
Punishment | Mercy | Order

"Ridiculous…." Rudy sighed.

He gazed at the one man he had spared and thought, 'Maybe I should have killed him too? Is it really a good idea to leave him alive? Well, we will see in the future.'

Rudy landed near the man and said, "Raise your head."


"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. You are the only one who embraced my mercy. You have earned yourself freedom and praise from none other than me."

Without raising his head, the man grabbed Rudy's leg and began groveling.

"Thank you!"

"Don't thank me yet." Rudy stepped back and raised the man's body in the air using telekinesis.

He wanted the man to look him in the eyes so he could command him.

"My mercy didn't come for free. I just freed you from a small cage and tossed you on a bigger one." Rudy wrapped his hand around the man's shoulder— like a friend would, and looked into the man's eyes before continuing, "What is your name?"

"My name doesn't matter for someone such as you!"