
Moving In

"So you guys are finally moving out, huh?" Rudy asked with a smile on his face.

"Yeah. Everything is finally sorted out, and we are ready to move," Joe answered.

Rudy glanced at Lucy and gently smiled at her, but Lucy turned her face to the side and glanced around the living room.


'Well, that's exactly how she was in my previous life too. At first, I thought she wasn't okay with the marriage. But when I found her getting along with mom and helping her out with everything, I thought maybe she was just treating me coldly.

I even thought she was an arrogant, spoiled brat, but it turned out she was just shy. It took her a few weeks to start talking to me. However, once we began to talk regularly, we became close like a real brother and sister; well, sometimes, at least.'

Rudy suddenly remembered something and couldn't hide his smirk. He took a deep breath and asked: