
Lucy's Mother

After Lucy and Rudy separated, Lucy made an excuse and left. But her goal was to check who Rudy's friends were, with whom he had come to the water park. She wanted to check before her mother arrived to pick her up.

She hurried over to the reserved pool and saw Alice and Janet enjoying the pool. She was surprised, but relieved at the same time.

'So it's them….' she sighed.

When Janet noticed a stranger looking at them, she signaled Alice, and asked, "Excuse me, do you need something?"

Lucy ignored them and left the scene, seemingly not interested in interacting with them.


Lucy received a notification, and without even looking at it, she knew it was from her mother to inform her that she had arrived.

She went to the staff office and met with Rina, who was busy doing something on the computer.

"Hey Rina," Lucy greeted her after placing her hand on her shoulder.