable information, however, I need to get Fray to a physician as he's lost too much blood already. 


"Fray! " As Master rushed into the tent as the others were tending to Fray, others stopped him as Master trembled with rage. "What happened! "

"W-... We encountered the red haired demoness. "

Struck with disbelief, he turned as the Fray men returned from the city to find him the same state. Master quickly took off as I chased after him and spoke to him as he rushed. 

"Wait! "

"What? "

"I have information regarding the partner the red haired demoness was traveling with… "

"What about? "

"Right when we were defeated… her partner calmed her down and said, "be thankful he's with me". "

""He? " are you sure she said, "he? ". 

"I'm positive. By the looks of it, her monstrous power and appearance, she looks like the man. From. The wanted posters that is said to have a ten thousand coin bounty. "

"You saw her face and she resembled him to such a degree? "

"Yes. "

"I see… Come. I may just need you. " As he rushed off, I followed close behind. 

"Where are we heading? "

"To meet with this red haired demoness! "


"This is around the area where we encountered her, Master. "

"There are Imperial guards everywhere… Slipping past them won't be easy. "

"Do you think the red haired might have skipped town after that stunt earlier? "

"No… if anything, I think she'll be right in plain sight judging by her level of power and expertise. "

"Where do we go from here? "

"She may be all powerful, but, she is still human. She and her partner may be staying at a nearby inn. "

"I remember passing by one a few miles down the road near the coast of the city. "

"Hmm… let's check it and rule it out. "


Stopping above a low building, I watched from across the rooftop at the two story inn. Looking with a careful eye, I spotted two red crimson swords leaning against the wall from through a window. Recalling what the red haired woman had on her waist, I was certain I found them. 


"Are you certain they are still even here? "

"I'm positive, Master. She wouldn't be the type be startled at our presence. "

Dropping down and walking towards the inn, Master paid for a room as we headed upstairs. Stopping in front of the door, he turned to me and nodded as he knocked. 

["I already told you! Put on your pajamas! Stop-Hey… W-Wait… don't come any closer like that… "] 

Opening the door, I instinctively blushed as the two were on top of each other as they were barely dressed. 


"Again… Apologies for the misunderstanding my subordinate caused you two earlier. I apologize on their behalf. "

"Huh… she's just a kid. But that other man, he took the full brim of my arm pretty well. "

Gritting my teeth and clenching my fists, I sat still as I tried to hide my dislike for what she did. 

"So… what brings you all the way here? "

"Right… If I may, I would like to talk with your-" In an instant, the room became heavy as I raised my head and jumped in front of Master as my legs shook from the overwhelming bloodlust coming from the woman

"You best choose your next words carefully-"As if by some flip of a switch, the air became normal again as the other woman took a seat beside the red haired demoness. "Well… he says it's fine. Talk. "

Nodding as Master cleared his throat, I took a seat beside him again as I couldn't stop myself from trembling. 

"Hmm… Well. I served under the previous King of Hana for many years. It was all for the sole purpose of finding and reuniting with my long lost cousin… Yuki. "

Dropping his cup of tea, the gorgeous mans face swelled with tears as he moved closer to Master. 

"I-Is that really You, Prince Yuki…? " Holding Masters hands, they both ended up in tears as the white haired boy nodded with such a radiant smile. 


"So, what are you guys going to do now? "

"I always thought my cousin needed saving, but, I want to entrust his safety to you, Lady Genja. Your strength and prowess make the best mobile fortress for his highness to travel around safely. Of course, you shall also have access and support from my clan as well as my protection for food and expenses. "

"Hah! Now that's cause for celebrating. But, I think this is where my part in all this ends. "

"Uh… what do you mean by that, Lady Genja? "

"I'm saying, now that you are here. You can take Gen-... Sorry Yuki, back home with you guys. "

"Well… yes, but-"

"But, nothing! I've got business I have to take care of back in my homeland. It'll probably take months, a year at most to complete. "

"Are you sure?! We can offer to pay yo-... Prince Yuki. " As he nodded, I sat, wary of the woman as my nerves have calmed down some. 

"Don't be sorry, It was just a stupidly incredible coincidence I met Yuki that day… We both knew this was never going to last. He knows that better than anyone. "

"Prince Yuki… you-" Gasping as the gorgeous man smiled with a tear falling down his cheek. "If you are set on leaving. At least allow us to prepare all that you need for your journey. "

"That would be appreciated… but no teary goodbyes. Deal? "

"Yes, Lady Genja. "Bowing his head, I then followed Masters lead as Master thanked the demoness for taking care of Yuki for all this time. 

"Huh… That's really not necessary. "

As she picked up her things, she nodded and got one last teary hug from Yuki as she then smiled and hugged him back. 

"I'm gonna miss you… You know that right, idiot. "

Bossing in her shoulder, they parted ways as she finally left. Exhausting a huge sigh of relief, I collapsed onto the floor as her presence was insane to be around. Looking over to Yuki, I was simply amazed he could handle being around her without worrying about the deathly crazy aura that hung around her. 

Regardless of the outcome, I promised myself that in a full year from now, I would get stupidity stronger and have a one-in-one rematch with that demoness. For myself and to avenge Fray for taking the hit when it was mine to bear. In all, I would strive for the year to come and train myself to becoming the best ninja I can be. 


New cover image got me cringing... Hmm. But, at least I now have something to keep my heart settled as I plan on adding more to the story.

Updates will vary at my usual time frame. I write late into the night so, if I mess up somewhere, bare with me, please.

Also, if you've read this far. Thanks and such for simply opening my book-ish.

Snow_Luxcreators' thoughts