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"You may count the money if you want, but our bill counter is not working, so you will have to count them by hand," the man said. "I counted them with my hands, and that's why it took a while. Otherwise, you would have gotten your money when you won."

"There is no need for that. I trust the casino," he said with a gentle smile.

Even though Rudy said that he had already counted the money inside using his see-through ability and even confirmed their authenticity— when he was on his way to the counter from a distance.

"But I am surprised you gave the money so easily without even confirming everything. I am even wearing a different get-up."

"That's not the casino's responsibility. The money was linked to your casino pass, so anyone with that pass can claim the money. So in case you had lost the card, you would have lost the money too," he stated in a neutral tone.