
Battle of Domains || Ultimate Domain

"Goodbye… brother."


Asura clapped his first two hands and uttered, "Domain… expansion."

The next moment, Rudy's entire body became larger than billions of universes combined— and Asura was covered in a space dimension he created.

It was similar to his space ball, but this time, Asura was also present inside.


Asura clapped again with the other two hands and uttered, "Domain… evolution."

Another layer of space dimension covered the first space dimension, forming zig-zag pattern rings around it. It seemed like a thorned cage surrounding the space domain.


Once again, Asura clapped his last two hands and uttered, "Ultimate… absolute… domain expansion."

The moment Asura uttered that, the zig-zag pattern rings' cage began coming like a mechanical machine. And each zig and zag created a tree— whose truck was made from light and space, and the crown, including the branches and leaves, were made from stars and galaxies.