

The satisfied look on Jane's face turned anxious after seeing Miu, and she separated herself from Rudy and turned round to rush to the girl.

Rudy was in the middle of humping, and he was close to ejaculating, but when Jane moved, he was left thrusting his hips in the air.

He furrowed his brows and pulled Jane back before plunging his snake back inside her cave from behind.

"Anh~! Hey~ No— wait~ Not now~ Miu is here~" Jane tried to move, but Rudy had grabbed her by her waist.

"It will only take a minute. I am close to cumming," Rudy said as he continued humping Jane and increased his speed so that Jane would moan even louder and show her orgasmic face.

"We can do it later~ Please~ I can't show this to her~"

"Why not?" Rudy raised Jane's head and pointed it at Miu. "Look. She seems to be enjoying the show."

"No~ I will hate you if you don't stop~"