
Eternal- God level System

[Ding , Eternal- God level System Activating.......... ] . [Ding , Eternal- God level System Bound to host ] As the sun unveils its morning radiance, a soft whisper permeates Suraj's thoughts, yet he dismisses it. Before him, a commanding presence takes form—his mother. In a tale defying the ordinary, Suraj undergoes a peculiar rebirth, regressing from an 89-year-old man to a mere two-year-old child."

Antaraal · Huyền huyễn
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Cultivation realm

Foundation Realm:

Description: The starting point for cultivators, where they lay the foundation for their cultivation journey. It involves refining the body, improving physical strength, and cultivating basic energy.

Qi Gathering Realm:

Description: Cultivators focus on gathering and refining spiritual energy (qi) from their surroundings. This energy is then stored in their dantian (energy center).

Foundation Establishment Realm:

Description: Cultivators solidify their foundation, refining and strengthening their qi. This stage often involves breakthroughs and mastering more advanced techniques.

Core Formation Realm:

Description: Cultivators form a spiritual core within their dantian, a crucial step in unlocking more profound power. This stage often introduces unique abilities or powers.


Nascent Soul Realm:

Description: Cultivators transcend the physical realm, cultivating a nascent soul. This stage marks a significant leap in power and often involves spiritual insights.

Divine Transformation Realm:

Description: Cultivators undergo a divine transformation, transcending mortal limitations. This stage may involve merging with the heavens and unlocking god-like abilities.

Worldly Ascension Realm:

Description: Cultivators reach a level where they can influence and manipulate the world around them. They may become connected with the elements or even control aspects of nature.

Cosmic Unity Realm:

Description: Cultivators achieve unity with the cosmos, gaining insights into the fundamental laws of the universe. They may reach a state of enlightenment and become a force of balance.



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