
Laws and Orders of Rudy's Dynasty

"Do you remember that story?" Rias asked.

"I think I do. I vaguely remember that story and the question I always asked Grandma Nyxia."

"The Lord has prohibited us from entering the human world, so how could someone go against the Lord's word and let the other races go to the human world?"

That was the question Jane and Rias always asked her, but Nyxia never answered that question, except once.

"She said there was something stronger and greater than the Lord's existence. That entity is Overlord," Rias stated.

"Yes," Jane nodded. "But what does all that have to do with…?" Jane was confused, but she understood what Rias was trying to say.

"You don't mean…" Jane stopped on her words.

"Yes. Rudy… might be that entity… and he might be planning to bring an apocalypse to this world…"

"B-But why would he do that?!"