
Jessica Jeopardy

"As time passed, you began playing outside and making new friends. You met Eric, Erika, and Alice at pre-school and became close friends with them.

Then one day, you came home and asked who your father was… and I didn't know how to answer that. Obviously, I could tell you the truth— which you would later say to your friends— who would think you were a delusional person.

So I decided to lie to you and tell you about my father, who had apparently died in an accident according to the letter I had received soon after I adopted you.

I will skip most of the things and fast forward to the end, at how Jessica died. I already answered and said I don't know, and I truly don't know. But that's not what you think I am trying to say.

My memories of Jessica from before she died are missing. I don't know anything related to Jessica. One day… I just found myself in front of her newly made grave with a wallet in my hand with a family picture in it.