
My what left where?


Basen- Cousin of the Prince


"My Lord…! Our Imperial Bothers have blocked off the bridge leading to Elise. " As my loyal retainer crouched to deliver this dire news, I slammed my fist onto the table with a hard pressed gaze. 

"Pull back our forces… I don't want to see any of our brothers bloodshed over my idiot of an uncle's decision.  "

"Right away, My Lord! " Setting my arms against the large table as I stared at the same large map of our country's land. 

"Relia… " 

"Sir?! " Crouching before me, I raised my head and have his am order to divide our main army to the East of the bridge. "Consider it done. "

As he left, I pushed forward two wooden pieces from the war table and examined a new set of options. Gritting my teeth as my frustration reached a new high as I wanted nothing more than to see my dear cousins face. 

"My Lord! It's an ambush! " 

"What?! "

"The Imperial Force has penetrated our defensive line! "

"All hands prepare for battle-" As eerie series of explosions from cannon fire quickly erupted alp around. "Move! Go, get to cover! "

Stepping out into the early lit sunrise, there I was surrounded by my own men as we stared at an army of at least twice our size along the tree line. Reaching for my sword and praying for the lives that had been lost, I shook with fear as well as excitement as we marched into battle as one. 


After the long and grueling battle, only a handful out of the hundred men under my command, managed to break through the line of our enemies. I had received a battle wound beside my chest. Many others were far worse than I was. 

"My Lord… What are your orders? " As one of my brave retainers crouched with half his face in rags, I closed my eyes as I smiled. 

"We no longer have the means to cross over to Elise… Instead. We'll take over this country from the very core… By taking my idiot uncle and shedding his blood. "

Multiple gaps as well as hardy chuckles sped to agreement as if anyone was crazy enough to dive into that hornets nest, it would be with people as crazy as the devils in legend themselves. 

"We rest until the second full moon… Have your affairs in order should I welcome you to share my fate. " Standing up, I held on the pain as I drew my sword and one after the other, my comrades followed my lead. "To start a revolution of my volition, I, Benton Hureko, vow to topple this country and its ruler under my own selfish goals… Worry not, dear cousin, I'll soon find you and kill those who wish you harm with my own hand. "


As a full month went by, more than half my remaining force was up for battle as I decided to divide much army into two. My main force would sneak inside the Palace as my second army creates as diversion elsewhere in the town. 

"The Palace guards are moving… Send word to Master. We are ready to begin his word. " 

As I waited for my retainer to reach me, he reported in and I nodded while starting the operation. 

Moving along quietly and without a sound, we knocked out the guards at the Royal palace doors and snuck inside. Walking around the screen, I held my hand over my sword as my men kept a watchful eye outside. Seeing the dark outline of my uncle, I stopped and twisted as a blue gliding blade was thrusted into the air. 

Breaking my stance, I remained still as two beautiful set of eyes glared at me behind a dark mask. Looking at the King I'm the corner of my eye, she made the first move. Though her fighting style was rigid and that of a novice, I quickly disarmed her and pinned her to the ground. Putting her head to my arm, I slammed my palm beside her head and knocked her unconscious. 

Setting her down gently, I tied her up and went on to continue my mission. 

"Agh… That stupid boy. If only he was a better general, I wouldn't have this mess on my hands-" Tilting his head as my blade touched his neck, he dropped his tea as I did not hesitate to cut him. "W-wait! P-please… take whatever you want… Money, treasure, take the women?! "

"You disgust me old man… "

"T-that voice… Lord Benton! "

"You held my dear cousins life locked in the palm of your hand… I will not tolerate such ignorance. "

"C-cousin?! "

"Yes… My mother's name is Kenja of the Eastern Sky clan… the clan you all but wiped out and murdered in cold blood to satisfy your greed. "

"K-Kenja… my wife's younger sister… she had a son-Benton! "

"Hmm! " Sliding my blade into the air, he fell forward as I put my blade away. 

"My Lord-" As one of my retainers walked in and saw the deceased King, he gulped and reported in. "The Royal guards have returned. "

Nodding, I reached into my vest and pinned the insignia of me and my cousins original clan of a swirling crimson Phoenix onto the chest of the fallen King. This was my plan and this was where I now made my stand against the world. 

