
Essence of a Viking [Custom CYOA]

This is a fanfiction about the Vikings' television series. Just a harem and world invasion, conquest, and expansion story about Vikings and Norse culture. It is centered on someone in the body of Rollo, who possesses an Essence power. Read if you're interested. The Essence leads into the multiverse by virtue of its annexation of territory. I'm terrible at writing sex scenes and don't want to devote too much time to them, so the majority of them will never make it past the first half of a chapter. Sometimes just a few paragraphs. The main character has the ability to improve his physical beauty and that of women he has slept with, so if you don't like this type of madness, don't read.

daoistgingerale · Ti vi
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27 Chs


"What are your intentions for me??"

Looking quite nervous and scared, Siggy asked Rollo.

Her shaking was exposing her fear, despite her best efforts to hide it.

Rollo had taken no trouble to explain to her how he could teleport or why he had kidnapped her.

That was not important to him.

If not the how, Siggy was undoubtedly intelligent enough to figure out why. 

"You will have to stay with me because I really don't know what to do with you, and I can't let you go back home."

Why not use Siggy, Rollo reasoned, he needed a slave, a woman to look after him and things.

She couldn't escape very far anyway, even if she felt like planning to flee.

"What? Are you making fun of me? A slave?? That is completely out of the question! What are you taking me for?"

"Do you really dare to have such thoughts about me and my body?? My husband is an Earl!"

"He will kill you when he seizes you!"

Regarding her body, she misinterpreted…

Slaves really did that.

Female slaves especially…

Rollo didn't bother correcting or listening to her pointless ranting and empty threats; instead, he told her, 

"This is a good solution for both of us for the time being… You've seen what I can do and how I move around, woman."

"Obey my commands obediently, and don't even bother to reveal your identity to people, or I will be the one killing your husband and making you and your daughter widowed, orphaned and poverty-stricken…

"Do not think I can't do it. I may appear gentle, but there is nothing in this world that I would not allow myself to do."

Rollo came to a decision after listening to Siggy right now.

The opportunity to marry Thyri reminded him that this life was different, and things could go wrong.

Rollo didn't want Thyri to die in an accident that he couldn't predict and see coming.

He intended to seduce Thyri and take her away from Kattegat during that alleged wedding opportunity.

Dating her around town would be simple because it was what her father wanted.

As long as the people he cared about were removed from the town for safety, he didn't give a damn about its mess.

After the trip to England, he would consider what to do about Kattegat and the earl.

Though the earl was a despot, someone had to run the town and keep other tribes from encroaching on it.

Right now, Rollo couldn't find the motivation to handle all of those details, including how to set up the government, protect the town, and so forth.

It would be more fitting to consider those after Ragnar's initial westward raid was successful, and they gained even more notoriety, people's faith, and hope.


Siggy wanted to dispute Rollo's assertion, but as her face turned pale, she remembered how easily Rollo had teleported, which helped her to cool down and become more submissive.

She didn't want her foolish choice to keep being overly chatty to cost her husband his life.

She didn't want to get poor and helpless, to put it more precisely.

Rollo understood her well enough to figure out that the looming prospect of facing a lack of money, status, power, and influence was more frightening to her than the idea of becoming a widow.

She wasn't the kind to really respect her partner all that much if there was no practical benefit involved.

Love wasn't enough for her.

She was more realistic.

Love would not, if she lost her beloved partner, cause her to want to die or lose the scrumptious taste of life.

The woman, summed up, embodied the need of continuing to live life and trying to make the most of it.

She wasn't the sort of person to slit her wrists for a man.

"I believe you have finally made sense of the predicament you are in. Don't worry, I'll treat you well as long as you do what I say."

"This unusual arrangement between us is only temporary due to the uniqueness of the current situation. It's not my favorite, either."

Telling her as much, Rollo snatched her up once more and teleported her to a location where he could begin teaching her and providing her with instructions that would be helpful in the near future.


Rollo immediately returned to the Gotland inn after providing Siggy with shelter, food for the night, and a comfortable place to sleep.

He could track Siggy's whereabouts from afar and who she was communicating with, and he could detect potential problems, so he didn't worry.

There was even less need to fret about anything at all because he had strategically placed a few friends around her and her hideout.

Bugs and birds.

He didn't want to worry about Earl Haraldson tonight; he'd deal with it tomorrow.

Rollo would also appear in town as Siggy to alleviate his worries.

The old man would undoubtedly believe she was fleeing him and their marriage, but as long as he believed she was still alive, he would go about his business quietly. After some early noise.

The worst the earl could do was tell his people to go on a hunt for her, just like for Svein.

That evening, Rollo ate and bathed with Ingrid before they both headed off to bed.

He visited her house the next morning and had a face-to-face meeting with her brother.

Outside the house.

That was the young guy who had attempted to intimidate him yesterday and most likely to extort him of his coin.

For looking too handsome.

And probably vulnerable as well. To his blind eyes.

Rollo remembered his name clearly, Iorund.

"You are the man from yesterday... What are you doing at our family home? Do you have any business with my sister?"

Iorund glared and scowled as soon as he saw his Rollo, whom he had not had the opportunity to trouble yesterday due to his sister's pestering interference.

Rollo nodded casually, not upset about what had almost happened, and said, 

"Yes. I came to see her. Did she go to work?"

Iorund responded, 

"In all likelihood… What do you want with her?"

Rollo answered, 

"Your sister and I got to know each other yesterday. I just stopped by to see how she was doing."

Rollo did not tell the truth, which was that he wanted to tag along to meet Princess Aslaug.

"Got to know each other?" 

Iorund's scowl deepened, 

"You had an affair with my sister?"

Rollo smiled and nodded, 

"Yes, you can put it this way. Is it a concern?"

Iorund glared, saying, 

"It could be. If you're trying to take advantage of her. Follow me, I want to see what kind of man you are and if you are worthy."

He turned and led the way, and Rollo asked, 

"Follow you? Where?"

Iorund replied, 

"To the fields. Let us spar with swords."

"If you are not worthy of being my sister's man, you must abandon any bold plans you may have for her."

"She's bothersome and loudmouthed, but she's too good a woman to end up in the clutches of someone undeserving."

"If you all you own to your name is a charming face, there is no compelling argument for me to let her develop any kind of long-term fondness for you."


Rollo followed, amused, unaware that his steps were leading him to an open field where he could impress the woman he was looking for.

For the time being, he was surprised that Ingrid's rebellious brother, who was unemployed, appeared to be concerned about her future and happiness.

The young man also seemed to be self-assured in his sword-wielding abilities.

Rollo wasn't looking for soldiers, but if the kid had potential, he didn't mind adding him as a subordinate to the upcoming expedition to Lindisfarne.



Praise Odin, or whichever Norse god is in charge of writing.

My pen disease has not bothered me today.

Neither too short nor too long. I liked the word count, so I released the chapter.