
Catching Up.

"...." - Virgil.

"...." - Jane.

"...." - Rudy.

Once everything had settled, Rias was taken to the royal dining hall as she was hungry. She hadn't eaten or drank anything for over three months— while her body was placed in a preserved state where it was constantly feeding and draining on magic— her stomach was still empty.

It had been one hour since then, and Rias was still eating. She had emptied over 30 plates, and she was nowhere near full.

Virgil, Jane, and Rudy had finished eating within ten minutes and had been waiting for Rias to finish. They didn't want to get up from their seat as it would have been rude to leave when someone was still eating.

Even the maids were troubled as they were running short on food, and if Rias kept eating at her rate, they would have to prepare a new lot.

"What's with these blood moon fruits?" Rias asked while drinking a blood moon milkshake and adding slices of the blood moon fruit into it.

"What about it?" Rudy asked.