
The Promised Morning

The girls had just finished eating, and they were relaxing outside Reina's office.

"If the pool was filled, we could have taken a few dips," Jane said while glancing at the pools.

"Sorry, I had Rudy empty them not long ago. And I need to keep them like this overnight."

They had juice and soda cans in their hands, which they were drinking, but Maria wasn't, as she was worried about Ruby.

Suddenly, Rudy landed in front of them with Ruby in his arms and said, "Party without me, huh?"

As soon as Rudy let go of Ruby, she rushed to Maria and hugged her.

"Thank god you are alright!" Maria looked at Rudy and asked, "Where did you find her?"

"By the beach. She was crying her eyes out as though she had gotten lost and didn't know the way back," he chuckled.

"That's not true!" Ruby hissed.

"Why did you run away?" Maria asked Ruby.

"..." But Ruby didn't say anything in response.

"Don't worry, she won't run away again. We have made a deal."