
Mother and Lover

It was Rudy's dream to live with his harem in one room, where he could watch them all and play with them all the time. But Rebecca's refusal came as a shock to him.

"What about Lucy and Joe? You haven't forgotten them, have you?"

"Well… they can stay here. Actually, we can take Lucy there, as well.'

"What about Joe?"

"Err… why don't you divorce him? I mean, you only married him because you saw him in the family photo. While Joe married you because he wanted Lucy to have a family. Now that everything is achieved, you no longer have to be married to him.

I know there is nothing between you two, and I am not jealous or anything, but I don't see any reason why you would want to stay married to him."

"If I divorce him… what makes you think Lucy will stay with us?"

"We can ask Joe to let her stay here. I am sure he wouldn't mind."

"Joe and I are legally married. If we divorce, Lucy's custody will go to Joe as he is her biological father."