
Vampire Academy

"That massive building is the vampire academy. Let's race and see who can fly better," Jane suggested in a solemn voice.

"Princess, are you perhaps angry?" Rudy asked with a judging look on his face.

"No, I am not! Hmph!" She averted her face to the side and said, "I will show you how fast I am."

'Well, maybe I will let her win to calm her down,' Rudy thought.

"Sure. Let's go."

Jane turned to Rudy and said, "Don't you dare let me win. Try your best, and I will try my best too."

"It's not like you would ever know if I am trying my best or not," Rudy responded with a short scoff and a shoulder shrug.

"Oh, I will know. I know what you are capable of and how fast you can fly," Jane stated. "If I catch you going easy on me, I will ban Mister Dick from visiting me."

"Now, that's something I can't allow." Rudy cracked his fingers and said, "Prepare to lose. Wait… what do I get if I win?"

He asked curiously.

"Mister Dick gets a free pass to visit me anytime, all the time…"