

Rusher opened his eyes and realized his hands and legs were tied to something. Everything around him was dark, and he couldn't even see his own body. He felt like he was on the ground, but at the same time, he felt there was nothing beneath him.

He tried to speak but soon realized his mouth was also tapped. With no other choice left, he somehow managed to roll his way until he hit something hard and robust.

'Is this a wall?' he thought to himself.

He pushed himself against the wall and used it as a support to stand up. Then, he walked while rubbing his body against the wall so he could scan the place with his body.

Even after a few minutes of walking, Rusher didn't reach the end of the room. He soon realized that he was walking in a circle, and the room he was in was a round structure.

'Why is there no door?!'

Rusher left the wall and began walking aimlessly in the room, hoping to find something or a clue that could help him in that situation.