
Mary and Reed

In the warm and inviting lounge of Rudy's castle, the joyful reunion unfolded like a heartwarming scene from a storybook. Rebecca, gently pulling Mary's cheek, couldn't contain her happiness. Her smile was as bright as the young girl's eyes.

"You can call me by my name, Mary," Rebecca suggested gently as she held Mary close.

However, Mary, with all the stubbornness of a child, climbed onto Rebecca's lap and declared, "But granny is granny."

Elena, always ready with a teasing remark, couldn't resist chiming in. "That's right, Mary. Granny is granny."

Mary then turned to Elena with a spark of recognition. "Elena is back!"

Elena played along, her tone light and playful. "Yeah. I was working hard to bring your grandmother here. She's really annoying, you know? Always making excuses to not come here. But I finally managed to convince her. She will now stay with us, forever. You should scold her for being so annoying."