Rushing out, I stopped passed the unconscious female ninja and picked her up as I took her along with me for some answers. Otherwise, she would be executed for failing to protect the King with her life. 

["Aghhhh! Your Majesty! "] As the commotion started, we stood above the wall as the Royal palace guards rushed and collapsed as news of the Kings death reached the entire town by sunrise. 

"My Lord! Its as you said! The guards at the bridge have all but left their posts. "

"Then there is nothing left for us here… "

"Master… Why must we take one of the idiot Kings when she is a threat. "

"Relax… She failed in her mission to protect her Master. She won't do anything that would defile her clansmen pride. Set her loose. "

"My Lord-" As she was hesitantly set free, I stood and turned as she abruptly held a hidden dagger to my throat. "My lord! "

Raising my hand, I stopped them as she spoke. 

"You destroyed my life and my clans reputation… You should be the one laying dead in that palace. "

"What will you do now… I'm sure your clans elders have dispatched their entire force until they can confirm you are dead. "

"You have a lot of nerve for a man who confronts threats like child's play… "

"And you look and sound as beautiful as any female foot soldier I've met. " Smiling as she blushed at my remark, she closed her eyes and stood firm. 

"You have killed me once already… As my wounded pride wills it, you will take responsibility for my life as my new Master. "

"R-responsibility?! Master?! " As she crouched to offer her allegiance, I extended my hand and picked her up. 

"You and I will share no such relationship. "Raising her gaze, she stood and demanded I become her new Master. "Ugh… Very well, then as your new Master. I hereby set you free from service. You may take your life or live… You are now responsible for your own future. "

Walking past her, I began leaving for the bridge as my men followed close behind. 

"My Lord… The Female warrior is following our group. "

"Is she… hmm. I'll never know the complexity of a woman's mind. Very well, send her here. "

"Yes, My Lord. "


"You have gain a sort of freedom most to any ninja can ever hope to get. "

"Become my Master. "

"I already told yo-" Blocking her thrust with the hilt of my blade, the air spun as she met my smiling gaze. 

"I knew it… you were holding back at the palace. If you wanted to kill me, you wouldn't have spared my fate. "

"True enough… I felt your skills and determined you are just an ordinary foot soldier. I'm a general, our match in skill is far apart than the world itself. "

"Then teach me… Please, I beg of you. Become my Master and train me. " As she slid off her mask, my men gasped as a natural beauty with jet black hair met my gaze. 

"You are certainly beautiful… However, I won't fall prey to my lust. "

"Most men turn a blind eye to entire nations for a taste… yet, you horde behind an empty crest. "

"Empty, maybe so… However, I have more pressing matters to attend to. "

Drawing her blade, she offered it as I turned my back. 

"If you are half the man I think you are, you would accept being my Master! "

"Insults will not work on me… I would rather sever my pride and work the dirtiest of tactics to fulfill my goals… You are of pride and judging alone, nobility it would seem. "

"Hmm! Why can't you just be my Master! Agh! " 

"Sho-hmm! " Striking in an unexpected area, my legs gave out as it took a single blow for her to defeat me. 

"Oh! " My men as cried in pain as they all instantly bend forward. 

"You are the first Master to ever refuse me after I showed you my true face… I've taken a liking to you and as long as you draw breath, I'll serve under you for as long as I live. "

"Holy… gah! Ah-hmm! "

"So… where are we heading? I'm starving! "Her personality suddenly changed into that of a spoiled princess as my pain had amounted to gaining this storm of a woman. 


"Where are we heading, Master. "

"Tsk! You'll know when we get there. "

"Are you still feeling a little draft… or did you misplace your masculinity back at the bridge? "

"My what, where? Ugh… I've picked the worst female ninja of history. "

"Mmm! You ruined my life. Take responsibility! "

"Ugh… " 

("Dear Cousin, I have made an irreversible mistake. Please pray for us and remain in fates safe embrace… Your loyal cousin-") 

"Do you have to leak the beak?! "

"Even my thoughts, I can't get any peace. "

As we rode onto Elise where it was last reported my cousin was taken along with that brilliant criminal, I hope to find him before anything happens. 

"Be it peasant or king, I'll destroy any who get in my way of reuniting with you… My dear cousin… Yuki. "
