
Judgy Personality

Rebecca finished reading one file and moved it toward Eleanor.

"This one has no errors in it."

"Thanks. Now check the other one."


Rebecca let out a silent sigh and muttered, "I know that you know that I know that there is no error in this one either. So why do you put me through this torture?"

"Oh? I thought you liked working for me. Since you don't take the bonus and extra money I give you, and you like to earn them rightfully, I thought I should give you an opportunity to work for the money you earn."

"I see. So this is revenge for all those remarks I made."

"You may consider my silence as yes."

"Now that Rudy remembers everything, you changed your demeanor to how it was eighteen years ago," Rebecca commented, taking the file in her hands.

She read through a few pages and shot a quick glance at Eleanor to see what she was doing. Eleanor was busy doing something on her laptop.

"Are you checking the stock prices and shares?"

"Hmm." She nodded in response.