

'Calm down, Rudy. Stop panicking! You didn't know anything about this because it was kept a secret from you! Yeah, so stop overthinking! But why did no one ever tell me about this? And who else knows about it?

Most importantly, why did this happen today of all times? Was it because I came to meet mom? Or was it because Janet's mom was sick and Janet came in her stead?

No, even if that's the case, why today? I meet Janet every day, so she could have told me… no, no. That's not possible. In truth, I know why it happened today, I just didn't want to admit it.

It happened today because I wished for it.'

'Only if she wasn't my mother.' Rudy recalled his words.

'Is it because I wished for it? But that was just a frustrating thought of mine. I wasn't serious about it. I had no idea my wishes even worked like that! Wait… could it be that my wish actually changed everything?